/V 4 Wodrodar Aprw 19. 1W9 T ms-Nuws. Tw*i Falb. Idaho

City of Rocks can benefit erwirontnentalists, developers

comhincd with a largo work forcc ns wclt us VAluc to the State andits citi7cns as well a*----Raymond WHIh; Twin Falk

rcMurccs be persuoded to open    ^currcntlyJa>t*d out. a rery senousconflict

exist*. If thc bour.dancs wt?re to be redrawn to thc north of the deposit. less than one mile, all concems could be met; and we could nil be dcchrcd winners in thc fight for new industry for Iduho and abo for thc fight for pfc»orvation of thc Idaho witdcrncs*.

I'n>fct*ional)y, I beliove Ihc Gooding City of Kocki wildcrne** proposal i* not in hulance with the deedopmcnt of Idaho'* mining indory.

Tlić* dcpo>it of diatomaccou.* carth tłu* Strout family łuts cluim to i* dircctly uffcctcd by this proposal Thr potrntial f«r dcvc!opmcr>t of thc diatomaceoitt rarth cloinih ih v*ry good and wnuld btncfil u lot of Idaho busincssca ni wcII o* iu rc»ideM*.

A* thc past devclopment connultant for this projcct. I cun wuture you. ha 1 havc on numcroas occasion* in your officc*. that thc propohcd wildcrnc** >tudy nrca has doudcd many potcnlm) buytni of orc and ulso of thc cntirc depo*;!.

The sccuring of contract orc aalcs in ncxt to impossiblc as r.v one will gambie on

rccciving orc shipmont* on u reguła r and uninterrupted banio duc to pussiblc conflict* with cnvifbnmcntalirtjł ovcr mottem which would be relatcd to the wildcmcts study arca.

The depoitil ha* bccn fcvicwed and pcrsonally inHpcctcd by large minerał

Raymond Willis

conglomcratcH who>c intercsl wa* vcry kem umil thc wilderncM proposal issue was mentionid. At thi* point their inicrcst UHually deteriornted rapidly.

The niże and ijuality «f thr dopo>it, couplcd with thc oni«|u«a *mm» with urliich ilu?-orc cuukl be smnrd. make* it.« wory valunblc deposit indccd. Inour cnvironment.il axse**incnl, which we submitted to your office. we stated that «ur proposed mining methocU would improv* thc gcograpkical arca and cnhanrr it* bcauty.

As thc mining progrcufcd. rcdomation would havc bcen implemcm^l to mitiufy, uli conccmcd partie* Aa of this duto, orc aamploH from thc Strout deposit arc beanir cvnluated and serotimrcd for pcraiblc usc in mony indurtriul upplicultoru*. The*? testu and their results orc momtored by myself or.d rrinyed on to Mr. Lcniy Strout on n reguła r biisis.

Pcreonally, ilu? possibility of dcwlopmg thr Strout diatomoccoua cnrth deposit is vcry feasiblc. f laving had thc opport unity to negolialc with thc pro*pcctive buycrs and ub*erve nomo of thc innorations which arc manufneturod with diatomoccous carth u» well as knowing thc cscalntlon of di.iU>maceou> carth sale* for consumption in.U.S. mnrftcU, thc Strout dcposiC will havc a bright and pro fi ta hic futuro if thc rtigma of tłic wildeme** rtudy arca can be climinated or altercd to not afTurd thc tuzard of any conflict with environmciitali*s in the futurę.

The possibility of o new and scvcrely needed indurtry base of lugh technolog) and ir.anufactunng can be implemented to tłtc rtate of Idaho. SuppSyitig the orc exce)lent tmn^portation systems makes thc fcasihilily of this projcct nil thc morę important.

Idaho ii nil too well familinr with the ups nnd down* of seasonal cmpbymcnt and has bccn the recipient of depressed agncultural

market*. Altracting new industry that not ■ cinly provides security in employmeni but alao new tax rcvcnucs to thc rtate'* budgeia ?«hou!d \k first and forcmosl on any Idaho Citizen'* mind.

The lic ule na nt govemor, ButchOttcr. in 19S8 was dismayed at thc cxploitotk>n of Idaho* natural rr^ourcci and proposed that the industry which purchased thcsc natural

munufacturing facilrtics in thc stale of Idaho so that we could sharc in thc *odded value" of thc rrfiourcc. If thc Strout deposit can bo mir.i*d succcs^fully without thc cnnflieta ttlfócialcd with wildcmcss study aren*, then Idaho muy vcry well play host to many new Industries in thc near futuro. In Mjmmanzing the Strout deposit and it*

its business bose. I would havc to stale that the proposcd wildcmcss study uren for thc Gooding (My of Rocks is detnmenul to the dcvclopmcnt and opcnition of a uni<iw? and p rospermu vcnt ure.

