Jacie, if thcre werc iwo such Bhaskaras wilh falhcr having ihe same name and iwo works WflftrgtćT and widK . Furlher commcnl is needless.
Shri Saslry has sunilarly discusscd at grcat lenglh Ihe famous Aihole Inscriplion of Pulakcśin II, Calukya, and shown how ihc Iwo stanzas “GfolctJ
up lo can bc inlcrprclcd corrcelly only by
taking thc rclcrenec in ihc sccond stanza pcrlaining lo ihe Saka Era of 550 B.C. and nol lo Sali.Ś. and how ihe cxprcssion *n ihe second
linę of Ihe firsl slanza has bccn delibcralcly allcrcd lo so as
lo conform lo ihe Sali.Ś. rcckoning.
Finally, Shri Saslry refcrs lo ihe adinission of Shri V. Gopala Aiyer ihal Ihe 3i'-łr«ł>io musi be placcd a( Icasl 5 ccnlurics bcfore Christ, but then suggcsis thal ihe w+r+w in ihe famous vcrse of fsM in Kalhana’s Raja. musi bc a mislakc by Kalhana for which probably dcnolcd ihe passing away
of i.e., Evcn likc Wcbcr’s suggcslion mcntioncd carlier in ihe
casc of Bhargava, ihis suggcslion also dcscrvcs no bcllcr considcralion. Both disclosc a manilcslly perscvcring molivc and altcmpl to prcscrve and mainlain a parlicular thcory al any cost, whatcvcr ihe cvidcncc to ihe contrary.20a
Laslly, I wish lo point out ihat Mcgas/s Indika mcnlions Iwo namcs, viz. Mandanis and Kalynos, not oncc but a numbcr of limes.21 These Iwo have bccn mcntioncd as philosophcrs al ihe limę of Alex. Out of ihese, Kalynos is said lo havc burnt himself on a funcral pile and ihal the people saw him burnt.22 The rcfcrcnce lo Mandanis as a philosopher is clearcr still. If Sandra, can be philologieally cąuatcd wilh Candra., we have to explain Ihcsc Iwo namcs also, occurring in ihe work of ihe same aulhor.
I wish to rcler lo one morc point only. Prof. Umcsh has stated ihal Harisv8min in his coinmcntary on thc Satapatha Drahmana cxplicilly refcrs to PrabhS. who, according to Prof. Umcsh, is a contcmporary of Kum2. For determining the dale of Hari. hc quolcs one stanza2' firom his Dhasya saying thal hc complcted the same when 3740 ycars of thc Kali Age had clapscd i.e., in 638 A.D. Shri Udayavir Shastri has, howcvcr, pointed out thal Ihe stanza can bc inlcrprclcd in a dilTcrcnt way also, so as lo give 3047 years of thc Kali Age clapscd = 55 B.C. (3102 -3047 = 55B.C.). To delcrminc which of Ihe Iwo intcrprclations is corrccl, hc quolcs anolher stanza occurring at ihe beginning of his Błulsya24 which says thal hc was the Dharmidhyaksa in the kingdom of king Vikramarka, king of Ujjain. Shastri argues that we have no tracę of any king Vikramarka al Ujjain in 638 A.D. Obviously this is a relercnce lo Vikram3rka of Vikraina Saiiwal of 57 B.C. If now Hari belongs to thc lirst cen tury B.C., PrabhS. will have to be carlier—how much, it cannot be said.
Concluding Remarks The trealmcnt of the subjcct is not daimed to
be cxhaustive. '*he topie is vast and so is thc cvidcnce voIuminous. I have