A-« Wodnu-.djy. Apol 19. 1989 Hmci-Mcws. Twin Fa.:i. Idaho

W Opinion

City of Rocks can benefit environmenta\ists, developers

Idnbos natursl resources and proposed that - Howcvcr, ifllhc aatter of the Stmut

thc-indu^try which pnrchosed thcsc nsturil. deposit locatcd north of Dliss, as thc area is

currcntly layed out. a very scriud.; conflter

Profciuionally, I bclicw thc GoodingCity of Rocks wildcmcss pruposal u not in bnlnnce withthedrvelópmcnt of Idaho* mining industry.

The deposit of dintnmnccous enrth thc Strout family ha.-* claim to is directly affoctcd by tłu* proposal. The potcntial for dcvdopmrnt nf thr dintomaceous oarth claim!« i* very good and would bentfk a lat of Idaho businesse* n* mdl a-i ita residents.

Am the past dcvclopmcnl consulUinl for thia projcct, I can nssurc you. as I have on numerom* occ.isions in your office*. that tłu*

SM'd wildcrncM study aren hu» cloudcd potcńtiał buyers of ore and also of thc ontire deposit.

The sccuring of contract ore snlen is ncxt to impoombtc na ru> one will gambie on xcccivix2i;.orc^hipmentM oni« jrgularand unintcrnjpted basis duc to possiblc conflicU withcnvironmcntiiliit5 0vcr matters which would bc rclatcd to thc wildemet* etudy nrco.

The deposit hus becn rcvicwed and pcrsonally mnpcctcd by largo minerał

Raymond Willis

conglomerate* whose intrresl was vtry keen until thc wilderness pmposal isuiuc wau mentioned. Auhis point their interes: usually detenorated rap:dly.

Tłu* Mzc and ijunlity of thr deposit, cooplcd with the tmlCfiie o.i*c wtth which thc orc could hr mincd, makra it a vcry valuable deposit mdeed. In our • . onvironmcrjnl asscssmenl. which we submittrd to your nflice, wc rtated that our proposed mining methodn would impmvc thc geographical nrea and enhancc iU benuty.

As tlio minin^ progressed, reclamatxin f would havc liccn implcmcntcd to satiMfy all conccmed partie*. As.of this datę, ore somplos from the Strout deposit in betaf evaluatcd and scrulinized for possiblc use in many industhnl applicatinn*. Thcw test.** and their rcsults are monitored by mysełf and rolnyed on to Mr. Łomy Strout on n regulur ba*i*.

Pcrsonally. thc possibility of dceeloping the Strout diatomaceou* cnrth deposit is vcry fensiblc. Having had thc opportunity to negotuU* with tlić prospoctive buycr* and obscrve somr of th«> innoealiona which are manufactorcd with dutlomaccouscarth as wc?ll as knowing thc cacaUtion of dintomnecou* earth salOn for consumption m-UrS.-markoUriho Strugi deposit w dl havc a brighi and profilablc futurę if thc stigma of thc wildcmcjui study aren can bc diminated «r altcrcd to not nfford thc hazard of any conflict with fmiranmcntaluta inthe futurę.

The potóibility of a new and fcccrcly necdcd industry b.isć uf high technolog) and mnnufneturing can he implementuj to thc utnie of Idaho. Supplying thc orc copbincd with a largo work force ns wdl iis eicćllcnt transportatkinsystema make* the fc.isibility of this projcct uli thc moro imponant.

Idaho is nłl too węll familiar with thc ups and downs of scnsonal cmployment and has bcen tłu* rccipicnt of depressed ngricultural

markom. Atlructing new industry that not only provićos sccunty in cmployment but ubo new tax rrvcnucsto thc Statesbudgeta should bc fir>*t and foremost on any Ida bo citizens mind

The licutenant govcrnor. Uutch Oucr. in lywas dismayed at thc ciploilation of rccources be persundcd to opon manufacturing facilitics in thc Mtatc of Idaho su that wc could shorc in the *oddcd value" of thc rcsourcc. If thc Strout deposit can ho mincd succcssfully without thc conflicts assocmted with wildcmcss study ureos, then Idaho may vcry wdl piny host to many new Industries in thc nenr futurc.

In nummurizing thc Strout dcpoMt and ils yalue to the State and its citizcns ns wcII os its business baśc.T would Tuive toltate that thc pruposed wildemess study aren for the Gooding City of Rocks is dothmentnl to thc devolopment and opcmlion of a uniąuc and prosperou* venture.

