algnlf Icant., at.ahle , and parmanenr. reaults in t.he 1 on gar run. Moreover, grariua 1 nesa noncurs to increase. t.he cred i hi li ty of poi 1c1fts j u a t. heca u se 1t. red u cen t.he r 1 Rk of t.heir fal 1 nre .
Tn ot.her worris, gradua 1 ness itaelf i a a way to engender
st.ahle and perwanent. expanałve expect.at.1ons.
Solldarlt.y, nooperat.lon and ooor d 1 n a 11 on . a r e very necessary at. t.he International 1 evel , hut the l»portance of these pr1no1ples at the domest.io level t.oo oannot be nnderrat.ed. Tf sooial and economic partles respond t.o expans1ve polloles In a 'selflsh' fashion , m e r e 1 y pursulng t.heir Interes ta, no many hopes of aucceas are left. Pi ms' responaes leadlng to 1nflat.1on, i nef f i o i enny , eto. would heas sooially negat.1ve as unions' responaes leadlng to exoessive wagę inoreases, morę rigidit.les In the lahour market., et.o. On t.he ot.her hand, also polltlolnns' and hiireauora t. s 1 aelfiah att.1t.udas - airaing to
exp 1 o 1 t. t.he new expans1ve framework t.o st.rengt.hen t.heir power, olient.eles, eto. - would he damaging and sooially negat. 1ve as we 1 1 .
These observat.ions always apply, and probably laok of solldarlt.y, oooperat.ion and ooordlnat. 1on part.ly expla1ns t.he fa 1 1 iire of past. t.raditional expanaive polloles in aevera 1 Western oount.rles . Rut. the need t.o respeot. these principles is even great.er for t.he aort. of polloles we advooat.e. These polloles, aa we argued, a1m hot.h to proroot.e the growt.h of inoome, employment. and sooial pr oduot. i v1 t.y and t.o improve t.he qiialit.at.ive living standard of the lahour foroe and the popnlat.lon 1n generał. (4) The effioienoy and ef f eot. 1 veness of these polloles oruoially depend on the exist.enoe of a proper halance hetween t.he t.wo different. set.s of ends. T.aok of solldarlt.y and oooperat.ion oan eaaily lead t.o hreaking su oh a ha lanco when a group is ahle t.o hias t.he adopt.ed polioy t.o pursne 1 t.s own Interes ta. As a oonseqnenoe of t.his,
i nevi t.ahle eoonomio and/or sooial tensions would arise:
polloles exoess1vely favouring private firma roay easily oause u n 1 o n a 1 oppoait.ion and sooial di ar u pt. łon; poi 1 ci es
exoeaaively hiased in favour of welfare my fail t.o engender t.he requ1red expans1on of p r 1 v a t. e 1nveat.ment. and employment., The oonflioting interest. gron pa should realize t.hat t.he only poasihle way out. t.o t.he ourrent. ait.uat.1on is through a 'aoolal bargain' whioh neoeaaarily Implies t.o give tip some pr1 v1 1 eges and advant.agea 1 n the short. run in view of overall gains in t.he longer run.
Tf t.here la no a _j>r.iov.i teason t.o hołd t.hat. one part. 1o u lar party anta in a morę sooially sat.1sfaot.ory way and t.hat., qn1t.e on t.he oont.rary, all 1nvolved part.ies are 1 ed firat. of all hy t.he t.hrust t.o pursne t.heir part. i o u lar int.erest.s, it. i a only through oooperat.ion and ooordlnat łon - whioh, 1n* turn,
(4) Polloles llke t.hoae oonoerning t.he environment., healt.h, and eduoat.lon are good examples.