The prupo^cd wildcmcss Siudy aren is not opposcd by myyclt. thc Strout*. or anyonc eUc associated with thc dcvclopment of the deposit. In fact we would congratulnto these cnvironmcntali6ts un a wdl-done job of prrtecling thc land of iIk cntirc United State* -They are dcfimtcly dirdy needed.

Howevcr. in thc matter of the Strout deposit locatrd north of Bliss, as thc arca is consuiunt on thc proposcd Strout mining projcct nenrCooding. This orticlc is cxccrpted from commcnts hc senl to thc Uurcju ofLand Management on thc propo>cd Goedmg City of Rocks wildcmcss arca.

There's no single cause of America1s failures in education

After listening to the Barhnrn Woltera óocumcnuiry concommg thc fttutu* of eduentron in the United States. I fclt compolled to writc this lettcr principolly to‘ thc young pcoplc uf our country ns well as to their porents and grnndpnrent*.

Young America, you huve indccd bccn bctrnycd by your govcmment. by >*our parents. by your tcuchcrs. by o conxmg. pcrmisaivc. frec-awinging aocicty whosc ery is: "if it fccl* good do it.” Worst of all. you hovc bctrnycd yourselvcs. #

Your goYcrnmcnt has betrayed you by niding in thc dcslructiun nnd separntion of a child/poreni rclńtionship with emphasis being placcd upon thc individual's dcpcndcncy upon thc stale.

Pcoplc who arc in high position* of nuthority in govcmmvnt ahoułd conduct themsclves with integrity. honor, windom, prudcncc. dignity und chastity. Tnkc o long hard look at thc Congress. pcoplc in nuthority who aro auppon*d to be parngons of virtue and exnmplcs to you young pcoplc. W hot doyou sec?

Do you sec a philosophy of "if you dont gol enught, it*sOK”7 Do )t>u sec anything goc3 for power

J. A. Martin

und moncy? Do you sec a vcry cnsual approuch to excellcnce of conduct or performance on u pcrnonal levcl?

Pnrents, Uow hsive you U*traycd your childrcn? By ngrrcing and beeoming n party to the dcstruction of what God said a family should be. Ilave you givcn thcin >x»ur timr without sttiti?

Hnvc you taught them the ten commar.dmcnts? Ilave you bccn a friend and confidnnt? Ilavc you failcd to pro%idc n borne. I dont menn a house. I cncan a homo wsth all of thc k>ve and understanding and closoncHs. resped. honornbtencss. nnd chnstity of conduct thftt a homc słiould bive? Havc you crcated nn atmusphrre of futility toward the futurę?

Havc you taught them to Iow. honor nnd fenr God or to worship pcoplc and possessions? Iław vou taught them thc first grent commandment. or ^re you nfrnid that it encroaches on their ciul nghts and ofTends their ’ ScniibnitfrtT Ha u-you Iwon    *“

zenlous in hclping them at school. participiUing in their prohlems. or hnvc you just Icfl it up to the stole

educalional board? Ilavc you insisted that incampctcnl teachers Iw removcd? liwtcadof holding your child a nose tu thc educalional gri odsłono, havc you )ust copped out and tried to buy >uur way out of your rcsponsibility to them a giń. a nighl un tłu* town, thc car. anything just to get them out of your hair? How often do you tell them you luve them?

Kducators. how have you betrayed the ytmng people you are entrusted to teach? Iki you lny b;tck on the cxcusc th.it you are underpuid and thcrcforc thc childrcn don‘t respi-ct yuu and ynu have nn atftlioriiy? That really is a cup out. There isnl n pnistitute. drug pusher. successful thief.

puliticinn. eon nrtist, etc. in the world who doesnY make morę tlun most eduentors; nnd I supposc that if I go by that standard. I and the young pcoplc of the world should respecl them for being ready. ablc and willing to deal rnisery to mnnkind.

How vigoroUsly did the Kdiwntional Associatiun lobby to kcep thc courts fn»m indignifymg ytiur pmfession. A guod teachcr luvcs what hi^she does.

Woukl you sny that missionanes. minister*. Salvation Artny workers. mission huuse workers >h»uld not be rcspected brcause they make less than ynu? What s their excuse? They love their work.

My henrt goes out to the plight of a good tcacher. The scrvąnt i* truły worthy of his hire but only their conduct. honor, integrity and performance buy* them respcct.

How much of thc school budget goes for extrucurriculnr activitics such as golfing. football, inps to the ski l^isin and other sport* instead uf being opplied to rcading. writing and 'rithmetic and your sabries?

IXi they go to school to play or tu Uam. or nrc you simply trying tn ‘mlerest them” *o they wunt give you a problem? Do yuu stand firnily «ngainst pnrents who cure so little aboul thc education of their childrcn and dcmnnd their pnrticipation?

