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Tnuisu-y. July2.1022

The Tlmos-Nows^Sectłon B

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Aussie blows away field at Elkhorn




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Pro bowlers eye added $8,000 at Idaho Falls

IDAHO FALLS - The bcM payoff of che ycar. auguriwnicd hy SS.000 in added moncy. is assured ihc field when the Northwest Region of ilie Professional Bowlers Assocwlion eonie* lo Howl-cru Lanc* in Idaho Falls July HM 2.

Tlić bowlers will be on liand for the second annual Idaho Falls Budweiser Opeci and Northwest Regional Dircctor Gary Mage of Spokanc and Henry Pasqual. proprielor of Bowl-cro Lanc**. hnvc issucd an mviiatmn lo all scratch bowlers to compctc in the Open.

A firsl-placc pri/c of S2.5CM1 i\ guarantccd. "With che added moncy. .all ofourjop pri/cs will be a good amount.** Mago old. "We win pay « leaitfSfl Torfórtrplaccy*—;----—---

Spencer-Millcr’of Pocatcllo is the dcfcndłng champion. He is cspcctcd to try to detend the titlc hc wonTaM ycar-Mlller then went oct to cam tlnr regioifs ftookic of ihc Ycar honor*. •

Isrijel-Boughner team takes gross prize at Jerome tourney

JEROME - Chris Isracl and Bob Bougłmer won tbc.first lligbt gross prize, in ihc Jerome Country Club incmbcr-goest. ’

They werc foliowed by,Rod Gano and Barry Espil and Tim Callcn and Tom Standfcy. Net hooors went to C-^rł^Trail ond Gary Jchkins wiih Lec Gillililhd^md JimRasmussenjust beli ind.

In the second fiighi. Rick Carr and Chuck Potter remained on |hc prize list in gross with Cal Jensen and Rick Budge second and-B.ob_.Tcddcr and Jerry Alcxandcr third. In nct.Carl and Howard Berger werc First witlt Ray Shumway and Stcve Fahrcnwald in scennd.

- Third flight gross was won by Ray Tavarrcs and Don Stcvcns with Kyle Chapin and Rick Fish and Marv Bale* and Bud Town following. Net went to Ron Sianscll and Brśao Wcieli with John Harral and Stcvc Fonest in second.

Compiled from tuff reporti*


. u

There's noquestlom fthat thls town, espoclally with Darkley leaving, is devoid of athlotlc —horoes.A_y.oung

person Jlke thls, comlng in with a lot of hype, has enormous

commercial potentlal - even before ho dellvers on the Iće.'


— Ad director David Luhr on Erie Lindros’ —    . worth to the Flyers


■'Scoreś' and^stars-Baseball-

— B2 B2

<y m

By Mikc Molier    ^    •’

Times-New* sporu cditor

SUN VALLEY - Kathy Walt fought with a icummatc Tucsday. then kickcd ihc bchinds of cvcr>one in the Orc-Ida NVomcnXChallengc ficld.Wcdnc*day.

The hard-Ch*arging Australian Olympic cyclist won the Elkhorn Circuit Race by morrthan a minutę..

M5hc wa* strong on the hilh," oaid TGI Fridays Linda Brenneman. "SKe was strong on tlić flot*. She was strong cvcry where when I was with hcr."

Tucsday. orter the complction of the Stanley to Kctchum stage. Watt and Team Australia*! Cathy Han argucd on -Mmn Strcctra błock pa*lihc.ilnish.linc-------

Tlić two fought becausc of Team Australia tactics that Icft Han. the Olympic. altcmatc. on hcr own in the race. Mcanwhilc. Walt. Jacqui Uttein and Kathlcen.Shannon foliowej team strategics to help cach other. .

The cffccis of the disputc seemed to boosi Walt Wednesday on the 16 laps arpuitd the 1.6-mile coursc.

**I guess ffcll pretty aggrcssivc.'* she said.

Wutt Icft out Han when asked about lite current rclations o(nong the Australian*.

**Thc thrcc of us on the Olympic team get ón well togelher." Walt Mid~— - *    -----

Whaicvcrłthe fcud. not all of Team Australia is involvcd.

'Tm basically irying to kccp away from that/* said Uttein. Who ended up third.

Inga Thompson of the U.S. Olympic team pullcd away from Uttein on the last two laps to get second;

Tl>c strategics for the U.Sr and Australian teams havc" bcen different for the Women’s Challenge, whieh bofh are using to prcp-irc for ihc Olympic* in Barcelona. Spain.

The Amcricans havc bccn irying to finc tunc their tactics while adding miles of ridinę for condilioning. Thty. arenT racing at their best now. \aving it for Barcelona.

•*l leli a littlc bit better. but I don't havc the snap that Tm

Please see ORE-IDA/82


TGI Fridoy's Linda Brennomon odgos óut lo on oarly lead past Toom USA s Inga Thompson hood-to-head tlmo trlal stogo of tho Oro-lda Womon*s Chollongo In Sun Valloy Wodnosdoy.

