-    comparing non-regulated cash flows to customer contracts continuing into the forecast cash flow period. We also compared these to historical trends and performance;

-    agreeing the relevant cash flow forecasts to the Board approved budgets;

-    using our industry knowledge and information published by regulatory and other bodies to assess the reasonableness of assumptions and the impact of technology, market and regulatory changes on those assumptions;

-    involving our valuation specialists to assess the reasonableness of the discount rates by considering comparable market information and evaluating the economic assumptions relating to cost of debt and cost of equity; and

-    for regulated assets, assessing the appropriateness of using long term (up to 20 years) cash flow forecasts against accounting standard requirements by considering industry practice and the long term naturę of the Group's regulated asset base.

evaluating managemenfs sensitivity analysis in respect of the key assumptions, including the identification of areas of estimation uncertainty and reasonably possible changes in key assumptions. We assessed the appropriateness of the related disclosures against accounting standa d requirements;

comparing carrymg values of CGUs to available market data, such as mp ed earnings and asset multiples of comparable entities; and

assessing the discosures in the financia! report using our understandmg of the impairment assessment obtamed from our testing and against the requirements of the accounting standards.


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