A ł I e r
strenuous days oł
work — work —
work. students really need to re lax relax - relax. The wide vanety ot clubs and organiza lions at HLR fills this void allow ing students to relax. unwind. and siowly prepare tor the fol lowing days ... you guessed it ... you guessed it work work work!
There are those orgamzations that seem to stand out. such as Student Counctl. National Hon or Society. and the Drama Club. Neqlected, however. are the "unsuncj." heroes. the clubs that are not as fortunate to have a spot in the limeliqht. Aviation Club. Chess Club. and the trio ot loreign language clubs (French. Spanish, and German) do not make themselves front page news but they are by no means any the less important. Every club is an integral part ot the schools makeup; they qive it a distinction by includlng the ob scure or less popular.
Clubs qjve a school teehng and substance. They allow schools to avold belng merely bram tac-tones' tor society and the busi ness world. Atter all, everyone needs a break, no mat ter how strong their endurance may be.
We should appreciate the clubs that we are so fortunate to have. It not tor thern HLR would be «i bonng place, tndeed.
A word about the dedicated sponsors and advisors who work very hard to make the clubs and events at Riehards liappen — withoul these teachers, parents, and coaches, most things wouldn t happen.
W hen ort wm/alion wm called tor p.« uber-c* uprana mto artton llke Kim and kuny G«?nii»n“