TKe proposed wildemess study orca is not opposcd by m\.«clf, the Stroum. or •nyonc clse o^ociatcd with thc dovclopmcnt of the deposit. In fnet we would congratulaU* thcM* environmcntolists un u well donc job of proU*cting the lund of the entirc United States. Tbcy are dcfimtely dirdy ncedcd.

ciiala. If the bour.darics werw to U* redrawn to thc north of the deposit. Ichs thnn or.c mile. all concerru could be met: and wc could all bc dcclartd winncrs in the fight for new industry for Idaho and also for the fight for prcscmition of thc Idaho wildemess.

Raymond Willis. Twin Fulls. is a consulShCotflhć proposed SłruuT ntfnlnfr projcct ncarGoodinf’. This nrticlc is cxccrptcd from commcnts hc sent to thc fJurcnu ofLand Stannpcmcnt on thc proposed Goodinc City of Rocks wildemess aren.

There's no single cause of America's failures in education

WAomC Ift*." Aihutujiu Ihiektut

L‘j.U.U4. !«L.i

The Timcs-NewM wclcomes lettcrs to thc cditor but will rcjcct thone it considcrs libclou.s or in bud lustr Koch lettcr must be signed nnd sbould ineludr the writers nmiling address. Lettcrs of morę thnn 400 words mny be edited for length.


Aftcr listcnmgto thc Darbara Wjiltcra documcntary conccrning thc status of eduentiorfin thc United States. I fclt compcllcd to writc this lettcr principnlly to the young peopic of our country as well os to their pa renta and grandpa renta.

Young America, you havc indeed becn bctruycd by your govemment. by your parenta. by your tcachers. by a coaxing. permissivc. frcc-swingmg society whose ery ts: "if it fccls good do it* Worał of all. you havc betrayed youmclvea.

Your goccrnmeot has betrayed you by oiding in thc dcstruction and separation of a child/pnrcnt relationahip with emphoais bcing placcd upon the indmduarn dependency upon the atntc.

Pcople who orc in high position* of authority in govcmment sbould conduct thcmselvcs with integrity, honor, wisdom. prudence, dignity and chnstity. Takc a long hard look at thc Congmis, pcople »n authonty who arc supposed to be paragonaof virtuc and cxump!c* to you young pcople. W hal do you -Mo?—£_____ .

Do you sec n philosophy of "if you don t get enught. it’* OK"? Do you sec nnything gues for power

J. A. Martin

and moncy? Do you nce a vcry coMual approach Ui cicellenco of conduct or performance on n pcrsonal lcvcl?

Parenta, how* hnvc you betrayed your children? By agreeing and l>ccoming a party la the dcstruction of whal Cod ^aid a family ahould Ik*. Have you given them your time witlhiut ntint? Have you taught them the ten commandnients? lluve you bern a friend and confidant? Hnve you failed to providc a homc. I dont mmi) a house. I mean u homc with nil of thc love and understnmling and cloacness, respect. honorablcncss. and chnstity of conduct that a homc should h.i\ Hnvc you crcated an atmosphere of futility toward the futurę?

Mnvc you taught them to lovc. honor and fcar God orlo worship pcople and possessions? Ilave you taught thern the fir^t grent commandment. nr are you nfraid that it rncmaeheMon their civil riphts und ofTcnds their senaibilitiei? Have you hę en renlous in hclpingihem';it school. pnrticipating in thoir problemu.or hnvc you ju*«t lefi it up tu iIm* State educniional board? Ilave vi»u in^iMted that incumpetent tenclwrs bi* rcmored? Instead uf holding your chikfs nose to the educntiomil grindstonc, haie you just copped out and tned to boy your way out of your rcsponNibiiity to thi*m a gifi. a night cm the lown. tł»e car, anything just to get them out of your Kair? How ofirn do you tell ilu*ni you Iow them?

Kduc.itor>, how havc you hrtrayed the young pcople you are entrusled to trach? I)o ytiu by luck on the excu*e th.it you are underpaid and thcreforc the children dont respect you and you liiive mi authority? That really is a cup out Tłiere isnt n prostitute. dróg pusher. sucecM>ful thief.

politician, eon arltst. etc. in thc wurld who doctfftl make morę than most cducaton*; and I suppose that if I go by that standard. 1 and thc young pcople of the world should respect them for łK*ing ready. aWe and wnlhng to dcal mi.Hcry to oiankind How \igorously dkl the Kducationnl As>ociatmn lobby to krep tłu* rourts from indignifying your profcssioiL A good tcacher ł0VCS..whnt htWP dnes Would you say that missionanes. min^lcrs. Sahation Army workers. milion house workers >hould not lx* resj>ccted because they make less than you'Whalstłieirctcitfr? They lovc their work.

My hcort goes out to thc plight of a good tcacher. The scrvnnt is . truły worthy of his hire but only their conduct. honor, integrity and performance buysthcm respect.

