AMiracleon 107th Street is the traditional title of the Student Councll Chnsl rnds Banguet held annually. The evenł helps raise money tor chan ties iii the area and provides nice evenmg ol food, lun and en tertainmenl for the Idmilies ol Rtchards hicjh school.

This year over 1500 dollars wds raised. According to Manetta Sul hvdn. presideni ol Student Council. this money was distributed to WGN Needy Families Chnstmos lund. the Salvatiori Army and the Richarda lood pantry which was estabhshed by social workers Margie Wallaoe arid Joe Fowler.

"1 come ov«ry ye.ir with the kids. sald Wanda Wacmc:. Tt urh rnuch rnore p(Wive exper|8h<*e tor my childreri to meet Santa here than toplay1nV'atytininn*? golfie at the mail.”

Several committees were respon sible lor putting the evemng to-gether. Marlm Khourt. Sofie Ktousst did lood: Ellise Kirar. Kim Beltz did decorations; Ta-sia Maras. Kelly Cox did the publictly, the auction was han-dlecl by Lcd SłofKlu and Sheryl Guaci.

Entertomm^nt whićh was orga ui;«d by Vumjl£ (iulvez and Kann Lash inHilded numbere by the show choir. Jim Dudh-cek accompanted alumnus Eu-gene McMahon The Goldies danced.

W*j3 only bruught thrce to the banquei but m th»- meantime it s»*ems she has adopted tw'> morę.

Santas reindeem Carla Chamber and Ator Dav«t takes łunę out to 1« <••>* with .i Santa Lelu*vei

Dunng the Chnstmas banquet Santa qiv<w one ot h» liny etves a • jilt trorn the wurkahop whuh he esfx*

« uilly transfiorted to the banquet


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