Young pcoplc, you moy be young. but (Jod gavc you n bram. Usc to. Dont lei those who dont care chcat you out of your education. If yuu want good thir.g* in thc rcnl world yuu arc going to have to uork for them.

Oh. I know that govcmmont says we nrc all things to all pcoplc and that we will tokc curc of you.

If you buy that you arc indccd stupid nnd desenre to bo had.

You aa* the governmcnl. Socicty dorsni owe >xm anything but the privilegc of being a worthwhile participant in the brolherhood of mnnkind.

./. A. mJim ofRupen.

Martin is a resident

WOiumE Howwnl PubLUwr .

Stepłta-n I bn^Kn

The membm oi !lw edacn.il board .mxI utiUty ot cditoculs •ire Stępiali I brttjcn «mkI I; I hwcaut

tVI ani 1‘

Adv« tU>a*ł U*o I«ji

Letters Wclcome

The TimcH-Ncwn wclcome* letters to thc editor but will rcjcct those it considers libelou.s or in bad tuste Ench lettcr must be signfd nnd should include the writers nmiling uddrcss. Letters of morę thnn 400 words mny be cdited for leogth.




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To 1RJ1

Honor WAcng SToolPiGEONS and OTUEkS

comment on a uariety oj issues

Letters/ Readers

Andrus stands up for citizcns

In the lOkycar* battle betweenthr |mhlic and thc cattic baron* of Id.thu. the cattlemcn have alwuyslumrd t» pnifes^iutul gunfighters.

Prwcntly they h»ve hm-d a gimmnn in n business miii. Gary Glnin. and giwn hini .iii imprcssiw title ofexecutive vkr prcstdent

Gary knuws emiugh nliout cattle to :rv tu milk a steer After >vars uf intsmiiLiimn by these hired trtmUemakrrs. we h.ivr fiaaily • elccted a gm ernor wh* will n«»< ile.d u uh .. theM* hi red gun<

Thiink you. (Vcil. Tor finally repcesrnting the vast nujorily uf the citi/cns uf IdaUi.


TwinFall •

Misses home care.savings

1 dotft urvJer>t.md the support pvcn to thr elderty homc care on the basis tlut łwimc cafe i?» che.iper. The monthly charge u> ia*ti:ulions tbcing a composite of Utilities, in>urarKe, Uncrs. matcr.aU used by all tł*-dcpnrtmonts. f«>od. odmimstratur cu>l>. etc., bosides w.igrsi betngcompared with only wagę?* paid to ltomc care providers conftLses mc. After all. privju* homes h.ive Owsc expenM?3 qIm, and they arc nccc**ary for thc core-fceciyrrs hralth. It moy harc somethir.g to du with thc home-carc pro\idcr\‘ rcspoiKibilitirs, which are iS|uivalcnt u> pruvidmg .il) the senicesof nil thcdcp.irtmen<*pfthctnslitulions: hm I dont $ce how it could bc.


TwinFoU* 1.

Fuller should try pro bono

, It :* pimł tu kriim that Grcg Fuller h.i< lii* hcart :n thc ngl?t place. Ile undcrst.mds the plight uf the «le futur t.i\jMver. and Iw i* coninnttedlo .Mfing th;it Jaimi Oinrhoncau gi t*    Fair ermneh* Ile nawhas the

oppoiiumt) tu Wronie thc% d.irang of rYorymtr \Vky i»«»i «|u tln* rot of tlR* c.im* pro tumu puhlic.t ifor ihe pubitc g<K»d or wrlfarr*?


Postor, First Baptist Church

Jerom c

North proueś thc fali guy

Within tbc nc\l fcw day* thc case uf thr • tlniUl(fStatcr\,ji.(Miver North will go to the jury. Thi* cnmiail actimi luis prooH*d«*d -with gTcni national intrre?»t hut with ItotU* CufńtnrlU in lihihe

Thr kiyal Uraganib s mu*t retnember that Lieutenant t olom-l North. aboul ora* y ear ago. wrajtdrscnbed by 1’residrnt Reagana* a grrat rutumal bero. Nn grral fmion;il hem it; a titnr of »uch great personal drttncss h.is cvvr lven mi thirougltly aliandomsl.

Of.l can im jpne a lieru being !t*R tu dangle in the wind tf the act* chargcd as crimin.il werr :u>t coruwctisJ to łus heroic conduct. North. u- we all know, Ulu ir.g tned fur aftMNt which caused the Prr-ider.t lt> laU l hitu a hem.    .

