In t. e r ra a of growt.h , efficlency, exports, Rtn. (2) The a e 1 e o t. i on of firn s aficorril ng .t.o thla nrl terlon won ld repreaent. a t.hat. p u blin ront. rant. 8 are • not
ent.erprises which, t.hanka to t.he prot.eot.1on of the pnhlln sector, are less dynamie and 1nnovat.1ve.
As to the rlak of engenderlng . 1neff1 ciency in t.he firma which prodnee for t.he pobiło aect.or, ot.her mechaniana co o ld be dev1aed; for Ina tance the government. mlght. draw contract.a only wlt.h a single firm (or poaaibly wlt.h a eon a ort. lun of firma) which, In t.urn, cno Id eon t. rac t. out t.o ot.hera. Tn a uch a way wonld he morę guaran t.eea t.hat. only
efflolent. and compet.1t. i ve firma are .involved 1n t. he proceas. Tn f a c t., 1t. la In t.he Int.ereat. of t.he firm which eon t. rac ta
out. t.hat. t.he ot.her firma are' ahle t.o aopply t.he demanded Inpnt.a or 1 med 1 a te goods at. the beat. ava1 labie terna In t.he market..
Tn any case, of course, t.he government. shoold carefully eon t. roi t.he q u ality of the finał- prodoct. In order t.o avoid t.hat. t.he fulflllment. of t.he cont.ract.nal f 1 nano 1 a 1 aapect.a 1 s not aoh1evftd by lowering the qua 1 1 1 ve st.andards of the
goods and aerv1cea aupplled. Tf any firm provea unable - or
unwllllng - to conform t.o - t.he eat.abllshed standard a, t.he government. should be empowered t.o break the cont.ract., even
t.hough auch a at.ep should be t.aken only In»e caaea. Normally, t.he relat. ionshlpa be twe en t.he publlc aect.or and the flrns ought. t.o be of auch a klnd t.hat any d e v 1 a 1.1 o n frora t.he
eat.abllshed terma of t.he cont.ract. and/or t.he agreement 1s
rapidly correct, ed. Thls , of course, Inplles t.hat. Controls, snperv1s1on, surveys, etc. do not. t.ake place only at t.he
finał st.age of t.he proceas but regnlarly durlng t.he whole proceas, when 1t. la eaaler, qnicker, and less expens1ve t.o get. 't.hings rlght.' t.hrough ad jus t.ment.s .
(2) Of course, many dlfferent. 1nd1cat.ora could be choaen. For example t.he ratę of growt.h of t.he va1ne added, t.he number of new joha creat.ed In the laat. year(a), and ao on.