Personal expres-sion is important for łhe average HLR student.
Richards students did their best to keep up with the latest fads and trends. Because the student body is very diverse no one label can be applied. Prob-ably the standard fashion is the overwhelm-ing choice of denim. Jeans were still big, al-though the names of the designers vary ac-cording to prefer-ence.
IOU sweatshirts were very common apparel and Esprit decorated bags and shirts. Guess was a popular label along with Liz Clai-borne, Giraud and Cavaricci.
Sweat pants cut off at the knee were seen well into the winter as fashion combined with comfort. Even the cheerleaders had new sweaters.
Tie-dye madę color splashes in the crowds and many bought HLR STATE playoff sweatshirts and jer-seys.
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B »lcj colors And mAłching shoes And shirts wort? a big hit for pAtty Kowalwic2
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