A-i Wodłiwtfly A cni 19.1969 Time'. Nuws. Twn Fofe, kUSo

City of Rocks can benefit erwironmentalists, developers

There's no single cause of America's failures in education

In *ummanzmg,the Slroul dcposil and its ------—"

Yiilue toThc sinic and its citizen* uh*wc!l uh Raymond Wiłhz. Twm us business base. I would liavc to stale ihat the proposcd wildemess study oren for ihe Gooding Cily of Rock* is detrimeninl lo ihe dwelopmcnt und operntion of a uniąuc and prosperou* vcr.lurc.

The proposcd wildemcvn study nrca is

Hrofc**iona1ly. I believe iłu* Gooding City of Rocks wildcnu-.ss proposnl i* not in balnncc wilh the dovelopmcnt of Idaho* mining industry. 1

The depoMl of diatomuccous cnrth the .Slroul family ha* cłaim lo is directly affecud by this propo.ial. The potentiul for devc!opmenl of lin? diatomaccous earth Tloims u very goofl |uid would bcneftrn lor-of Idaho busincsscs as wcll as ila resident*.

As ihe pasł dmlopment consulumi for this projcct. I can ossurc you. ua 1 huvc on numerous occaswns in your Office*. that ihe proposcd wildemcss słudy aren hns cloudcd mnny potcntial huyerb of orc nnd also of the cnlire dcposit.

The sccuring of contract ore sules is r.ext lo impossible os ho one will gambie on rccciving orc shipments on a rcgular and uninlerrupled bnsis duo 10 possiMo conflicLs with cnvironmcnuilistH over matters which would bc relnled lo the wilderness study nrca.

The dcposil ha* bcen revicwcd and porsonally imipcclcd by large minerał

Raymond Willis

conglomcnitcs wIiok- interes* was very kcen ur.til the wildcmcs* proposal issuc was menlioned. Auhi* p-»ir4 itH*ir inter^st usually dvler:«»riilo<l rnpidly. .

The siłę and qua)ity of ihr depusit. cimplcd wilh the umquecn>«* willi which the orc could U* rninrd. make* il a vcrv vuluablc deposit indeed. In cjur ciwironmenlal a*si*ssnu*nt, which we sulunitfcd lo your ofTice. wc stated that our proposcd mining nutłiods would improYe the gcographic.il area and enhance il* hcouty.

Ah the mining progrrswd. rcclnmation would hnvc bccn implrmenlrd lo »Hliftfy all concemed partie*. As nf this dnie, ore samplcs from the Stron! dcposil ure heing evalunlcd nnd scnitini/cd for possiWe usc in many industnal applicntioan. Thcsc test* itr.d llicir rcsull* are monilored by myself and reluycd on lo Mr. Loroy Strout on a regular hasis.

Pcrsonally. ihc possibilityof developing iłu- Slroul diatomaccous earth deposil i* very feasiblo. Ilauing had ihe opporlunity lo negolinlc wilh tnc prospcclivc buye/s and ob*crvr some of Ihe innowition* which ure manufactured withdiatomaceous cnrth ns wcll as knuwing ihc escalation of diatomaccous earth sole* for consuihptinn in U.S. market*. ihc Slroul dcpo*it will havc n brighl and profitable futuro if the sligmn of the wildcrr.ess study urca cnn bc climinatcd or nllercd lu not afford the hazard of any conflict with enviranmunt;iliMa in the futurę.

The pos.sibility of a now and scecrcly necded industry busc of high technolog)-nnd mnnufaclunng cjin bo implementcd lo

thcaUitc of Idaho. SaaeMngtheore comhmcd with n brge work forcc ns wcll as cxccllent transportation system* make* the feasibility of this projcct nil the morc importam.

Idaho is all too wcll familiur with the ups and down* of MMSonal employmer.t nnd ha* bccn the rccipient ofdipresscd ngricultural


market*. Attracting ncw industry that not only providcs security in employmcnt but also ncw lax revcnuo* to the stale'* budgets sliould łie first ur.d forcmostun any Idaho Citizen'* mind.

The lieutemmt govemor. Hulch Ottcr, in 1988 was dismayed nt the cxploiUition of Idaho’* natural resourccs nnd proposcd tluil the indufitry which purchased these natural rcv>urccs bc persunded to open manufacluring focililics in the stale of Idaho so that wc could sharc in the *ndded viilue* of the resourcc. If the Slroul depo.c.t can be mined successfully without the conflict* associnted with wildcmcss »tudy arena, then Idaho may very wcll play host lo many ncw induslrie* in the neor futurę.

not opposcd by myself. the Strouto. or nnyonc clse ussocialcd with the devclopmcni of the depo bil. In fact wc would congralulatc thcsc cnvironmcnlalUt5 on a welWonc job of protecting the bnd of the entirt Uruu d States. Thcy ore dcfinilely direly nceded.