Iław much of thc school budget gnes for cxtmcurncular activities such as gołfing. football, trips to thc ski busin and other ijports instead of bcing applicd to reading. wnting and 'rkhmelic and yuur salarics?

IX» they go to school to play or to Icarn, or ore you simply trying to •interest them* sothey woni givc you n prohlem9 Do you stand firmly againsl pnrents who corc so iiltle about thc education of their children und dcmand their participjtion?

Young pcople, you moy bc young. but Cod guvo >xiu a brain. Usc it. Dont let lhosc who dont care .chcat you out of your education. If you want good things in thc renl world you arc going to hove to work for them.

Oh. I know that govemmcnt says wc arc all things to all pcople and that we will tako carc of you.

If you buy that you are indeed stupid and dcscrve to bc had.

You orc thc govemmcnt. Socicty docsnT owe you anything but thc privilogc of bcing a worthwhilc purticipant in thc brothcrhood of mnnkind.

J. A. mJim ofRupcrt.

UAJuim £ tto-AjiU PJjlłOu-*

Sti*ph«*n I Un^;i Cxtlur

Th«* nnintK^t^ ni the fAorkil board .uwl writers ol editofinN aic Saplien I lart<;en .md WAmmi i: I

Lettcrs Wclcome

Martin is a resident

comnient on o uoriety of issues

Letters/ Reoders

Andrus stands up for citizens

In thc Ittkyear* battle lietwcen tłu* public and the cattlc bamn> of Iduhn. thi-cattlemen havc alwaysturncd to pn>fi'.s«u»n.il gunfightcr>

Prcscntly they huee hi red .1 gunman in .1 )iUMncM> suit. Gary Glenn. and giwit hini an imprc*xivc titlr of cxrcutive vice prrsiiSent Gary knuws rnough alsiut cattk* t» try tu milk a jtterj. Aft er jiar>"nf iatimidatiim by thesc hirrd troublcniakrrs. we h.m- finallt clccted a governur who will nut w oh thcsc hsred guns

Thnnk nm.(vrcil, forfinally ri*pr«*>4*titing the vast ma jon: y of thc cilircns uf Idaho ROBERT JOHNSON *

TwinFalls v

Misscs homc carc *savings

^ I don‘t under.-t.md the supporl gitett tu thr clderly honu* care un the basis tiul homc cun* is clrapcr. The nionthly charge tu institutinps dicing a compobite uf uitlitirs. Insurance, tnim. matoriab uscd by all ilu-departvncnt>. food. administrator co?t-. etc., bcAidcs wagesi bcing compan*d with ’ only wager pa;d to homc carc-proridrr> coafuscs me. Aftcr all. private borne* have thosc cxpcnscs also, and they arc necessan for thc care-recmer's licahh. It may lute something to do with the hnmc care pmvidi r> respmsibilitio. which an* «juivulenl to pr»iv»ding all the M-nicisof all thr departments uf the ir^titutions; hut 1 dont scchow* it could bc


Fuller should try pro bono

It i> j>mhI tokiMiw that Gn g Fuller lus his . Iteart in th** right pl.ici* lir uvxl«*r*ta:Ml> the plight uf tłu* Jemmc ta\p-iyer, and he is committed tu M isng tliat Jaimi (Twrhunrau get* ju*pfi* Kair enuugh* lir naw h;is tbe oppur.ur.it> tul*ec«»me the iłariir.gnf rwrynnr Why nul iki thc r%*sl of tłie cum* pfu Isnsii pnhlicu <for Uh* puhlic goud or welfan**?


Pastor, Fin: Baptitt Church


North proves the fali guy

WiitW the iv\i few daw the casc uf the L#mtrd State* vs. Oliver North will go to thc jury Tht«Yriimn*d .ictkin lus pruccctkd with great natlorul imrrrn but with łhtłc

C(»mment 111 ldah»

Tlie Imał Rragattiles mu>t retneniher that l.ieutenant { nl<iiK*l North. aWut ojkr war •igu. was de>crihi-tl by Proident Reagan n> " j great natiuru! lvru Na great nalwmal łvru 111 a linie of >\ich great pi*rsuiul di>tfe>s łu> rvrr bern >0 ihoruughly aKinduiwd.

Om; can unaginc ii bero b%*ing Icft to danglr in the wind if the :icts charged os rriminał were nul connoctcd tu his heroic conduct North. as wc nil know. is bcing trivd for action which causcd the Prrsdent to laliel hitn a hem

No: one Renganite has rrcnufTered the js»r devil a puhlic hand.-hakr ur pat on thr linek fur li^ loyalty.

