The program director is Bev Guzy. Chapter I at Richards enrolls about 150 students.
Chapter 1 Staff: Coordtnelor Chris Arpiri. Un ia B> Ilon. Brenda Gordln Alexandra M. *j«l. S<* tl Worker Jo© Folwt?r Not Piciu r».*d Icy Soward.
Counseling Dopartmont: Pat Gfonwall (nghli. Richard: Show make, Wall Ty lor and łan Vand«*rwaal Pitychotoqis) Wall Kopn and Socuil Worker Mann*' Walter©
al Mady discuiww a schedule change wrth M5. Grwnwolt
Chdpter I amved at Richards m 1989.
Chapter I teaches math and English, of-fers tutonng. attendance and social work ser-vices to studenta eligible. There are two rnath teachers. one English teacher. a coordmator. a Home/school Service worker and a tutorial assistant who conducted various programs.
Counseling has becomea moręsophlsti-cated business with the advent of the IBM programs riow available. Slowly but surely the Computer is becoming an integral part of scheduling and keeping records for each student. The mon i tors are on in each office and the counselors fmd the initial eon-lusion is gradually giving away to confidence m their use.