However. in the mutler of the Strout dcpośil located north of Dliaa. as the nrvn i* ‘CUrrcntly layed out. a very scrious conflict exisl*. If the boundarie* werc u> be redrawn to the north of the dcposil. less than or.c mile, nil conecm* could be met: und wc could all bc dednred winnors in the fighr for ncw industry for Idaho nnd also for the fight for presenatwn of the Idaho wilde mess.

consufraitf on tho proposcd Strou: mining projcct nenr Gooding. This nrticlc is cxccrptcd from commcnis hc scnl to the Buremu of Lind Mnnigcmenl on the proposcd Gooding City of Rocks uildcmcss o ren.


WAsmE HfrASfd Publnhoi

SicpUii I M.vu«j*ni| Edau'

The ineink*fs of the •ihtofi.il bo.ml and utRefs of atitoii«il\ are SicjiIkii I lart*>n utul Wdham li I l<Avafd

Afler lislcning lo the Bnrbani Waltcrs documcntnry concerning the status of education in the United Stoics, I felt compelled to wrile this letter principully to the young people of our country a* wel! ns to thcir parents nnd grondpurenU.

Young America, you huve indeed bccn betrayed by your govemmenl, by your pnrent*. by your tcucher*. by a co:ixing. pcrmissivc. frcc-swmging society whosc ery is: *if itfeels good do it." Worst of all. you havc bciniycd >x>ursclvcH.

Your govcrr.ment hu* bclroyed u by aiding in the dcstructinn and scpnrnlionof a child/pnrenl relolionship with emphasis being placod uponthe individunls dcpcndcncy upon the stule.

People who arc in high positioru of nuthority in govcmment should conduct themscUcs with integrity, honor, wisdom, prudencc. dignity and chnstity. Tnke o long hnrd look nt the Congress, people in aulhority wlio nre supposed to be pnrogons of virtuc nnd cxample* to you young people. Whnt do you


• Do you sec n philox>phy of *if youdont get enught.itsÓK"? Do you sec onylhmg goes for power

J. A. Martin

nnd money? Do you S4*e a very casunl npproach to excellcnce nf conduct or performance on a persomil level?

Pnrcnts. how hmv you ktrayid your childrcn? By agreeing nnd becoming u party to the dcslruction of what God said a family should be. Ilave yuu given them your limo without *tint?

Have you taught them the ten commnndments? Ilave you bccn a friend nnd confidanl? Ilavc you failed to procidc a bonie. I dont menn a house. I menn :i homc with nil of the love and understnndmg and cki>ći>c*s. re*pc-ct. lionomblencH*. and chnstity of conduct llmt n lwimi* slurnhi hnw? Havc ^uCreuted nn ntmo>phere of futility toward the futurę?

Hnvc you taught them to Iow. Iionor and fenr (5od or to wor>hip people and possessiems? llove you taught them the firsl grent commandmcni. or are you afraid that it cncroache* on thinr civil rights nnd offonds their

H%nsibilitics?..Huve yuubcen__

z.calous in hclping them at hcIwkiI. participating in tlwir proNcm*. or hnve >ou jast Icft il up to the stale

cducntinnal board? Iław you ' mMSted thnt incompi^cnt lenchers bo remoYcd? Instcad of holding your child * nose to lla* educational grindstone. hnw you jusl copped out and (ried to łiuy ywc %vayout of >xiur resjHinsihility to them a gi(\. u nighl on the town. the car. anything ju-a to gi l them out of your hair? How nften do >oti tell them you !ovc them?

Kducalom. how haw you Utrayed tfu: young people you ure eiitnisted to toach? Do you lay luck on tln* excu*e that you are underpaid and therefore the clnldrendonl renpect you and you h;t w no aulhority? That really is a cop out. Then* i*nt a prastitutr. drug pu^kr. sueccssful llticf.

politician. c<»n artist. etc. in the warld who di)esn*t make morę tłum most educaiors; and I suppon* that if I go by thut standard. I und the young people of the world should rcspccl them for being ready. ablc and willtng to denl mi sery to mnnkind.

How vigorously did the Kducational Association lobby to keep the courts from indignifying your profc*sion. A good tcacher |ove* whnt he/sht* doe*.

Would you sny that missionarie*. minister*. Salcution Army workers. misnion house worker* should not be re.spectcd Inrcause thcy make less than you? What * their excuse? Thcy Iow tłwdrwork

I vv(SOuT^

iw ipop

■BSiOŁSi ■ v, s* CWt>l 0%^

TX)»^ .


