P.E. at Harold L. Rich* ards had a morę aero Uc look this year wiih łhe addition ol a dance class. Three sections were taughl by Ms. Connie Bylsma.

The gym classes were de-signed by ability groupmgs. Studenłs were tested and then assigned groups ac-cording to the ability they displayed.

Sopliomores had to swim two ąuarters and sonie split the time at semesters. Frosh also swarn at their level.

Ms. Arlene Kotli who trans-ferred to HLR from Eisenhower retired at the erid oi the school year.

Hang on' 1*11 get il (his time.

soems to be the consensus for this girls soccer team.

Players were grouped by the P E teachurs according lo ability demonatraled tn fitness tarta

Erie Ebenau shows Miss Ritzman tfiat he has on his umiorm fro the days aetmties.

Cyntfua Htcks retums the vol łey warming up for the tenms lesson

P.E. Department

Connie Bylsma Dale lansen Tom KobienJci Bill Porter Linda Ritzman Barb Vit«-k


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