n a t. łona] lawa hefore 1 ap ] eaent. 1 ng t. h e d 1 a c r e t. ionary
parta of »acro-expana1ve p o 1 1 c i e a ;
(11) t.hat. t.he pnraued expana1on shoulri be moderat.e and gradna1;
(111) t.hat. t.he p ii r a n e d expana1on ahonld be annonnced a o a 1.1 y In real teras, t.hat la, 11 ahonld be openly trans lat.ed In terna'of prograimea ahont. ' t.hlngs to he done ' .
(4) Maoro-po 1 1 o 1 ea ahonld be aupported and 1nt.egrat.ed by
conslst.ent. a 1 c r o pollolea, foat.erlng t.he effeota of t.he former opon t.he needed Inoreaae In prodnct.1ve napanlt.y, whlle d 1 Rcouragl ng beta on prloea and rewardlng flras that. ohooae t.o expand real ont.put. and eaployaent.. The at.ruotnral design of a ii oh, entlrely new, ilnro-pol1c1es will be aotually
desc*r1hed In aeot.lon 6 below.
(5) The flft.h iapllcat.lon la that. t.he pollny of coordlnat.lon and cooperatlon a t t.he International level ahonld he replloat.ed wlt.hln t.he single oonntrlea. A new lannoh of oooperat.1ve st.rat.egiea and of cooperatlon among otherwlse confllct.lng part.lea wonld cont.rlbnt.e
(i) to st.ahl 1 1ze posit.1ve expeo ta 1.1 ona , relnfornlng tbe fraaework of certa 1 nt. 1 es ;
(11) t.o corrnhorat.e t.he cred1b1l1t.y of t.he adept, ed aacro-po11c1 es;
(111) to corrohorat.e t.he nil ma te of International cooperatlon.
Th1s Iraplles a at.rlct. co 1 1 a bo r a 1.1 on / n egot. 1 a 1.1 o n between plann1ng ant.hor1t.1ea and soolal part.ners, t.o set. t.he llkely and/or des1 red va1nes of t.he ma1n maoroeoononilo magnlt.ndes, to et 1 pn 1 a te t.he aet. of onnslst.ent. hehav1onrs t.o whlch t.he negot.1at.1ng partnera have to comply, and to define t.he aanctlona for fallnre and t.he rewarda for anccesa (t.he past. Anstrlan experlence la very anggeat. 1ve In t.hls respect.)
(6) Macro policlea ahonld be 1nt.egrat.ed by addlt.lonal polldea, almed at. f orea t.a 1 1 1 ng t.he Idleness, and t.hua t.he det.er1orat.1on, of labo nr and human resourcea 1n generał, t.hrongh apecial joh-creat.lon programmes. The feaslbilit.y crlt.eria for t.he cho 1 ce of anch programmes ahonld he agreed International 1y, along t.he llnea anggeat.ed In t.he previona chapter of t.hla Report. For each 1nd1v1dnal ahonld be t.he that. 11. w1 1 1 not he allowed t.hat. he remalns Idle for longer t.han a predetermlned and clearly deflned lengt.h of t.lie; 1 nc 1 den t.a 1 1 y , t.hls wonld cont.rlbnt.e 1n itself t.o keep a favonrabl e cllmate of expec t.a 1.1 ona , sińce firma (as 1 t. 1s