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Junior Sheryl Geract Has »me custom ora waiting to quess the candy in the »ar
Junior Tina Green asks Kim Boltz a quos-tion about the naw Student Council bulletin board
Student Council. Front Row: Prer.t dent Mariotta Sulłlvan. Activities Dir«*:tor Amy Wocjner, Electiono Kim Joyce. Trea surer Gkji Galvez. Vic* Presadent Tina Green; Second Row: Ta:,ia Mara Imriy Eckardt. Solu* Kioussis Doug Thyssen Secietary l,avefer>- Smith Third Row: lim Pacofla. Elizabeth McMabon. Marim Khoun. liii Paoletti. Janmler Moran; Fourth Row luli** < ahill. Sh-ryl C leraci Kim Beltz. Sophie Maras. Kelly Cox. Trący Pinria. Back Row: Sylvia Muru/ T m Szurgot.Conme Pol|ak Pam OBnen. and Vanqu* Galvez.
Preodent Manetta Sullivan and sponaor Fred Monk taiły the receipts lor homecom mg.
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