Senior; Kł*vjn Jackson And lohri Newton form a tiqht pass cowrage on the oj>p<»-tng team.
Q.B. John Rutkowski gets hmołfenso roady for lho next play, aa the BuUdogs went on the score.
Doten»ve lineman. Bill Okłham aacked the oj>po3inq quarterback which reault ed in an incomplete pasa.
Senior reer»iver. John Newton strucMlo* to-jot anextra yard in lho firat qam«»of the y«Mr
Senior doi. Tom Lyons. breaksa tackk* to«jiv»* the Bullłkyp; a hrst down and »jood fleki position.
Pn >viiki that no |ob a loo biq to lackie Ed Eb*urno and Maro Maqrim t;et into the thtok ot it.