Ia>tening tu the cvidcncc (Vi?m .1 distance, om* g**ts the ImpressioA lh:it the l.ieutenant

Cołunel was. at wurst. an ej*yc greeidmrn włs» wanled In play mnrhles with the log


When U cnmmenred to min. the Reagaiutes just tonk all thi* marbles hemie When >urvival nf the filtest or the nchrst i> thc morał c«de of thc land. North was* particularly r-iive.

This mnnting the huniper sticker "No guts no glary" fiashed tkiwn tłv Street jil*: as *Gun uwncf> ^h«a llukakis" went the other way. Ikath Mickcr* represent thc mora! tenor uf thc time* North had guts l guess. hut in his lonrsomer.e» ver> tiule glory ll >erai>iinfortuiutc thnt the "No guls m> glory* huys ran fur thc hnr^h to lude as thr storm ap;van*d.


Twin Falli

M-K contract is only partial

In last Salurday* paper there was a news itcm włńchonpfuted in Boise, and it ąuoted Murrison Knudsen as lunitgatiited tłie cuiv.tra-.iuu contract for tlv dam rcłubilitalion and constructiohof a rv*

(miwer plan: al Milr.er.

I know so many uf you who reccivc >our irrigatron w afer frum cither thc Twin Folls Cuiwil Co. or tłie Northsidc Caruil Co. h*vc hnird quo(cs on other cos: estimates

No, the threr nulliun figurę is f»r the design of l>oth projects, that is wjvit M-K was referring tn. ( onstnicti'»n Contract* went bc ktUllfaH

The cnnal comparaes are looking at a p<»ss:blc tutal nn the dam of cight millior.or lcs.wand thr power plant for about fort) millmn.

Thought thr r. curd *huuld hc set straight.



Van Vlack tale incompletc

Thert* was quite an article in thc Munday papefrrgarding Yan Vlack and same other «l<l history about this nrea They wert quilc interest i ng hut wen* uff as far as bcing factu.il It scciUs to me that tlv ufficcrs meruiunid wen* *hot in Twin Falls, not out at Hnllistrr. Yan Ylack was pirkrd up oul by Hoilister a w Sile aftcr the shoutwg Ile and h:s wife left tuwn.-p«»*>ibly by wayof the railriKid right of way. This guess is bccauk* his wifes body was fuund.juti we*t of thc nld dump ju>l northwest of Berger, in a cuKert on railrund ngh: of way. AUo he had bern tu Imng nnd was at the PcnRentiary when U* committed suicide by jumping i»vera railing .it the Pcnitcntiary.

Also for any who nnght he interotcd the Tnie blond płaco was just south of thc Highlinc Ca rai on the rond to Jack pul. It was on thc w e*: sidc of the highw jv.


Twin Falls

Cattiemen bully sportsmen

Im asportsmanwhihisspen:hundreds of hours doinjjTtolunicer conxcrvatioa work. and l (Ind thc leahoCattlc Associattons altem p: to criuhthe ltUho Wikllife Cnngrcsa nppjlling Al the Congrcss. ncarly 1.000 sportsmcn-conscn alionisu worked in the finest American tmdition to chart a morę prospemus futurę bfldaWu S2 billion huniing and fishing industry. Gary Gierat and the Idaho Cattlc A^suciatiun immediatcly Icad an atuck on the Fish and Gamę Department which facilitnted the Congress

What precipitated the ranchers wrath? Sportsmen eiprosśng simple concem about the ranchers* mas.sive overgrazing of Muho s public land*, which has been documentod just Ia>: ycar by Congress s research arm in fiscal matters. the General Accounting Office tGAOi. The GAG report found that &'• uf r.p:injnl*trcam*:de)arcason public BLM land.* had becn tramplcd into an ofTicial -Poor“ cnndition by domeslie live%t<ick o\ergr.izing-which luid draMicnlly reduced wifaUUe habitat and scnou>lv damnged fishrries.

The ranchers. who.<e gr.umg is >ub*»dizi*d bv taxpayer> dołlars to the tunc* of £J1 million cach year, Micve they own thc public lands-nnd in procticc they do1 And 50 tłvy are trying ta suppress >portsmcn'M cfTurti tu curact thc damuge. No: vtry smart. considering that there are OOO.WO sportsmen and women m Idohu. and only 2^5*) cattiemen.

• Responsible sportsmen mu*: gtand up to tlus CUllying, and support efforts of the Wildlifc Federntion,SportsmensCoalithm. fiy fishing dubs, and Trout Unlimllcd to end thi> fiHcal insamty of toxpavcr-suhsidiud dt straction of public lands. Let’s return them to producing what they produce bc*t: profit* making fish. wildlifc.und reereation rtsourccs.




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