4. We know t.bat. proriuct. łon woni d be largor 1f we sucofieded In
*aking 11. posslble for t.he nnemployod t.o work, only prov1ded t.hat. t.helr produot 1 v 1 ty 1s pos1t.1ve, t.hough smal lor t.han the 'norwal 1 p rod u ot. 1 v 1 ty 1 n t.he .sphere of markę goods (see t.he 1 ast. t.wo aectłons of 3 above). Suoh produnt. łon mlght. Inorease t.he level of well belng of t.he populat.ion, or result. 1n a high er produnt. 1v1 ty of t.he system, or bot.h,
1 ndependent. 1 y of the fant. t.hat. suoh pos1t.ive result.s are
anknowl edged or not. In t.erms of market. va1uns.
5. We know t.hat plain expans1ve Keyneslan poi Ir.łea would he,
ł n t.he present. env1ronment. , qu1t. e 1 neffeot. ł ve . They would
result. 1n a hlgher degree of Inflat.ion and would not. Indune
any Inorease in t.he level of product.ł ve oapaolt.y; t.hls would
be t.he oontrary of what. we should a1m at.. The only way to
obt.aln the wldenlng of product. 1ve napad t. y łs to oonv1noe firma t.hat w1 1 1 be an inorease 1 1n the t.hings' t.hat. will be demanderi, t.hat will be suoh an Inorease regardleśs of of whet.her t.hey will t.helr prloes and t.hat 1t. la bound t.o last.. The only- way t.o avo1d a hlgher rat.e
of Inflat.ion 1 a t.o keep t.he expan«1on of demand at t.he same
paoe as t.hat. of p rodu ot. 1ve oapaolty, whlle flndlng a way of d1soourag1ngbet.s upon prloes.
2 . .nriLtheJ_r_broad[mpi 1 cat-Jons
The maln polloy łmplioat. inna are the followlng ones:
(1) La bon r poił o1es, and In part. lnu lar t.he yout.h unemp 1 oymen t. polloles whlnh have heen wldely adopt.ed by RFC . r.ountriea , are fundamenta 1 1 y uselens, sinoe nonę of t.hem 1s to deal wlt.h the set. of probleras whloh have heen - I n Itself and withln t.he present. oont.ext. - out. 11 nad. Some of t.he labo u r polloles nould result usefnl, but only withln t.he frawework of an ent. łrely dlfferent. setup.
(2) No polloy, if undertaken by a single oount.ry wł thout ooordlnat.i on with the other oonneot.ed ones, nould obt.aln any relftvant. result.. The maln dlffloult.y, however , is t.o push ooiint.r1es to oollaborat.ion and ooordinat.lon. Reoause of t.hls, 1t. 1s t.o avo1d at.t.enpt.s to get. very włde agreement.s among nount.rles, and to searoh for effftot.1 ve agreement.s among a llmlt.ed number of nount.rles, at. least at t.he beginning. The Ideał target. would be to reaoh agreement.s among F.F.f, nount.rles; but. even a morę llmlt.ed ooal 1 tlon oould oonst.1t.ute a go od start. Ing point.
(3) The most. Import.ant. target. ts t.o est.abllsh a oliraat.e of oredldllt.y about. the undertaken polloy a r r a ngemen t. s . Th 1 s , In tum, 1mp11es
t.hat. t.he agreed strun turę of International ooordinat.lon be oredible; In order to have t.hls,' t.he behav1onr of most nount.rles should obey to olear automat. 1 o rui es, t.hat should be est.abłished t.hroogh