= 4 Roavis
Two of the bright performances oł the boys tennis team were number one słngles player Mikę Meske and number two player John Kubin. John has played on the Varsity squad lor three years. His three year varsity record was 51 wms and 16 losses.
The boys had a linal schedule record lor the season was 15 4.
Kevin jousapait held the best record with 19-0.
The conłerence tournament turned out badly lor the Buli-dogs, when all the players lost earlier than expected. hm Blonda and Doug Theisen play-ing number one doubles did well but couldn t handle the power oi the Oak Lawn Spartans in the first round.
Retirinq coach Bill Mutz put Meske and Kubin together for the doubles tournament at sec-tionals. However. second seed-ed Manst players. They were de-leated the second and third sets m «i match that laste*d three and a hali hours.
Outstanding performances on the varsity level was turned m by Kristm Roberts. She was first in
Betsy Kubin and Stacee Strąka were the standouts on the dou bies squad.
Juniors make up the entire varsi-ty squad which provided exper lence for the upcomirig season.
Boyi Vannty Tennis 1989
HLR Opjwnonts
4 Oak Lawn
= Tennis 1989 =
Jumor Stacee Slraka shows attentive • ono-nlrahon w.uting lo lob the bali U* k ni the opp aicnt m a vital seł
Wliot aro you looking at’ Giną Wetch rjnts hor teołh and słarea down her advenviry. combtmng psyche wjth skill
T umor Lynn Fugetl takes a runnmg starł as she showr- her skill and deterrrilnalion J dunno hor malch igainsl Homewood-FI.- un > r