First carne Chicago Sports Day. on which you could wear lust about anything embla zoned with the logos oł our pro łessional teams.
Tlns was lollowed by Hat Day. when the rule was liłted and hats could be worn all day. Styles ranged łrorn tłie bonng to the bizarre.
Black and gold day was next and speaks łor itseli. Students carne decked out in the school colors, raising excitement łor the coming łootball garnę
Di-m** Pirkł»* holds the senior spirit - hain showmu the rlnns o! 90 does have Ihe most spirit
Senior M«iur#M*n McM.ihon nrxi senior lohn Rutkowski .ir*> «.Towried Kina and Queen .11 lh»* j > *j •isseinbty •! 1989
Coach Gary Korhonen eavea-drops to hear Ihe .»dv;<:e Katie o receWmg łrorn cheerleadens and the Goldies
HLRs Homecoming Activi ties Week was a great wdy łoi studenłs to show their spint by participating in the hve theme days.
Next carne Bulldog Parapher-nalia Day when studenłs could display their school shirts. sweals, socks. etc., with the bookstore providing a near endless supply lor those not iortunate enough to already own sonie school spirit.
List was Sweats Day. not en tirely thrillmg when you realize that many students wear sweats to school anywriy
This last day w<is concluded with a big fiep assembly to prune everybody lor the even ing lootball gamę.