CHAPTF.R 7 V 66 86230

lower cos ta of product. łon 1n t.he pr1vat.e sec tor and favour 1 ta growth , effidency and pr o f 1 t.ah 1 1 1 ty .

Tt reaalns certalnly t.rne t.hat. ot.her stat.e act.1v1t.1es and expend1t»rea are 1 nnproducti ve' , In t.hat. t.hey may 1mply a snht.ract.1on of resources from agenta whlch won Id nse t.hem to 1nnrea.se product. 1on, product 1 v1 t.y ,* and effidency. These ' ii np rodu et. f ve1 act.iv1t.ies may be neceasary and sodal ly nnavoidahle hut., neyer-t.hedess, t.hey represent. ' drawhacka from t.he economlc point of v1ew. Thiia , we arr1ve at considerlng t.he last. stand, t.he radical vision accordlng t.o whlch, in spite of t.heir belng un product 1 ve, stat.e act.1vit.ies and expendit.ures should he expanded as much as posslhle for sodal, polit.lcal, and h u mani t. arian reasons. Tf 1t. 1 s t.rne t.hat. t.he prlndple of sol i dar 1 ty it.self implies t.hat. t.he stat.e    has to    per form    fu net łona    of. t.his naturę,    1t. is also

t.rne t.hat. t.he    economlc    impact. of    t.he stat.e cannot    he for go t. ten

or overlooked wlt.hnut. producing slgnlflcant negative effects on t.he growt.h pot.en 1.1 a 1 11.1 es of t.he economlc system, whlch u 1 1.1 na t.e 1 y determlne t.he slze of t.he ' ple' to dl st.rl butę In t.he most equ1t.ahle posslhle way. Alt.hough t.he st.at.e cannot. avo1d t.o perform It.s ‘soda! dut.les' and t.o carry out. also unprodnct. 1ve act.iv1t.1es, a correct, and sat.1sfact.ory halance het.ween t.he t.wo aspects of    It.s 1nt.ervent.1on should he


Tt.    1 s from    t.his point, of v1ew    t.hat. we advocat.e    new forms of

st.at.e    1 n t.e r ven 1.1 on . Tt.    is not as    much a mat ter of    flnding out

new areas or new act.1v1t.1es as t.hat. of looking at. already ex1st.1ng act.1v1t.1es wlth a fresh at.t.lt.nde, hy paylng morę a t. tent. łon to t.he 1ssue of t.he relat. ionship het.ween mirro and wacro aspects and 1 m p 1 1 o a t. i o n s of t.he    pollcies    t.o he

1 mp 1 ement.ed . We bel1eve t.hat. snch an att.1t.ude would nilów ns to avo1d the short.com 1 ngs of t.he posltlons recalled ahove. Tt 1s posslhle t.o escape e 11. h e r    t.he tempt.at.1on t.o carry out.

1 nd 1 ser 1 m 1 na t.e expans1ve pollcies merely hased on unqua1if1ed Increases of puhlic spendlng, or t.o fol Iow t.he Ideologlcal chimera of    a pure    market.    economy wlt.h    dest.ruct.ive

consequences at. t.he economlc and sodal levels, or t.o prov1 de only asslstance t.o t.he disadvant.aged strata, whlch Is an ult.imat.ely Ineffect. 1ve and self-defeat. 1ng pat.h t.o fol Iow.


The need for taking t.his dlfferent. att.it. u de t.oward st.at.e 1nt.ervent.1on 1 s madę morę urgent. hy t.he development. of our sodet. les.    Not.    only    is t.he    current. s 11. u a 1.1 o n st. 111

cha rac ter 1 zed hy excess1vely high unemployment. rat.es whlch requ1re effect. 1ve    and    effldent.    pollcies t.o he    undert.aken,

modern economlc systems have also reached such a high degree of complex1t.y and soph1st.1cat.1on t.hat. morę complex and soph1st.1cat.ed pollcies are 1 n order. T.et. us consłder, for example, t.he problem of env1ronment. and pollutlon. For a very long t.1me,    the    progress1ve-    degradat.lon of    our nat.ural

en v 1 r on men t. has heen regarded* morę or less, as a sort. of 1nev1t.abie    price    we    had t.o pay to economlc    growt.h and

welfare: growt. h Implles Industries; Industries 1 na t. u rally'


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