

.ifrc.it I of fireY

Tliink of how tree feels

Tinsel and trees a volatiIe

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Safet* ftprrU %*y not rvei " fnodrro” tre^A and (Wora tiara are Cull> *afp.

Bv Pamela ReOly Siali Wrtler

”Daddy. daddv. this one'*’ said the smali błood hait/d giH The tree missed a heartbeat as the man looked it over.

"This ooe is fine," the man said to the salesman.

The tree lay thinking p« the statioo wagon bumped alorg the road. Ha mother had told him. ha was a grand fate. “to be a Chratmas tree " He would even take his roou bemg chopped off for tha grand advenłure After alf. wouldnt they pul him back and save him for next year?

The run and the w omen set him up in the living room on a stand with water in it. He took a long thirsty drink and watched as the coupłe and the smali child brought out boxes whiłe laughing and kidding each other

By Carl l>. Mayhew Stodent W riter

Chnstr.as trees and decorations are beautiful but can also be hazardous. say Carbondale assistant fire chiefs Evere»t Hushing and Hobert BigfC*

••|f ypu have a live tree. be surę it alwav<. has water. because a dry tree is a fire hazard." Rushing said "Never put eloctnc lights on a metal tree. becai*se they could sho*t out."

No ti «*e shouid be placed near a beat register heater. or fi rep lace Biggs said. ‘\vlake surę your Christmas iignts- ar.d anv electncai applianctrs łwar the CnHerwnters' Laboratories seal of a porw ał If you use ołd lights. tiapect them for frays and burnt btilh* "

Hushing said. "inside lights shouidn t be used outside Turn off all Christmas lights when no one 5 home *'

The he shivered as they wrapped wtre afUr wire of sharp pointed thmgs around him But "ooh” the round shiny cołored objects they wite putting on now were beautiful. Thei they wrapped white funny-shaped .ight rocks around him smelling of swnethtng he knew they cailed mint The child was eating as many of the long red and white stnped curved sticks as she was putting on.

When they were fir.ished. they put one of tłu wires in the wa'l. It was like a sur. *T*m a multi<oloreo earth star ” This was his hoor of glory. his grand fate

Then the man held «he child up as she put a golden star on the top of the tree Seeing the joy in the young child s face. the tree aImost cried to see so much happmess

In the days that foiłowed. the tree was łeft piugged in but was left a lane. "Ther«

Some pointers were also given for purchasing live trees. "A freshcut tree will have sap on the trunk butt." Biggs said "If needles faii off. it's an old tree Be surę the tree has a healthy scent and color.”

Other Christmas tranpings can be dangerous "Never bum your wrapping paper in the fireplace as this could ca use a flash fire." Hushing said 'Take wraps outside as soon as the presents are opened “

"Candles shouidn t be put in paper holders." Biggs said. "and never smake around decorations "

(>as powered toys shouid be used only with adult supervision at first. until the child understands their use "If you park a motorcycle under the tree. don t put any gas in it until its outside.” Kush.ng said

Estension cortfc sh«ild be checked for

has gnf to be morę." he said.

Then ooe moming the tree loofced around and he was surrounded by bright nbbon-covered nackages They reached past his Iow .%• branehes This. he thought. didnt add to his looks

Then out came the child xquealini{ with jov and he didn t feel so bad She npped ripen package after packagr a> the parents łooked on smiling "How can they smile when she is bemg so destructive?" the tree asked. Soon u was all over and they left him for th« rest of tłw dav

The next day they took off a!l the decorations. bot the child was not therr The man carned him outside and laid him on the ground

"No’.v I wili go home.” the tree lhough' But suddenly he smelled th<-dreaded fire. "Fire. oh no!” Fire...


proper vołtage before use "If a cord i<-wrarm. it means its about to werload. Biggs said

Finał pomters: use short stocking> above a fireplace Dont rely on fireproofed or flocked trees to protec! you from fire

Hushing added. "No rpore than three •eta of lights shouid be used per exter»ion cord and don t let the kid*. play with cords or lights.”

F i rep lace* are a source of warmth and heat. but shouid be used carefulły "Be surę your fłue is open when starting a fire. and ałways use a metal serem ir. front of it!” Biggs said.

Tnmming the tree is much safer i.‘ unbreakable decorations are used "Tiiweł shouid be madę of imleadeo materiał." Hushing instructed "Dor ? bu> otnamentswhich resemble canrt\ food. or a cb;ld may try to eat them

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tris/ies yf.// a •'łfa/i/i•yffj/if/aif !/ea±f*n

Speciol Christmas Hours

Thurs. 9 30 o.m.-8 30 p m Sun. I 00 p.m-5:00 p.m Opon EwrycfoK from Dsr. lath-J3rd 9:30 o.m.-8:30 p.m.

Christmas Iwo 12 noon 4:00 p.m.

(Seo odvertisement on poge 25}

901 S. Illinois    Corbondole


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Flooso phone our s«cvicw stoH for on oppointmanf

w#'ll Bo Happy To Sonro Tdul

?ogr 106 Daily Egyptron. Owc«nvb«r 7. 1978


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