Nut one Rv.ig.mite has ewn offcretl tlu* p*Kir dcvil a pulilic kind^lukc or pat nn the liack for hi^ łoyuhy

la>trning to the cvtdcrce frum a distance. ora* grts thr impre»ion that the l.ieutennnt

Colunrl was. at wur>t. anragi-r greenhorn włvn wanted to play mar bies wilk thr big


\Vhrn it cumraetk-etł tu ruin. the Reagamte^ ju>t look nil thc marblrs Home. Włtcn >umval of thc fitti-st or thc richrst is thc morał codę i£the Lind. North was particubrly n.iivr

This mommg thr Immpcr st&ckcr "No gut' no glory” ilashcd down the strrrt jurt as •(Sun ouners shol Dukakis* went tfo* othrr way. Ih»th stickcrs rrprcx*nt the morał tenor of thr limes North had gots I guesś. honn his loncsomencss rery little glory. Il srrins unfortoiMte that the "No guts no glory” l*iys ran fur thc hrusli to hide as thr storm appcnrrd


Twin Folia

M-K contract is only partial

In tart Sitfurd.iy > paper there was a news iłem which ong;nu’.od in Boise, «nd it «iuotcd Mormon Knudsrn as huving mccivcd the con>trurtion contract for thr dani rekiInlitatiun nnd con>tructmn uf a new power plant at Milner.

I khow so many of \du wbn rrcM\c your irngatinn water frum eilher thc Twin Kulis Cjr.i1 Co. or the Northrtdc Canal Co. havc lirord quotes on other cort estimntc*.

Nu. thc thrcc miliion figurę is for th«* design of buth projcct*. that is wh;it M-K was referring to. Constructfon Cootracts won t be Id tiil fali.

Tlić cnrail companies arc looking ul a p«?»i!ile total un the dam of eight miliion or less nnd th»* power plant for nboiU forty millmn.

Thought tfu* record should bc >ct straight. BOB BURKS


Van Vlack tale incomplete

Tliere was quate an urticle tn thc Sundny |wper regarding Van \1ack .ind some other nW bistary aboul this are a. They were quite itr.erestiog but wrre uff as far as king factual It seems tu nie that tho ufficers nienta>tu*d werr shut mTwm Fali*, no*, out atllolhrter Van Vl.uk was picki-d up otr, by llollister a winie nltrcthr >hc»ot:ng. Hc and his wife left Itjwn. pos^ibly by way of thc nujruud lighl uf way. This gui-ss is bccauso his wife* body wa* found jart wert of the old dump just norhwrst of Berger, in a tuhrert on railnuid right way. Abo hc łuid bccn M?nti;nccd uj hang aod wa* jt thc . Pemtentiiiry whrn he cumraitted suicidc by jumpingover a railing M tiw Pcmtentiary.

Alfo for any who migh: be intererted the Trui*blond place was jurt souih of tltc -llighline Caral^nthe mad to Jnckput It was on thc wert sidc uf ihe high w a v.


Twin Ftdlaf

Cattlemen bully sportsmen

Km u spommnn who h;t* spera huntireds of hour* doing yoluntcer coaM*rvat:on work. and I find the Idaho Cattle Assuciatians attempt io cni^h tln* Idaho Wildlife Coitgress jppalhng At theCongrcs*. neorly 1.000 sport>mvn-cor.si*rvat;t>msts worked in thc finest Amencan tr*d»uon to chart a morę pruspemus figurę fur UjIkis $2 bilhon hunting and fisłang industry. Gary Glcnr. and the Idaho Cattle Associatiun immediatcly lead an attack on the Fi*h and (jamę Ik*partment which facilitatcd the Congrcs*.

What precipitated thc ronchrr‘s w rath? Sport>mcn cxprc*fing *implc conccm aboul the ranchers* ma*5ire overgrazingof Idaho’* pubłic land*, which ha* In-cn ducumer.ted jurt Łirt yvar hy Congrcs*'* resenreh arm tn ftscal matter*. the General Accounting Office iCAOt The GAO report found Out «f ripanun(stream^idc) arca*on public HLM land* had bccn tmmplcd into an official "Puor‘ condition by domertie livcstcrk ovc rg rjzmg-which lud drastically reduced wildlife Kibital and *cnou*ly darr.agciiiiahfrir*____ __

Thi* ranchers, whf>H* gr.izing is *ub*:dizcdaa by ta tpay m’ dollars to thc tune of SM millior. caćh yqar, bclićve they owa thc public landvand in pructicc they do! And so they are trytng to suppress '*port>men,3 effortś ta correct the damage. Nbt vcry smart. considering that there an* 000.6X1 spor.<mcn and wumen in Idahi, and only 2 JUD caulcmcn.

Roponslble sportsmen murt stand up to thk ballymg. and support effom of thc Wildlife Federation. Sportsmen*(iulition. fiy fiihing dubs. and Trout UnJimited to i nd thii fi<cal ms.ir.ity of taxpayer*subsidizcd dcstruction of puhlic land*. Uts return them to pruducing wlut they pruduce bert: profit-muking fish. wildhfc. and reereotion . rcsmirce*.




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