Computer Learning offers challenge

Computer educdtion at HLR is reaeh* mg Ihe challenge point.

When Dr. lerry Petersen became supenn-tendent oł 218 last year one ot his mam concerns was to bnng the distnct to the lorełront ot educating students to comput ers.

With this godl m mind. some $4 million was spent on updating and buymg new equipment. The taculty «md stall have been busy learning the IBM cornputer and the prograrns available.

The distnct is participatirig in a program oł momtonng and controlling buildmg heat-ing plants lor morę ełłicient lieat and ener gy eon troi.

Students at Richards are learning on both the IBMs and the Apples. There are labs set up in the building where students are lamiharized with the machines. With the emphasison learning thecomputers in Ihe business sector alone. the HLR students are łiriding theso courses valuable.

Computer Department: Shirley Hill Rhonna Paqe and Manę VanHu»s

Kim Valarh linlens to Ihe entigue Mm. Van Huis floe* on Ihe word jimcessim proiecd she han tx>mpk*ied

Yi-ii have lo start som»-wher»' and lor Anloino btlleton Ihal s learning the keyboard

Smne prograrns had an audio ofjtmn Ihal lold students whirh answer war. *rr*** i

Learning to program was a melKulou* process tor Rachael Bo-k bul at a mur-esulul end. il was sahstytng


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