One distinchve charactenstic of PIE is !he emphasis on łine arts education and fine arts clubs in which PIE studenta are in-volved. Mrs. Lighthall sponsored the Prism, the literary magazme which gave studenta the opportunity to show-case their onginal works. Mrs. Levy sponsored the art club. and arts studenta let their works be enjoyed by the entire student body.
The orchestra contmued to grow. In addition to the concert orchestra and strolling strings. a chapter of the Tri-M. a national musie honor society was established. Under the direction of Mr. Holmes, the orchestra provided many exciting performances this year.
- Kan Wysocki
Art Club — Back row. Frank Sotnio, Alana Btalik (Cen Czapiewski. Mark Benaihs. Brtdgette Błażek Front row: Enka Goli, Ann Weish, Chnstiri© Pavo»ch. Dflwn Mazurowski.
Litarary Magazina — Back row: Mrs Llghth alt. Becky Genge, Natasha Bollon, Sharlelha Johnson. Tasha Jackson. Haley Kozłowski. Megan Hawkins Front row: Tasha Taylor Chandra Donna. Alice Bynum Ann Tower*, Denis* Hub-bard, Chris McAley.