? 199? frfm*v.a!u*s Iwin F.»Cv kie.o C 3 .
By Ehe GoodeU
. Mini-Cassia News Scrvicc *
r~ PAUL - A Burlcy mon’walked oway from. ihc crash of a cropdustcr Wcdrtcsday moming on Burcau of Land Management ground northwcśi of Paul, Lt. Randy Whitc of ihc Minidoka County Shcriff'* Denartment *nid
as far as he could tell.
In addition. most df llic gasolinc thc piane carricd was bumed in thc fur. he
saki. .«■ *? --------
Whitc said Turner had toW him that lic had jusl taken off from a smali runway in Minkfoka County when thc enginc lost Ijower.
County Shcriff % Department Turner couldn*t bc locatcd lor
reseuers found Lawrcncc Turner. 53. cocnmcni.
Burlcy, walkiog aroumj his burnirtg Thc płiinc- owncd by Mikc Monrtl>
P5?,c’ . ... . louched down. bouneed aml ihcn landod
Thougli apparcnily unhurt. "ile was Whńcsaid
obviousty ■ linie duken jud.** Whitc said. . .
"Tuiner waV irćaicd 'and rclcascd a. ,S>l,.»,on-Adm.n,>Uąt»axŁ
MblMoka Memoriał Hospilil ih kupen. •ofnc«aU wcrc c*pccicd «o inccl.gaie Ihc Whitc said ho was surpri*cd Turner cnuh* waxn't badly hun. The piane was fully lf thc wcather hadn't bcen ramy cnp.ulfcd hy flamc when Whitc amvcd at rcccmly. Ihc crasfi might havc touchcd tlić scenę. It Jookcd 10 bc a toial loss. dfT a largu LiuMi Tire: Dutdittlc BI.M The load of fungicide hcing carried by land btirned. Whitc guessed Jhallhc thc piane was ihimpcd bcforc thc cmii. scvcmI farmers who wcrc ai ihc cradi Whitc said. Ken Knowlcs. a BLM *cctx: Mped pul out thc fc* Barnes. Iiazardou.s materiał* spec io list. *aid ihc "I could %cc thc shovcl marks." lic fungicide was not a liazardou* materiał said.
Lowronco Turner walked owoy from tho crosh Wodnosdoy after thc enginc łosi powor shortly after tokeoff
Rupert’s 4th of July festival rides into high gear today
By Ehe GoodclL *
Mini-Cassia News Scrvicc
RUPERT — Ruperfs July 4th - -celcbration ha* clutnged a lot in 66 >e.»rv
What siartcd out as a rodco organized by local cowboy* has bccomc one of tlić Magie Val1cy*s largest summertime community fcsiival«. according to Dawn
cutcgonc* begins at-6-p.m., and-rcsccved)..scating.otcaś\ur.butli samplc* of ihc cooks* rcsults perfonnanccs. will be sold after judging is For Friday'* performance, complcic. lamilics can huy a $.12 pass m
Pari-mutucl luirsc racing also ..aclyancc of ihc^rodco ihut will begins today at thc Mimdoka admit Iwo adults and up to fóur County Fairgrounds. Raccs will childrcn hctwccn llic ages of f» and lakę place ihrough Sunday with 12 lotbc blcachcr seclion.
vanous Mailing limes.
Starting times arc 5 p.m. today. 3 p.m. Friday'. and I p.m. hoth
“* llutchinsonr*manogcr-of -the--Saturday .md,Sunday
Kupcri Ar.ca Chamber of Commcrcc.
The popular Christmas Lighnng Brcakfast and Street dancc wcrc beki Wednoday. T7ic Royal West Amusements carnisaf siartcd Wednesday and run$ through Saturday.'
A Dutch-ovcn cookoff is schcdulcd for thc *qujfc today. Judging in scvcral different
The traditional paradę will start ai 11 a.m. on Saturday. Many cńtrics arc cxpcc«cd for tl*c cvcnt. thc theme of which is ••Diamond* arc Forevcr." in celcbration of thc cily\ 75ll» birthday,
The rodco will begin at K p.m. on both Friday and Saturday.
Tickcls can bc purchascd at Pioneer West Realiy or MoganN in Rupen today.
Rodco t icfccts at ihc gntc will bc $5 ftw aiiults and $ for chiklrcn 6-12 for thc gr.iiHKi.iml. Fik open* air hlcachcrs. tlić co*J will he $4 lor adOtts and $3 lor chiklrcn (• to 12.