My heart goc* out lo the plight of a goud tcocher. The scrvnnt is truły worthy of his hire but only their conduct. honor, integrity and performance buysthcm rcspect.

How much of the scbool budget gm*s for cxtracurriculnr activities such ns golfing. football, tnps to the ski basin nnd other sport* instead of being applied to rcading. writing and 'rilhmetic and your sałaries?

Di thcy go tu school to play or to bm. or are you simply trying to "interest them* to iłtey woni giw you a problem? Do you stand firmly agninsl parents who core *o little abou'. the education of tłieir childrcn nnd dccnand their pnrticipation0





\)m ,


Young people, you mny bc young. but God gavc you a brnin. Use it. Dont let those who dont care cheat you out of your education. If >ou want good things in the renl world you ore going to have to wnrk for them.

Oh. I know that govcrnmcnt *ay* we are oll things to oll people and th.it wc will tnke corc of you.

If yuu buy that you orc indeed stupid and descrve to be hod

You arc the govemment. Socicty doesnt owe you anything but the privi!cge of being a worthwhilc participnRt in the brotherhood of mankmd

./ A. mJimmMartin isn resident o f Raport    -    - .


mm in



The Times-NewH wclcomes letters to the cditor but will rcject those it conuiders libelous or in bud tuste Ench letter musi bc si^neri nnd should includc the* writcr's mniling uddress. Letters of morc thnn 400 wordn muy be edited for length.

Lctters Wclcomc


Letters/ Readers comment on o uciriety of issues

Andrus stands up for citizens

In the lO^wars butik* brtween tla* public and the cattle łun>r.< of ldalu>. tik* raltlcrm n haw jilwuy* turiicd t» pmfes<mnal gunfighters

Prcscntly thcy hu\»* hi red a gunman in a Imsini^s suit.Gary Gli-nn. and giwn hitn an tmprcssivc lilie uf excrtnivc ciec presiden!

(Jary know* enuugh about cattle t*» try to milk a stcer. Afler ytar* of mtimidatiun b> tl:e.<e hired truublcmaker*. we łutw fuully elected a gnwmor wh:» will mit clral wali 'thesr hiriil gun.^

Thatik >Mu.(Vci!. for finally re|in*M*nting the vast majonty of the nti/en* of Idaho.


Twin Folia

Misscs home carc savings

I don t ur.dcrsl.ind tik* support givcn to ilu* cldcrly homc carc on the basis thnt hurm can* i* rhraper The monihly charge to ut-titutions* being a co m post te of otilitit*>. msur.ir.ee. taxc*. mntenals u*cd by. nil ilu* drpartmcm.s. fuod: admins*trativc costs. etc., beside* wagcsibcmg compared with only wagę:; paid ta łiomc carc-providcr* cunfuses me. After all. pnvalc homc* haw tlwie eipcnscs alro. and thcy nrc nccessary for the carc*rcccivcr‘> hejlth. It mny have Jomcthśng ta do* with the homc-can* prorfder** rcspon*il»litic>. which arc equ3valcnt to providing all the intern of al! the departnients of the m*!itutionx: but I dont sce Imw t! could bJ*? *



Fuller should try pro bono

It is goud tu know th.il (Jrcg Fuller hj' In* hrait in ihe rigłit pian*. Ile undcrslands ihe plight of Ute Jenimr la\payrr. and ho i.< commtttrd to xving tlutl Jainn ('hiirtmikniu get* ju>lm\ Kair eliuugh1 He Pow luis thi* upportuiuty to Uronić th* darling of ewryttne Why nut do the rest of tłu* casr pro (•ono pohliro • for the public e.iAwl or w elfa rei?


Pastor, Firot Baptist Church


North proves the fali guy

iWtthin the nrM fevr days the case of thi* l;mttil Siatii vs i N*vcr North will go to the jury. This rrimin.il .icti«n łui> proccc*drd with grrat luticinal itUen*^ lvul with little comment m )<Lil>«

Tłk*lo\*iil iti*.ig.iuiie> most remember that l.irutcjumi Goloni*! Niirth, about ora* year ago. wasdcsrnbedby ('resident Reagana* a gre;n natioRid hero No great luitioiul beru iii a unie of >ucli great persomil distrrs* łus cver bei-n mi tU»r<»ughly .ibar.dma d.    i

(bc can imagitic a hero Inóng left to dangle in the wind if the act.s cłuirged a** crimiruiLwere not coimected te his hcruic conduct North. a* wc nil know, i* being tru d fur acliun which causcd the Prc.MĆcr.t to label him a hem

Not «ne Keagjnite ha* e\xnofFercd the jSM*r denl a public hand<hakc or p;it on the Uickfor his loyahy.

