Campus folk scattering to all points of cotnpass

B*. Annr l.awlor Student \Nriler

With the .tpproachi.ig Christmas hoiidays. along comes a much needed fnurw «fk break for the entire Sil* oommunity

Chri>tinas break officially begins Dec Ifi and studenta and faculty will be headmg out et Carbondale in all four directions

According to Yicki Hutti. vice president and generał marwger ot Thumk-rbird Travel Agency. it is almost impoosible to get a reservation now f«>r ihe comtng hoiidays.

Hutti said she has had many bookings f(.r tnp« to Meuco, and Hawan. She aaded ihat it woułd be tmpns&ibfe to get a rt*ervation at a hotel m the** resort areas at thi* time

"Studenta are most Kr mterested in ski packagea to Colorado.'* Hutti commented

According to Hutti. the (aculty's tracehng interests he mainly in Europę, especially London

* All ofthese reserwaiions were madę far in advance and thjs cuts a lot ot traveling costs.'' Hutti added.

Vicki Beckman. manager ot B and A Travel Agency. said that people are traceling to ańy place warm this year.

Beckman said she has seceral people booked for tnps to Arizona over the hoiidays

"Anzona has a perfect climate this timenfyear The temperaturę i* usually hetweeń »> and 85 degrees.” Beckman commented

NAhiłe warm weather wurshippers will he soaking r > the sun. 82 stuik*n»s will he praying fo' mow in Bmk»nri<i.e. Colo

The Student <tov- mment Acticitiea Cmnmittee ts sponsoring a ski tnp to Breckinridge frnm Jan. 6 to 1 3. The «ost of the tnp is $141. whtch mclude* «even nights of lodgmg and lift tickets, not to mention Iwo parties.

"All 82 spaces are filled and there are \^ people on the waiting Ust,” said Mary Jo mer secretary to Ihe coordmator ot Student A*tivities

Kor ine ad\enlurous students. the 1'ncterway Program at the Tuuch of Naturę Environn ental Center is offermg tliree wildemess camping trips.

Kor $H6 yoo can attend the Ozark Wilderness Leadership Seminar, włach » sthedułed for Dec. 15 to 21.

Ten lucky people will explore Big Bend National Park in Texas on another Inderway tnp. Cosi of the tnp is $160 and » scheduled for Dec. 27 to Jan 5

A smali exploration group will be making its way down the Kionda Kvergłades between Jan. 1 to U.

Thecost of the Everglades Wilderoess Waterway trip is $259.

According to Mark Cosgrove. program director for the I nderway Program, there are stilł opemngs on each of the trips

The SIU Alumni Association is offrnng alumni and fnends a wmler getaway cruise for eight days in the CanLiean.

Thecnuse. which is scheduled for Jan. 6 to 13 co&ts between $*2S and $*95 depending on individuai cabin arrangements

Barb l^ehens Alumn News editor. reported all of the opemngs on the cruise have been filled sińce it was first adv'.*rtised m Sep tern ber




G^° -oS9

New Year preparations empliasized by Russians

huprek said The emphasis of the w hole holiday is on merry making Kor dinner. Russians might have soch delig.Vs as goow w uh apples or roast chicken t«*pp«*d off with a rich dessert and tea or coffec if the family can afford it. he said It is a custom ir Kussia to have many toastsat the labie dunng the New Vear*s dinner which lasts into the wee hours ot the morning When midntght comes and the bells of Savior s Tower ir. Moscow chime. everyane clinks their glasses filled with hquor and wishes everyone around them "Happy New Year.” he said Then. the celebration is completed withalotof singing and dancing. "There is just noend to the party." the profe&sor of Kussian admitted Kemembenng childhood days and the celebration of Christmas in Czeckoslovakia. Kupcek said Santa Claus Day is honored on Dec 6 and the birth of Christ on Dec 25 Smali gifts are left m socks on Santa Claus Day with larger gifts on

Christmas Kve Christmas Eve dinnrr Is celrbrsted '.nth waffles and honey. saurrkraut soup with poached eggs and chicken. Kupcek said

New Year s Day there is not so eiatiorate as in Kussia. but they do celehrate w ith another large meal. ca-d playing and greetmgs Kupcek remem nered

Looking back. he remem be red younger Christm.s spent with candle lit trees. carois and midmght mass bononng the b«rth of the Chnst-child


NEW YORK « AP• - (iasoline Matiuns nperated bv ind^p*v*er*s are on ihe increase rutiorwtor according (o National Petroleum News

Independent; are co npames whose names and signs are unfamiliar to runy motomts. and they generally charge less for their gav>iine

■f-f + 4-f 4-f +-f-f-f

Good Łuck with your Finals and we hope you have the best Holiday Season ever.


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