The SICA North conlerence champs went into sectionals agamst MacCauley with a 34-5 record. However. the Mighty Macs handed the Bulldogsa bitter dełeat.
Dianę Pirkle had the opinion that the high point of the team season was when "they beat McCauley at the Rich East tournament.
The leading lady on the tearn was Sue Novak. She had a season record oł 373. 218 service pointo. 143 blocks. She was named player ol the year by the Econornist newspaper and was also named AU Conlerence.
Other players to look out lor in the years to come are outside hitter
Junior I«nny Prasek rwra bark and sots h*-r arm tosend tłu* bill . ivr,* th«- u**t.
Vulk*yball co ■ jplom Sur N< »vok dltrmpln to bump the bill over lho not.
V .traty v<»JloyLvill piay^r Maryno K* itii ‘lnvt?s to bump th«* tvill ov**r lh»* net
Drbbi*- B*-fam.in iump.- lo btock the oppanent -s:i Evie Bn?wian wdilr- to d.-sist
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