(11) Morę in generał, t.he whole of agreelng oount. r1ea shonl d p r o m o t. e a 'fair' degren of noapetl 1.1 v e n e a a w 1 t. h r e s p e o t. to t.he rest. of t.he world, meanlng hy t.hla t.he fant. t.hat t.he ahlllt.y to shonld not he haaed, aa 11. t.ends to he preaent. ly, on t.he eros łon of la ho u r at.andards and on t.he coapr ess 1 on of wagea , hut. rat.her on systemie efflclency, on t.he max1mum exp 1 o 1 t.a 1.1 on of Intel 1 igence and oult.ure, on well planned 1 n d o a t. r 1 a 1 ooordlnat. 1on polldea a 1 m 1 n g at. t.he łon of t.he r.oapleaentarl t.les and stnergles which appear t.o he po tent lal 1y ava1 labie wlt.hln t.he European area.
(12) T h 1 a requ1rea t.o devot.e t.he aaKlana of effort.a In f a v o u r
of educatlnn and reaearch, whi le deeply revia1ng t.he preaent. ly preva1ling t. endendes favourahle t.o low-proflle t.ralning polldea. Su oh polldea, 1n faot., whlle posslhly ef fftct.1 ve In t.he ahort. run, not. only reduce employment. hut. cont.rlhutft t.o make t.he s y s t e m . a o r a r1g1d, sińce t.he
t. endennlea towar da cont.lnuoua 1 n no va tlona t.end t.o make any
spedfic aklll rapidly ohaolete. Educatlon, on t.he contrary, t.end a t.o make t.he labo u r foroe pot.ent. taiły morę flex1ble and t.o m o 1 d t.he soclal env1ronment. In a u oh a way aa t.o hecouie
«ore creat.1 ve and ready to aooept. tnnova tlona and t.helr
frult.a. Thla doea not. Inply aklpptng t.ralning aot.1v1t.iea, hut. rat.her avo1d1ng t.o ove.rst.reas t.helr role and Import.anoe, shlftlng reaouroea from t.ralning t.o generał and higher educat.lon, maklng t.ralning v 1 o a r 1 o u a t.o educatlon .
(13) Many of t.he prev1oua poi Icy auggeat.lona requ1re a real leap In t.he qual1t.y of pnhllo act.lon and, t.herefore, In 1 nt.e 1 1 1 genoe and oult.ure of puhllc adm 1 n 1 at.ra11 on . Many of t.he auggeat.lona Imply alao a wldenlngof 1nt.ervent. 1on. Should t.he ext.enaion of t.he t. radl tlonal aphere of 1nt.ervent.ion and t.he q u ality of puhllc adilnlstration remaln aa t.hey preaent. ly are, t.he emergence of a n e g a 1.1 v e att.1t.ndfi t.owarda t.he propoaed meaaurea among ordlnary people, mass media and poi It.iclans , won Id he llkely t.o on o nr. Thia la why t.he whole of t.he propoaed meaaurea have not. only t.o he aooompan i ed hy, hut. rely on, a profonnd rev1aion of t.he phllnaophy of puhllc act.lon. The rangę of direot 1 nterven1.1 ons a ho u ld narrow, whlle t.hat. of regulat. 1on ahould wlden; t.he ahould direot. ly do leaa t.hlnga and heoome morę oapahle t.o order t.o do t.hinga t. o t.hlrd part. i e a and t.o o on t. roi t.hat. t.hey properly and t.lmely oomply t.o auoh ordera; In ahort., thua, leaa 'dolng', and morę 'regulat. Ing and controlling'.
Tn t.he fi rat. t.wo seot.lona of t.he we have prov1ded a aynthet. 1c and oondenaed expoa1t.1on of t.he haśle ot. u rai oharflcterlstloR of our auggeat.ed guldellnea. Tn t.he followlng onea we ahall reoonslder nost of theae auggeat.lona in a morę detal 1 ed way and in a morę re1axed style. We hope t.hat. aome 1nev1t.ahle r epet. 11.1 ona he oompensat.ed hy
understand 1ng.