CHAPTF.R T V 59 8 6 2 3 0
In t.he economy essentlal ly represent dl st.urhances whlch, as auch, negat.1vely affect. otbarwlsa rat.ional .(and sat.isfactory)
■ arkfit parforaancRS . Tt woulri thus he polnt.less - 1f not count.erproriuot.1ve - to t.ry to the rat.e of unemployment. t.hat t.he Hiarket. has estahllshed as 1 natura 1* t.hrough macro-pollcies; 1n fant f their result. will not be a lower
unemployment. rat.e but., for example, only a higher Inflat. lon
rat.e. Keynes 1an macro-pol Inles have not. been successful benause t.hey have falleri to correct ly unrierst. anri behav1ours at. t.he m1oro-level anri, hence, how t.he p r 1 v a t. e sec tor
responris t.o t.he st.imull whlch nowe from t.he. government.
• *
O u r st.anri 1 s t.hat t.rarilt.lonal iacro-pol Idea have 1 ly falleri t.o cope wlt.h Micro aspect.s In a sat. 1s facto ry way but. In a sense whlch 1s qu1t.e t.he opposlt.e of t.he one just. recalleri above. The exp1anat.1on of t.he fallure of t.rarilt.lonal nacro-pol Inles is not. to be founri In t.he fant t.hat. t.hey
represent. rilsturbances of rat.ional hehav1ours at t.he »lcro
level. Tf t.hey have falleri 1t. 1s hecause thny.b«Y*been
u na hle t o _ en a u r e t.hat. t.o the _iacro 1mpu 1 s es en g e nrier eri
frs__« t_ the_ » i ero Jeye 1 • T n
ot.her worris: 1s no t.hat. pr1vat.e hehav1ours are
ratlonal , 1 n * t. h e rat. her ri1 f farent sense t.hat. t.hey are su oh as t.o always proriuce sodally sat.1sfact.ory outenmes; t.he public sector has t.r1 eri t.o make up for t. h 1 s t.hrough It.s m a o r o -pollcles hut. has not succeerieri In Maki ng it. surę t.hat., at. t.he same 1.1 » e , pr1vat.e behaviours were consist.eut. anri coherent. wlt.h It.s ohject.1 ves anri go ais.
What. we have alreariy sairi ahout. t.he neeri t.o creat.e of a st.ahle anri permanent. expans1ve framework I s an example of what. we mean. Tt 1s not. sufflcient. t.o gena rat.e higher levels of aggregat.e riemanri t.o Inriuce firma t.o behave 1 n t. he 'rlght. way', t.hat 1s to say to expanri t.helr napad ty anri employment. However, t.o say t.hat. t.he overall riegree of
uncerta 1 nt.y has t.o be lowereri to have firma to 1nvest. 1s not.
enough. Tt 1s necessary t.o flnri ariequate ways t.o ach1eve t.hese ohjeot.ivfts anri, most. of all, t.he public sect.or mnst. take measures t.hat. reriuce t.he poss 1 b 1 1 1 1.1 es t.hat. t.he pr1vat.e sect.or (every component. of 11.) responris 1n 'perverse' ways.
Tn ot.her worris, what___j_a____£fiflH.lred_..■ftliJSMi.?.*!?
whj. ch_5.Ii ow___t h e p jj b iip________sector__to contro 1^_____m o n 1t o r a______a n ri
i .9 £ i 11 £ 9 £ 9. „ £ i £ _ P i i Y 9 £ 9 ___sec tor^sbehayiourj jnorriertojf orce1
it to ipii.ow t.he_____riesjreri strategie paths. Th 1 s can be
anh1everi by ariopt.lng expans1ve iacro-pol Inles whlch are assodat.eri t.o mlcro-polldes enahllng t.he sta te t.o act.ually effect. proper Controls over t.he pr1vat.e hehav1ours, In orrier to have t.he pr1vat.e sect.or t.o responri to t.he macro expans1ve st.imull In a consist.ent. way.
What. rioes t.hls mean in morę pract.lcal t.erms? Here we do not pretend to prov1rie full-flerigeri anri well detal 1 eri poił des, reariy to be Implement.eri by . Rut. we can out. linę some examples of poi Inles Insplreri to t.he neeri of creatl ng a cllmat.e of st.ahle expans1ve anri of hav1ng effident. anri effect. 1ve mechanlsms t.o eon troi market.'s responses.