neoessarily r e q u 1 r e social and ftconnnio sol Idarity - t. h a t. oonfllot.lng Int.erest.s    oan nonie    t.o forms of

agreement./hargainlng t.hat. ensurę t.he f u 1 f 1 1 1 went. of t.he generał Interest. t.o t.he largest. possihle ext.etit.. Throngh no-operatlon and noordlnat. lon any fon of oont.rol nan avo1d to h e o o ■ e merely oppressive (and, henne, u 11.1 m a t. e 1 y 1neffect.1ve) and he rat.her t.he result. of oom*on anneptance of new 'rnles of t.he gamę*. Tn sunh a way, the Controls exert.ed by t.he puhlin sent.or would not r^present. arhl trary measnres agalnst. the p r 1 v a t. e sec tor hut. they would he agreed dev1ses alming to ensure t.hat. a 1 1 part.ies respent. what. a 1 1. of t.he w have renognized as the hest. hehav1onr 1n a g1ven s1t.uat.1on. Wit.hln t.hls framework, also t.he puhllr. sent.or would he eon t. roli ed: t.he prooess of agreemen t. / ha rga 1 n 1 ng would provide the pr1vat.e part 1 es wit.h slgnlfloant. powers of eont.roi.

We do not pret.end t.hat to fol Iow t.he suggest.ions ahove and t.ry to g1ve rlse t.o the radlnal chan ges t.hat. they seem to imply 1s an easy and smoot.h prooess.' Qu i te on the o on trary, we are well aware of the great. d 1 f f 1 on 11. 1 es whloh su oh an approaoh 1s hound to enonunt.er. However , t.here are also reasons not. to he exoess1vely pesslmlst. 1o. On the one hand, t.here 1s the w1de and 1noreas1ng dissat.1sfaot.ion wit.h the present. sitnatlon, whloh • oan represent. a very st.rong inoent. 1ve to ohange and to 1nt.elleot.nal and pollt.ioal oreat.l vl ty in order to flnd new Solutions; on the other hand, t.hough part.lally, t.here are exper1enr.es madę by snme oonntrles (e.g. the Aust.rlan exper1enoe) whloh show t.hat a st.rat.egy hased on ooordlnat.lon and oooperat.ion 1s tenahle. Tn any oase, we would I1ke t.o end the Report hy po1nt.1ng out t.hat. d1ff1oult.1es should not he a jnst.1f1oat.1on to inert. 1 a and 1nt.elleot.nal lazlness. On t.he o on trary, they should spur t.o wope effort.s t.o overoome t.hem.


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