On Saturday. yjrious taniily cntcriainmcni is schcdulcd hctwccn I and 6 p.m. on thc
Childrcn under ihc age of 6 Rupert Squ.irc. FihkI IhmuIis will will bc admitted frec in hoth he open tlmmghout tlić cxicndcd blcachcr and grandsland tnon- holiday weekend.
Burley’s Yarbrough lays winning stringon line-at RupertJDowns
By James PrićhaS
Mini-Cassia News Scrvice
KOPERT - For thrcc*ycurs •running.- Burlcy-s—Gary-•YirrBTJu glr-ha r W C n * t h c^nt os t-succcssful racchorsc trainer in Idulto. brcaking and iraining morę winners tlian anyonc in thc ^taic.
In 1989. *90 and 91. —Ytirbrough!«.-hor*o.-won morc raccs during RupertS unnual Indcpcndcncc Dny pari-mutucl racing cvcnt than any other traincr’\.
His local winning streak goes on thc linc beginning today. thc start of tlny^car^ four-duy
_cycnt af'Rupert l)owns in thc
Minidoka County iFalrgrourias. Rupen Downs Racing Sccrctary Ed Madson said Wednesday that about 300 horses arc .schcdulcd to run in 43 raccs.
Posrilmcjr-will-bc~of-5-p.ni.-' today. 3 p.m. Friday and I p.m. Saturday .. and Sunday. Admission will bc $2.50; childrcn under age 12 will bc admitted frcc.
I Modson said thcrc-will bc 10. taccs cach today and Friday. 11 faccs 'Saturday and u dozen Sunday. The cvcnis will inelude tjuaner horsc runs of up to 440 yard* and thoroughbrcd n»cct of up to a mile.
Z The fcaturcd contcst.s inelude:
Z • Saturday** lOth race: thc piark Ranch Thoroughbrcd perby: S5.940 pursc.
r *
TralnorBob Mozlngo from Brlghom City, Utah, unwraps thc. protectlvo leg wrapplngs from Pass thc Speed whilo Leo . Jones Jooks on.
• Sunday*s *cvcnth race; Ihc .Magie Vallcy Quartcr Hor*c Classic: $700 pursc. •
* • Sunday'* cighth race: Ihc Clark Ranch Quarter llorsc Derby; $8.(XK) pursc.
• Sunday** ninth race: Ihc
Budweiser Quaricr llorsc DerbyT S4.9I0pur.ee:-
• Sunday** lOth race: Doug Ogden and Darrcll Ogden'*' Thoroughbrcd Altiancc; SI.000 pursc.
• Sunday*s llth race: thc Rupert Downs Quurtcr llorsc Futurity; S7.790 pursc.
• Sunday*** I2th race: thc Rupert Down* Quartcr Morse
Muturity: $łJ(Ml pursc.
Doug Ogden. president of Rupert Downs. sani thc entrańts inelude Iłorses from Idalio. Utah and Montana.
Ile attnbuicd thc cvcnt*s nucccss to llic support of Uh.mI mcrchanis and racing voluntccrv
**Thćy‘vc hccn vcry. very good herc in thc Mini-Cassia arca.” Ogden suid.
Madson V.iid pulting together llic annual alfair Is a ycar-long task. Hc'M start on thc 1993 cvcnt immcdiatcly after this ycar’% raccs cnd.
••|t*s a lot of work." lic sjhI.
iHundreds brave chilly ‘Christmas’ I temperatures for hot breakfast
By Erie Goodcli
51ini-Cassia News Servicc , *. .
• RUPERT — The lOth annual Christmas Cighting Brcakfast Wednesday tasted great. cvcn in wcatlicr thot hinted of Christmas.
» ; Hundreds thronged thc Rupert Square. thc wi.*c ftnes bundled up against unscasonabte cold. and {njoycd pancakcs. scrambled cggs, ham and hash ^rowns. Many havc bcen attending thc cvcnt cvery ycar sińce it begon in 1982.
Z -J think thi* is a bigger crowd than we had lo*t 6car,*' said, Roberta Cliristiansen. chairwoman of [be Christmas Lightmg Committcc. *
.J '‘Eycn though lf* cold, we dccided to come Kecause lf* good to sec the pcople.you.know,^ aaid Halyna Tupyi of Rupert. **It’s a goo.
brcakfasi. too.**
lt takes a lot of organization and munpower to pul on such n brcakfast. according to Christiun\cn. mcluding 200 pounds of pancakc flour. 20 ęallon*
and "lols
I- - 20 ę
of syrop. 25 gallons of milk. 25 galion* of juicc, 250 dozen cggs. ,16 harns. *cvcnil Canon* of hash
brown*. -galion* and galion* of coffcc’ and lot* ot good help."
