alt.nat.1on. Thns, what. we he11eve la requ1red 1a a high degree of olairvoyanoe as opposit.e to short.R i gh t.edness . Only 1f oount.riea prove to be able to go beyond t.he mere short. period we oan juatifiahly hope t.hat. t.he present. o r 11. i r. a 1 «1tuat.łon will heovereona.
4 •
i U i t .1. 2. 1 _.2)12 fi ę. 5. t i o n a
The way t.oward a hlgher degree of ^oordlnatlon, co-operatlon, and homogenelt.y of polinies anong F.nropean nountries oan be madę eaaier and morę rapid if t.he Community i ta elf g1ves riae to poi idea whioh go in t.hat. dl rect.ion; in other words if 1t. t.akea measures t.hat.- oan induoe single oount.riea to t.ake t.he new approaoh to eoonomio polioies.
•agreed t.arget.s Here we aha 11 j oh-orea t i on a number of point, of view. aoqu 1 s i t. i on of objeot. 1ves and
The O o mm unity oould undert. ake a po liny alming to develop orit.eria for t.he eva1uat.ion of single nountries' polioies wit.h reapect. t.o some pre-est.ab 1 1 ahed and commonly for all RFC oount.riea (or gron pa of t.hem). simply out. 1 1ne some sugges 1.1 ona oonoernlng polioies. Our auggest. ions are art. ionlat.ed in phases whioh may be d 1 s1.1 not.• from t.he t.emporal There are four d i f ferent. stępa: (i)
Information; (ii) development. of oommon t.arget.s; (iii) oomparlson bet.ween • t.arget.s and aot.ual performanoes; (1v) measurea t.o be t.aken by t.he Commnnlt.y in response t.o oount.riea1 performanoes. Fet. u a look at. t.heae aspeot.s in a morę det.alled way.
(i). The a JSłfllłAs i JŁAfilł 9.Z i.n£o r tj[on . The Community oould
est.abl i sh a aort. of data-bank t.o co) lent. dat. a oonoernlng job-oreat.ion in all country members. The Information provided by ooiint.rles should be aboiit. t.he out.oomes of t.helr polioies in terma of new Joba oreat.ed, in t.erms of expendit.ure, oonoernlng t.he terr 1 tory, aex and age of people invol ved . The out.oomes are aot.ual or expeoted aooordlng t.o whet.her a polloy haa been already i npl ement.ed or has t.o be lindertaken in t.he f n t. u r e .
(11) £nmmon_t.argets . The av»1 labie knowledge of employraent. and unempl oyment. 1n all country members and t.he Information on t.helr past. performanoes In t.erms of job-oreat.lon won Id be used t.o develop a oommon ' F.nropean' t.arget. oonoernlng (a) t.he pursued deoreaae i n t.he average F.nropean unemployment. rat.e, and (b) t.he unemployment. whioh eaoh of t.he nountries should aeek to aohieve in a oert.ain span of t. ime, eona la tent. wit.h (a). The ava1lab1l1t.y of Information i s , of oourse, oruolal . Tt. 1 a only t.hanka t.o det.alled Information t.hat. i t i a poaaible t.o f1x 1 realia t. io* t.arget a, neit.her wlldly ambit. ions nor exoess1vely oautlous. Furt.hermore, t.he oommon agreement. on anoh t.arget.s would beoome a st.rong slgnal oonveyed t.o firma, whioh should oontribut.e on i t. s own t.o oreate favourahle expftct.Bt.1nns .