lhough a pcrsonage of royal Family judging by the litle SrT, is not a sovereign (Damais 1952:29 n.6). Casparis (1950:1.83-86) gives a delailed excursus on the word. ŚrT is a tcchnical lenn to denote the ruling Family. Hulu means ‘head oF, chicF of (Zoctmuldcr). The two together connole the seniormost living member oF the royalty, the Queen Mother, as ils head, after the passing away oF the Father oF the King. To this day a Rajamalfi plays an imporlant role in the aFFairs oF her Formcr ‘Indian* siatę.


1913 Brandes, OJO. 5 ( Saka 769 = A. D. 847)

1913 Juynboll, OJO.233 ( Saka 710 = A. D. 788)

1930 Goris TBG.70.100 n.5 ( Saka 710 = A. D. 788)

1950 Casparis 1. 38-41, 105-07 ( Saka 746 = A. D. 824)

1952 Damais, BEFEO. 46.27 n.6 ( Saka 7(4) 6 = A. D. 824)

1971 Sarkar 1.64 - (Ibllows Casparis)

Script : Agrees with Ihc Barabudur scripl (Casparis 1950 :1:203).

The first stanza oF mańgalścarana reiers lo uttuńga - iailastha- suro, who is ihe central deity oF ihc Sumcru-like tempie complex. In Ihe Nispanna-yogayaUall the mandalas are on a kutagśra atop ihe Sumeru mounlain, as per the norm in Vajray3na. The Sailcndras Followcd Vajray<łna and hcnce the sura or main dcily musi have bccn in a tempie on a high hill or on an arlillcially crcalcd hillock, as oF the Barabudur. The deily is scatcd in the yajraparyańka posturę (maha-yajraparyańka-baddhah! Sarkar (1.73 n. 15) has misunderstood: “The use oF the word yajrasana, lcavcs the stamp oF MahSySna Buddhism, it slatcs lurther that yajrśsana is uttuńga - iailastha i.c., loeated on a lolly hill. The phrase Mofly hill * is obviously a synonym For Sailcndra. The uttuńga - śaila i.e., Sailcndra ihcrcFore supporled the


vajr$sana. “ The word uttuńga - śaila is not a synonym oF Sailcndra.

The expression atula in the second stanza alludes to the tradition oF yaipulya or morę correctly yaitulya (From \i-tula ‘incomparable’). The third ąuarter has akhila-bhaya-yyadhi-bhaisajyam ag ram, ‘prime mcdicine For all the ills oF saihsńra \ This compound has a bearing on the inlcrprctation oF ghananatha in st.ll. The Fourth linę should read: saddharmam yuktacittah (not yukli) pranamati. Sarkar translates: “the right thinking (yukti) people pay hoinage.“ The contcxt indicatcs that the King “pays homage to the noble Dhanna wilh a devotcd (yuktaj mind".

The third stanza speaks oF “the world overwhelmcd by endless sulTering oF hundreds oF births", and his devotion (bhakti). The third ąuarter is uncerlain and dcscrves to be re-rcad. Sarkar says the king “eąual on earth to Yama


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