Prcparation* begin at 4 a.m. at thc Pancakc Hou*c in Kupen. With thc approval of co-owner Nellic Berg. "We co in thcrc and cook uli thc ham*. start the coffcc ond stan brcaking cggs.** Christianscn said. * .
A totol of ot IcnM 30 peoplc help with thc breakfast. The Tccn Support Club. a center for thc _mcntally ill working their way back into socicty, acrćcd lo clć.nn up after thc brcakfast.
Cassia’s Moyle wins GOP seat
By Douglas S. Jones — — - --
.Mini Ca\si;i Ncw\ ScrsKc
BLRLET.- In a ihih: whca.auny peoplc don‘t cscii register to v»»tc. Iluricy husincv*wnmjti Cynjhu M«*> lc ivwtnkiiig"tó fiukc.»łlilfcrćiiic.
Tot mv(»|\cd in pidilics lx\au%c I !uvc iwo chtklfcu. I ikccI to lcavc litem lite frwifciciK tiul I was fken. I lilie to lease ihcni a lilllcaiure,** M«»y k* said.
Moyle was clcctcd Kepuhluan Nalitwul CmnnutK*cwiim,in iluir^ iIk Idaho Sute KcpuhlK.ui ConsrMKat in hlałm FolK la\t iiHHith.
One wnfitan and one ntati agaesem cnctrsntron ihc^cpubk^i Anitnnul ComniiMcc. She .md Idaho Fali* lawycr Rtakc Iflall. formcf etsumijM of tfic Itbho GOP. reproćni kliw Mo) Ic dcscrihcs łurr role as a katMHi lvtwcen kbhi« ;unl tik* ciemtMkr I Ih
Judge won’t release Fino decision yet
MiniCassia News Scrsicc
-KUFTKT— l)J|h-LXurki .\bpuialc..
_ R. fjjiry W>sid h» ttUAs a dćtiuon nn whelher Jeny Finn Rupen 'tunchl stand tYial orf first-degree omrder Charles, hm lic wi»n*| His
Tłcctsion umil u'i* Ideti mriHSnfaTIIk* Mjtwhtka CoutU) <*nurilu>uvc. . ^ -Tlnnr I7."ttn riccn rtnrwY wr.h-t l Anril 13 slay ing of Randy Walker. 54. wIh» was killcd al los Ku|K*n paw u shop. Fitio also is cltarfcd *ult the mt Bgptetl murtJcf of a cu^tocitct Aclcrk al thc Lincoln County CourttHHMwr<*aid WovJ woultl nut enminctir on llic cawf uistil hi\ ha> bcen lilcd. saying it wimlil Ih* uncilm al lo do mi lvtnrc the partie* ansoK cd havc a siurtce to trąd his detmou. •
lt nwy lakę a lew dav\ for the dcctsion to he rccciscd hy thc Minidi4.;\ C ounty CourtInmn’ The
l.nxotn C«KNv<y eferk saHllypicr/ or tik-opimon slnmkl hase lvcn c*w^ilcicil WcdncMlay.
During a preliminary hcaring Tucsday.WiKHl dccided that Finn should stand trial for the attempted murder of cusiocncr lleula Knutsen. w ho was struik witfwa kndc scYcral limes. She was taken tu Mimdoka Memoriał llospibd and taMtciI
R.sthJy Stok er. Fino*s aliornry front . Twin Falls..argucd againsl.a fir*ti. dcgfcc murder charge.
Stoker said llic contplaioi against Fino spccilically charges kam with wiclding a knifc and killing Walker. But no cvwIctKe w.iv presented at thc preliminary hcaring tliai sbutcil Fino actually knilctl Walker. Stoker argucsl.
Knutsen has sani slie thinls morc than one assailant was in thc pawnshop.
Wood coiwludcsl front thc cvidcncc presenwd that lt i* pmłublc fino was in thc pawn shop a< thc fin* of the inunler.
Me said he would liavc tudccidc whether Fino should he chtycd stfith thc murder cvcn if fic might nm havc bcen the one who dn! tl»e ktlUng,
Minidoka County Proicwuting Aitomey Charles Crtas*>n sid ihat an accomplicc can be hekJ just as lobie as tlsose who cormul an acuul cnntc.
“ , 'lt’s just politics pure and simple. It’s just pushing . ...around ideas.and likes and dislikes.’