Ustening to the cvidcnce fn»m a d:*Unce# one gct*tłk* imprrsHionthłit the l.ieutcrar.1 ('olor.rl w.i«». at worst. .iii eager greenlkirn who wanted tu plav marhles with the big


When it commenced to min. tho Rcaganite* ju^t tuok all the mar bies Home When survivfil of th«* fittest or the ncltest is the maral c«4^of the bnd. North wa* partirulirly rui ve.

This niornmg the bumper sticker "Nu gms nu glory" P.nshed d»iwn the strecl ju*t as *Gnn nwtier* ^hut Dakakis" went tik* nther way. ik>th stickers reprę^nt the morał tenor uf tik* limes North lud guts I guess. but in his lonrsamtncss t ery little glory. It srem* tinfortunate that the "No guts nu glory* buy* ran for the brush ;«i lude a> the storm appeared.


M-K contract is only partial

In bit Saturday > paper there was a new* item which onginated in Boise, and il (poted Murnson Kmidsen as hat jng reccitcd the caa*4niction contract for the dam retiabililalion and coa<tructioriof a ncw |Kjuer plant at Milncr.

I kftau so many of >uu wl» reccivc juur irrigation wiTcr fn>m cithcr the Twin FulK Ganal Co. or the Northsidc C.imil Co. haw łward tjuulofc on other cos! csiiroate*.

No. the three million figun* is for lh«* design uf both projcct*. thal i* wbił M K wm rcfcrnng ta. ('onstructionContract* want bc leltill bil

The cnnnl companic* are boking at a pussible total on the dam of cight million or less and tlw power plant for about forty

milhen    *

Thought the rei ord >huuld lic set Mraight



,Van Vlack tale incomplete

There was quitc an nrticle in the Sunday paper regarding V.m \1ack and Home other old bisiory about clii-% arva. Thcy wen* quitc interesting but wrre off as far as łH*ing factu.il II seems to me tłtit tłk* officef> ineiR.oRed were shot in Tw in Falls. not out at Hollistcr Van Vbck was pickcd up out by liollistcra whilt* after the shooling. Ile nnd his \yife left town. po**iWy liv way of the railroad nght of way This gticK* is bccau>e his wifc> body was found ju>! west of tho old dump ;uit rx>rthuc*i of Berger, in a culvcrt or. milroad nght of way. Also bc lud bccn sentenced to hiing and was nt the Penitcntiary whrn ho cummitlcd suicidc by jumping t»vcra railir.g at Uie Pcnitemiary.

Alro for any who might bc intcrcslcd the Trurblood plncy was ;usl south of the Highlir.e Ca rui on the road lo Jnckput It was nn the west sidc of tlve highway.



Cattlemen bully sportsmen

Fm n 5port*mnn who łuis spent hundrcd.s of hour* doing volur.tecr conscnmticn work. nnd 1 find the Idaho Cnltlo As>oci:ilior.a.c attempt to entsh the Idaho WiJdlife Congress upp^illing Al the Congross. ncarly l .000 5port»mcn-conscrvntioni\ts w<irked inthe finest American trndition to cłuirt a morc prosperuj futurę for Idaho* $2 billion huntmg and fisłuog industry. Gary Glcnn and the Idałki Cattle Association immediately lead an nttack on the Fiih and Gamę Department which facililated the Congrcss.

What precipiutcd the rancher* w^uth? Sportsmen cxpre*sing >imple concem abou the ranchers* massiee ovcrgrazing of Idulio public lands. which ha* bccn documcntcd just List ycar by Cungress* resenrcharm i fiacal matters, the General Accounting-OfTicc cGAOi. The GAO report found Uuit SiFJ of npanan(strcam*ide)areason publi-BLM lands had bccn tramplcd into nn official "Pour* cundition by domestie limtock ovc rgra zi ng-which łud*drasticftll rcduced wildlifc habitat and*criou>ly damaged fishcncs.

The ranclmr*. włiosc gr.tzing is niibsidize by iaxpu)er>’ dolłur* to tlić tum- of $20 million cach year. belicvc thcy own the public l.mds-nnd tn practicc thcy do! And i thcy are trying to buppress aporlsmcn’* effort* to correct the domage. Not vpry smart. cui^idering tłuu there are fTO.ÓOO sportsmen and women in Idaho, nnd only 2.209 catdcmcn.

Kcsponsiblc sportsmen musi stand up to thi* bullying, arxl support cfTort.^ of the Wildlifc Fcdcrotion. Sportsmen s Coalition fly fishing clubs. and Trout Unlimited to er thii fiscal insunityof taxpa\-crsuhsidized dcstructionof public lands. Left return the to producing what thcy produce best: profi making fi>h. wildlife. and rccrc-ution re.sources.



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