ussians stress ecking the halls

Come In - Let Us Dernonsłrate

i\ Donna Kankel aff Hrtter

Unlike che peopie of the United States, issians do not celebra tę Christ mas bul >tead place greater emphasi* on 1 ecking the halls" fcr the coming New •*ar

r.iere are three basie ingredients to

*    mortern holidr- season in Hussia. «eph Kupcek. p.^essor of Russian od while sitting in his smali Kaner fice decorated with tnnkets and books •no the Soviet Union. Grandfather rosi. much Itke Santa C.aus. the nnwmaidm ar.d a New Year's tree are ie three symtx,<s of the Russian holi da v i-lehration

Years ago. hefjre the Kevoluhon in kiissia. World War I and the sclatorshtp of Joseph Stalin, the ..\iets. too. celebrated Christmas Kupcek said They used to wish eacł mer -willi the birth ot Christ" which .e.ins "Merry Christmas." he said irishan symhols and religii us song* .tiJ to be parł of the iestivili--s. but no do the young peopie honor these -> eis. hr said łluwwer. smne of the .1 . illagers still praise the birth of

*    r.st he added

ł.rjndfa»her Krost comes »o Hussia r »’>i Siberia and is about liki ears old ł.nngs gifts to the childreo on New i.-.ir s Kve. Unlike Santa, (irandfather h'k| is scen in a var*ety of cl dhing He »*\irs a suit of blue. one nf red or one of *v;e. Kupcek. a native of /•i kusknakia said Onginating from •łk tałes. the New Year s visitor is n riner than our round. Joily Santa. \» t ording to Kupcek. he ha« nnthing to in *ith Christmas bu! inslead is a ;• r-unification of the Winter cołd >,rjndfather Krost comes only to r-.iłdren but adults do buy each other ».:M> .«nd have a celebrauon all their own

on New Year's Day. the Rumian professor was quick to add The ,»ifts given. however. are not lavish likt some in the United States, and ar« not omately wrapped. he said Heipmg Grandfather Krost with the distribution of presents it the Snowmaiden. Kupcek said she is also from o.i old folk lale The story of ber

coming into being i» that once. a łona time ago. an old cnilJless couple wanted a ch.ld of their own So they carved a young beautiful girl from the snów. but much to their sadness w hen the warm weather came. siie melted away and was gooe. She now appears to other chtldren as the Snowmaiden

The New Year s tree a part of the day celebration. was introduced in Hussia by Pe»er the (ireat. a czar A tree usually appears in every home. in Stores, m cluhs and in pubhc squares. Kupcek said

Many of the decorations on the trees are edible Kupcek >aid These are accompanied hy smali to> animaLs. Iighted cannles ard homemade ornaments Accordiiig to Kupcek. the trees in the squates are topped with t7e Sovietred star instead of me representing the s'ar of Bethlehem

Kestivities continue throughuut New Year s Day with children going door-to door. smging song* reciting poetry and eating candy and cookies given to them by the sillagers

New Year s Day rs the “brighlest" day of *he year for the adults. Kupcek said with . C"*l* It is the utmast of parlies. ltke Thanksgiving and Christmas rolled into one and their favonte thmg to do is eat. Kupcek added.

Gifts are not nearly as important as the winę. the rhampagne and the vodka.

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