Semis prove elusive for ex-champs

The Aasociaicd Press

WIMBLEDON. England - Defending champion Mtchacl Slich. out. Two-limc chump Stefan Edberg. out. Thrcc-limc chainp Boris Becker, olmost out.

Only one old master,

John McEnroe. survivcd unscnthcd the coup of champion* mounied Wed-nesday at Wimblcdon by sluggmg young

dudes Pctc Sampras. _

— Goran !vani*cvic and Andre Agassć-------

N!ć£nroc. a Thrcc-1imc_Wjmhjje do n_ winner. inched efoser to the stmifinah for the first timc sińce 1989 by taking a —awcctly played first set from Guy Forget, _ 6-2. before the maich was suspended by ruin at 5-5 in the second set. .

Forget hclpcd'McEnfOc by doublc-faulting on the last two points of the first gamo. McEnroe showed him the wuy in the ncxi gamę with a pair of servicc winners and a pair of aces to win at k)vc.

Foir all of the Frenchman\ power ond cighfpTcuious ycar* at Wimblcdon, hC seemed u-clumsy novicc on the grass comparcd to McEnroe. whosc soft. louch volleys and Iow, swccping *crvc\ are # pcrfcct for the surfocc. ’* •

McEnroe hcvcr lost scrvicc, and lost his temper only oncc, yelling at ehe umpirc ovcr a cali in the second set. The bccpcr on the elcctronic eye linc machinę had signuled a fauli by Forget. but the umpirc ovcmilcd it and collcd the scrve on ace, giving Forget the gamę and o 3-2 lead.

McEnrocTclalmłng the umpirc.hud .said.. before the match thot he would not ovcrrulc the machinę.'orgucd for stvcral minuics with him. a Grand Słom supcrvisor and ihc assistant rcfcrcc. The crowd clupped in onnoyance during the

► MP/,






dclay - cvcn McEnroc*s wifc. Tutum _    . _    .    ,    , . ,    __ .    ...

0’NcaJ elapped and ycllcd,' 'Cmon. John1 Crootlo 8 Goran Ivanl80vlc blow 33 8C03 post Stofan Edborg whllo

- whllc Forget strccchcd his legs and hounced behind the baseline. Eventuu!ly, the umpirc'* cali stood, the machinę was shtrt dff. and play continued.

A 66-1 longshot at the start of the toumament, McEnroe reckoned his only chancc of winning this ycar was o collapse by all the top player*. So far. hc couldn't havc comrived a better scenorio.

' Slich was the first to fali in the quartcrfinal*. succumbing to Sampras 6-3. 6-2.6-4

" "Hc justkllled mc." Stich conccded. "1 was happy if I hit o bali in the middle,of t. and chat didn#t happen too frfecT

many limes. Hc just played pc coiift tennis."

Sampras, the youngest U.S. Open champion at 19 in 1990. thlnks hcYfinally gol this gross thii\g figured out nfter growing up on hord courts in Colifomio. In

advanclng lo tho oomlflnala with o 6-7f 7-S, 6-1,3-6,6-3 ylclory.

So impressed-by lvaniscvic, who hus 133 accs in fivc matchcs. Edberg womJcrcd whether Sampra> in ihc semis.

threc prcvious Wimblcdons. hc lost in the first rotmd twice and the second round last ycar.

"The biggest shot I w.i% having iroublc with the last couplc of ycars was my return of scrve," hc said. ,*That is a shot guy* likc Edberg and Becker hit well. This ycar I fccl I im retuming as well as l can."

Sampras sympathized with Ihc pressure Stich was under as defending champion. When Sampras lost at the U.S. Open tal

K, he said he fclt as if a wcight hod bccn i from his shouldcrs.

"I think that is whal hoppened today." ccTgrass- "Sampras safd!—Thc^>rc*surc.g0U0jljm^ He was jusi o linie off. I was rally on top of my gamę."

Edberg was the next viciim. spinning out dizzily from lvaniscvic's 33 accs in a 6-7(12-10), 7-5.6-1.3-6.6-3 dud.

or onyonc elw in the finał, could stop him.

"If hc is scrving likc lic did today. I think it i* vcry difficult for anyonc. I don't think,it matiers how well >ou return.** said Edberg. who faikd to make the scmifinals for Ihc first timc sińce I9K6.

Becker was the third former champion lo hit the skids - litcrully on the slippery Centrę Court and figurativc!y:on the scorcboard. Agassi led 4-6. 6-2. 6-2. 3-4 with Becker to %crvc wltcn the rain cumę.

. ^hc mewH matchcs werc interrupted bnefly a\ midday’by ihc“wrap-up oFu womcn*s quancrfinaK ducl suspended by darkness Tucsday nighl. with Gabriela Sahatini kadmg Jennifer Copriali 6-1, 3-6. 5-3.

U.S. team — clinches Olympic hoops berth

The Associated Press

PORTLAND. Orc. - ItYofficul now. The United States basketball team is Barcelona U»und.

