3 • Th e ha sio _rąt 1 ona) e o f..JhR_nep:d_fors o 1 d ar 1 ty

F.ven 1f t. h e r e la no worał a o 1 1 d a r 1 t. y b a t. w a a n t. h a nearly r a 1 a t. a d r a o a a o f F. u ropa, t. h a r a 1a an ftoonomln aolldarlt.y whloh we oannot. dl sregard. F.ven now t.he world markat.a ara ona. (...) Tb1a la t.o pot t.he laaua on i ta loweat gronnda,. Thara ara othar argumenta , whloh t.he moat. obt.uaa oannot. Ignore, aga Ina t. a po) iny of . apreading and ancouraging furt.bar tba aoonoralo rnln of graat. oount.rlaa. (J.

M. Keynes, Tba F. eonowi o C,onaequenoes of tba Peane, • 1919)

Tn tba prev1ous ohapt.era ' of tba Raport, we have prov1dad a deacrlpt. ion of tba prooaaa whloh lad t.o tba preaent ait.iiat.1on, t.bat. 1a aaaant.lally oharaot.ar 1 zad by woat. Western oount.rlaa playing a ' negati va-su» gaie* :    gal na'In t.he short. run ara

mora t.ban offaat. hylosaea In tba łon gar run.

Tba pras ant. a1t.uat.lon oan alao ba dep1 ot. ad by saying t.bat. It. la oba r a ot. ar 1 zad by a very high da gra a of oount.rlaa' aalflabnaaa.    F.aoh    singla oountry relles    on    t.he hopa    to

aoh1eve mora pos1t.1ve raault.a at. t.ba domest.lc laval by ablftlng t.ba hurdan of t.ha praaant. a1t.uat.1on on to othar oount.rlaa:    1f t.ba oountry 1a auooeaaful 1n aob1aving a hlgher

produot. 1 v1 t.y It. baoowaa wora oowpat.1t.1va wlt.h raapaot. t.o othar oount.rlaa, and anlargaa 1t.a abara of t.he world larkat.; t.ban It. la abla to rlse 1ta level of a o 1.1 v 11. y and, han o a, ita laval ofamploymant.

Tba d1ff1eulty I1ea 1 n t.ba faot. t.bat all oount.rlaa ara apparant.ly followlng t.hls aawa patb and th 1 a pnt.a t.ha whola ayat.am 1nt.o    t.ba    'nagat.1 ve-sn* gawa':    t.ha    inoraaaaa    1 n

p rodu ot. 1 v1 t.y aohievad by avary singla oountry ara not followad by a norreapondlng rlslng of 1 t.a market, ahara and, aa a oonaaquanoa, ewployment. doaa not. rlse and unemployment. t.anda t.o Inoraaaa. Tba Inoraaaaa 1n produot. 1 v 1 ty aob1avad by a single oountry oan only produoe posit.1ve affaot.a in t.ha ahort. run, 1f t.ba oountry 1s t.ha f 1 r a t t.o experience a u oh Inoraaaaa. At. any rata, It. la u n 1 1 k a 1 y t.bat. t.emporary 1 mprovewent.a In t.ha oountry's market aharaa w1 1 1 1mply a slgnlfleant. Inoraaaa 1n tba laval of employment..

Thua, ovaroom1ng t.bla a1t.nat.1on a aawa to requ1re, t.bat. all oount.rlaa raly on aolldarlt.y, oooparat.łon, and ooordlnatlon muob mora t.ban t.bay ara praaant. ly dolng. Tn faot, t.ha rat.lonale whloh underlies our propoaala la foundad on emphas1z1ng t.ba aoolal and eeonomlo ralevsnoe of aolldarlt.y, ooordlnatlon, and oooparat.łon at. t.ba domast. 1o aa wali aa t.ba International level.

Our propoaala alra t.o land t.o poa 11.1 ve-a um games , wlt.h o o u n trias/ aoolal gro u pa earnlng In t.ha madlum/long run, alt.bougb poaalbly paylng roi a prloes In t.ba ahort.* run. Moreovar, I t. 1a qu1t.a av1dent. t.bat. tba oount.rlaa whloh abould ba hearlng t.ha h a a v 1 a a t. hurdan 1n terma of loaaaa In t.ha ahort run are naoasaarl ly those tbat ara hat.tar off In t.ha ourrant.


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