6. Measures against Youth Unemployment
Ali subsidy measures for procuring jobs for young people aim at securing them long-term unemployment*
The Austrian labour market policy mainly consists of three kinds of intermediary subsidizatlon in the field of private enterprise. In any case the amount of the subsidy must not exceed a maximum of seventy percent of wagę costs.
Within the "company hiring subsidization plan" the' potential employer r6ceives subsidies of the wagę costs* This aims at encouraging employers to create additional jobs for young people or to hire young people for jobs becoming vacant even if they are less ąualified than other workers.
These hiring subsidies are very often connected with training support. If a company is prepared to instruct unąualified youth it may obtain a refund during the training from the Labour Market Administration*
These subsidies may apply to the initial acąuisition of qualifications if the young person has no professional training as well as to youth with professional training but no experience. As a rule the hiring company is granted a training subsidy after presenting a corresponding training schedule which shows the reason for the measures, the necessary time, the contents of the programme and the expenditures.