Thrtl'# uslng your his*.!’ Tt*l Maglom kwpe the bali m play. brtnging his oubtfanding skill łrom his rujhv«» Greecv.
LiMving Ihe bali m a biur, Ireshman lim Houlihan rorkets ii with lightening spoed fxvst thł* goalie
GUS Esparza »way» m Ihe wirwi as ho wnds dn upliłtmq kuk <J<>wn ihe lield tuw/ir-lu Hip. toarmnatf'
1989-90 Richarda Soccor Toam. Front Row i.j !av
Hsf>ir/ii. Efohon Milkli [irn Heulihim I^sin Ornin Po!*'* Gwl*i l>Mn ł-t# trulh Ki*il I.v vi Bnck Row: . li Ilrn
RlchOmvez Io»Crw, f)ovid Klorc*s. r>.iv#» Hyrirk BrittnGtnioine Hiisr-im Klair/ilLih. lohn (TH M*tvil.inr .jikI Ccm« h R'.*l Park