"Wharhńc bccn a forcgonc concluMon -Milce NBA player* wcfć^aćccpted inloCllic_ inicrnational arena in I9K9 was confirmcd WcdncsdayTTU&l when Team USA beat Argentinu I2H-87 to clinch an Olympic berth    (    _

The^intOficajKC^Mnlh słruight hlowout victor> in the Olympic qualif>ing lournamcnt adcanced them into Fnduy mght*s semifinuK. m whieh all four team* are assured of spot* m the Olympic* latcr this month.

Michacl Jordan ^cored 24 points. Charles -Burklcy 23 and Chris Mulim 18 for the U.S. team. whidt hus won iis four games hy an avcrugc margin of 56 points. Magie Johnson had mne points. six rchouiuls and 14 awists.

In other gaincs in the Toumament of the America*. Canada beat Panama 71-62 to gain a hcrih in the quartcrfinul*. Brazil r<iutcd Urugu.\v 139-93 and Mciico played Vct>ezucla in a (atc gamę that delermined annthcr qu;incrfinat spot. Brazil alrcudy had clinchcd an Olympic benh in Group B.

Argentinu had ulrcady qualified for Thur*day*s quaftcrfinuls and will play Pucno Rico.

—Mtillin had II point* and Jordan 10 in the first cight minuics as ihc American* opened a 28-10 lead ufter trailing 5-3. Barklćy then ^c«Kcd 14 poinls in the finał 11 minuics of the half a* Tcain USA rolled to a 68-37 halfnme kad.

-. The United States, whieh had ninc 3-połnicr>.in the lirst-ltalf of Tucsday*\ gamę with Panama, hit six morc in the first 20 minuics of the Argentinu gumę.

Canada 71, Panama 62

Curutla (2*21 clinchcd j qu.iricrfmal berth l<hmd tlić in poiiłtN lor fomwr S>racu*c Mar Leo Roulins. Panama (1-3) ncvcr rccovcrrd from i ,first hatf in whieh it \liol Jl percent |U for 29). Canada led hy bciwecn sit and 12 point* the cnJire second half. Mario Butler led Panama with lfi|Mrnls.

Brazil 139, Uruguay 93

Bm/il (4.0) had atready clinchcd the irip to *barrrlon:i-bv»-Mill-hun,e «ip ilie toumamenCa^ liigbest po:nt toul TTic gumę was a matchup of the 10-teom field** top Iwo \corcrs. BruziTt Oscar Schmtdt. who camc in useraging 30 point* per gamę. had 35. while lloracio Lope z. who avcragcd 31.7 in ihc opening Ihrce garnca, finuhed with 41 on !6-for«25

Consistent Quale drives to top of Street stocks witho

By Jeff Ho*ki*łOo

Times-Newi wriier

TWIN FALLS - It took Bruce Qjalc half a scason łasi ycar to pick up-his fint win. • When he did hc was in iccond place.in the . scason poinw standings.. ,

Thisycar. Qaalc finds himsclf in the same ' posiiion. withoul a win ot the midway point" of the scason. BuUhis scason things orc ~aitTercnrtmharhc r»1he pointa leader in the_ Budwiser Street Siock division.

*Tt’s frustrating. I want to win a moin

cvent.” said Quale. "I havc bccn a liłtle lucky to stay out of troublc.”

Quale holds a minutę two-point lead. 2I9-2I7, ovcr Scott Keller.

• The fact that Keller is not the points leader eon be attributed to consistcncy. Although

Qualc has bccn consistent cnough to hołd onto the top spot in the points stnndings.

• Pcople kccp tclling mc to kecp consistent and don’t rip thsngs up." said Quule.

. . Gary MotlockJtnjLDan Taylor orc fighting il out for the third and founh spots in ehe

Keller has woirnvc of tJie cight rnccs that tire -standings. Taylor hus one win this .scason Street Stock*s have contcstcd. hc ha-' only, with Matlock claiming tsvo second place mkother(ojjfivefinish.    finlshcs. to.put tlicm where they are-in the

Quale, on the other hand, has bccn ihc standings. plclure_of_ęoń'sisjency. Hc has-finished Last ycars ntidway’point marked the firsl sccOnd"five łimciTlhird. founhrund fifth -timein two-soi^ms lhal Edd>vMcKcan has. oncc cach. With cight finishcs in the top Twe. not bccn ovcnakcn fur Ihc łup spot on that

night of ructng. In fnA. at the midway point . last ycar McKcan hcld the top spot by nlmost IDO points. . What a diffcrcncc a ycar makes. Last weck McKcan entered the racing on midway night with a onc-point Icad ovcr'r00klc drWer _Darin Fairbanks.

•‘I doń’t know whul it is about the halfway —

point;” said McKcan. ^Last-yearwc had all-

the good luck. This ycar we havc had uli bad luck the first half of Ihc ycar."    C

—When thcjacjng _had^finislicd that nighl, .

Pioase soo S>~EEDWAy/BŹ |

-    —1 1 ------



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