— Cynihia Moyle
citińmittcc lus no gtwciniii); umhioI met tik- KcpnMk.ui polis IhiI Ah js on alvivry aixl |*4k \ •m.ikme Kuły.
MHai*H*j|ls we lis And eh*it Ks*puhlKaus." Mnsle oul. * l*tn we ul*o hose a-v.iv m.llic.tnnuaUun ot pnhcics I •% «mi pul inpot . inlna wImI changes Idaho iteeils m what (Jnetmm kbho rs
Tlns i\ Mmk**s Imm ekviH*u lo tlv CtUiniNtlee. aliln*nph 4k' lias .uteikled
id ii' iin\-tuvgs in Wadunmmi.
IM ^
-ll s |»ts| |h*lilws purv and miii|iJv lt's |u\t (Hidiinp atiHHKl itlcas ao*l likc* and ilislilcs" Mo\k* sani %Shw* icplaes*! Jaiurt Millet «»f Bmse. “ wtm 5crrc:l in the piwutnn 11 ycar* *< I lic pomtnut refpurcs Iscr to ;itteód ye.trly meetmprm WadiingtoiirD.C.. .md leymnal meetnips thriHiyhimi ilv
Slie also lus heen elesied io bc*a dcley.ue at th»s \uiiinicr*s naimnal pul) siHiseotnifi mllmrston
MiiWe Inst hecame msulscd iii polil u* \ wIk'ii thć (iOI* stale sotiscnitoii w.i\ lield ni Hurles iii -jyoi---•:.............
“I was a papę." dk’ sald. ‘Tsc lvcn .i junw.oiker. I‘sc jlwass tven a. paiis soliinieer «d-*ui rcallOliapps liehnid the wenę* mak ing ching* twppen.,ą •* .
Albion campus moves closer to landmark status
The Time*-New* "Sotne. of the other natioii.il
Kandm.irks in (dalio, likc thc AJ.BION - - T1k* Nottliwcst fat.tlilo Mt\\ion ond lite H«*tsc icgional cllic4 of thc National Awjn Office. Itaic hccn Park Scrvtcć lny* yndotsyil, tesiiactl tąith dic helpirfyłyair National Historie l.aintmork" Hnnntron^. Kenipłori*vuMf "lt" status U* |hf Taiujms ul llic old iust taiścs tlie s isihiliiy »vT Ihc Album Stale Norm.il ScHimI |»i*»iv\t and make* it easier to C*luilos t hleeaanl. in a Setiei r.iis%* miHicy.**
-AMu«mi.- said lic ~.would •mmmmii to a paik *ei*icc iesiew’bo.ml that tl»e '5-.icre sile he desipiated likilto*s nm:h National IlisUMic l .intlnunk
"I tlnnk ni combinaiio?i wi:li
loittt inenioiial jiasseil by tlie (.cpsblurc UM >esvr*Hi askittg. .imjjonss ule diii unaltered
enonph t*rwairunt copsHleiatHin lot liisiottcal iccogiiiluMi.
Nmnial svin**%ls — leachers* \ollegev wcrc a li\lurc «»l Aniefican liigltet cdiK*aii»ni in lite-lale I9th ;did carl* 2dtli centurie*. \l*»si have eilher
01. --llic teasotty Ile w as
leiiMuntcnding thc Albion vitc loi laitdttiark status u as a suiwy ih»iK* earlter «ltiv ycat by the lilalt«» State Jltstorical Socict) that sfi«»wc«l no morc llt.in tw«i n.tui.il mIioi*|s
llic Icdcral gowriimeitt ta ciNtsŃfer tatidiiiaik status for Hk* campus, this eml«*isemeni i#> pomp. lo bc sery hclpltil."
Kcmpimt s.iid tlns u cek.
National Mislotii* l.amlmaik siali|s would not nteait ledev.il niiMtes lo help resiure thc
closcd, likc Albion. or grown
i iumblmg Imiiniing/j oinir? Inrirntlh^emre-cnllrpr^rand’-eampus. hut u ouiy«t altr.iet iiniwrsities. likc l.cwi*-Clark pnsaic ihnutiorts ii»*4vtlx* jub. State College and State
Keui|Hon v;ihI., . l;ni\eisity.
Information Regarding a
Lost Blue Samsonite Duffel
Last Seen at Oasis Pump & Wash Saturday, June 27 10:30 -11:30 p.m In back of Toyota Pick-up Truck
No questions Asked!!!
Send Information to the Times News P.O. Box A-8342 Twin Falls, Id 83301 - *
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