A 2 l*nx>% Uvwi. Tfen Pan:;. Ki,^o    Ap#il 10. !$W



• Continuccl from Pnjjc Al

known for *tcndy church nticndancc.

Many skinhends listcn io* the r;ici»t lyncs of Skrcwdmer. an in-iluNlrial-grndc    r<»ck band.

Butler wuhes they wuu!d li.ntcn lo Becthovcn.

ffr want them to \k abic to think." he *nid. ‘You can t think if yWrc IsMcning to thc hurd-ruck jun-gle brat"

Dopite thc gencnition gap, Butler fccf.H hc o(Ter* *i>nctl)ing lhcse alien-a(cd yuuths can understand: n cali to power in thc rwmc of rucial pndc.

'The wbite małe. thrpugh affirma-tivc oction. hos bern madę a non<iti-ren," hc wid. This is w by you have skinheada, Theyn* beginninf to wnkc up to tlw fact that theyre becn cur.<|ucrid and that thc land thcir fu-(bers b!cd and died for han Wen tak-en nwny.'

(lin huk* ehurcłi in thc pwcs han a guard towrr thnis highor than thc Mccpki. In*»dc! aunlight filier* through ^tmhrd^aśs onlo n hugc Nasi flag. A poster showing a young mnn with an OF*ault nfle cxhorts, "Join U*. Aryan Frerdoot Fightem "

"Kids likc that kind of stuff — it pres thc idea that they re in bat tle." Butler said. ąuickly addrng that talk of battlc was only talk.

Butler moved to Idaho in 1973 nnd ovcr thc ycorn built up a foHowing boscd on his dream uf n "tcrritonal

imperatiec* for whites. Ile con«id-cred thc Korthwest net ideał bumelanci niral. con-« rvutive and lacking many linek*. Jrws and other niir.nr.-tir*

His dream was b!«Kr<l not only by rrmUHKr from Incal nuthoritics bat nlso by thc violcncr uf his own follow-en.

Some formiT members. impatient willi waiting for re\olutK>n, fomted ii group known an Tłic Order Thi* group* founder, Hubert Mathews. died in a fiery shcotoul will; FBI agent* in I9K4 on an isłnnd in Washington s Puget Sound. Tin Order members havc lecn cumieted of

thc strrrts uf nenrby Contr d Alenc.

In thc face of fiercc iwpcrtition froui tocaU. Butler badeed ofT. Hc sani hc diant want his supnorters catdung AIDS from cour.tcr-ucmon-stratom. /\nd naw hc mra hes cx-pcctingjusl 75 to 100 skinnends.

Uch pianning u weekend of lec-turc>. karate workshops and camp-fire "fcllowship * Ile snid Inwycr* will ofTer thc skmheads lip* on Imw to buiW power lrg.illy.

I hopt* to kccp them from going to prison or gotting killed. They am do a k>t moro for thc causc *>n thr stri-cts," Butler said. ‘I want them t«> bccomc a political forco. Tha: can c«*me when they have knowledp*.

rackcteennp and 12 mon* plcadtd When you havc knowlcilp*. you havc piilty*to \*arious crimes in ;* reheme p»wcr"

TIk- idea of a whitc homełand in tłu* Northwest is littlc morc than rhctor.c bandied nlnnit by idcolupic'' du»mcd by thcir own cxtrcmUm and \-wk‘ncf, said Norman GUscl, pr^i-dent of thc Kootenai County Task Forty on Hum.au Hclalions The jtroupis aniliny R*yer.il plannin^: civi!

that includcd murdor. anmircd-car robberics and plot* to nwrthruw thc U.S. |*ovemmcnt.

Butler said weckiy church altcn-dance, which oncc pcaked at |K). now hovcrs around 40. ()ut>ide o!isvrver> pul the number cvm lower. An

Ar>.i?rNróti«a' ct.mpiHl-r "biinioiird.—rjrhta artiviti« lhit> tn o.unwc _

oncc tuuted as a hi^h-lcch commuui-catHins netwitfk fur whitc suprcmncists. was <li?continucd after the Computer w as ftolrn. Butler saki.

But ;ust when hi> opponenU fij-ured hc was woshed up. Butler an-nounced plnn^ f<ir this weekend s skinhead confercnce At first, offi-cinls expectcd up to 250 skinhead*, nnd Butler prumised n march dovxn

thc skinhead.

These pcople arc thcir own worst enemie*.' (lissel sciid. * Nuw they>e down to a church that ha5 aboul 10 members and a handful of kids *

But Butler warns ogaifist writin>-ofT thc metst causc.

‘The o!d men likc mysclf arc piini: to dic ofT vcry soon. he said. But this is the firśt time that I vc scen a spint of rcKcncratkm

pithenm: nic arc tiki

Today's weather-

Showers may develop late this afternoon

Twtn Folia, Bu/loy, Kupon, Jorom o and Gooding:

Today and Ttutnuftay. p.%nly clnudy mlh a    chancc uf aOcr-

noon and cvcmn^ tltoMcrn ur ibun-

di r»hnHrm W)nd« »<njCh lo ra»l S lo

|T» mpłi and »;u4ty n**nr any nh^Hrra. Hi|jh^ bolh dny« in thc miH )(h to • ocar (O. Ixłwa lowor lo mid 4<K.

Carnot Pralrio and Wood Hivor Yoltey:

Toilay and Tlturcdny. partly cloody with o chance uf nftrrrvwn nnd cwnmu ahow%-rn or thunder-nboHcr^. Wind* M>uth lo i*Ji»t 5 to 15 — fitph-nnd naalynoir

High* IhicIi dayn upprr «o mul 70*. Iviw» mid IHH to hm -WK Northom Utah and Nevada;

Ulab — Today. ma*4ly tuttny and unMcaannnlily ^arm. I^al auuth wimU 10211 mph. Iliglt* in lir tom to mid NV Tantobl »nd ThurvJt«>. W-Corning partly cloudy and hr*riy IhW core.inupd un^nHotMlily Marin Hith ru-ar rrcord hr*il Thur»diiy. lawn »n tlić nnd .f<K !hg;h« m.tlw mid .»nd • upfn-r MK.

Nev*dii — VnnMl4«* hi|*b cfciudi* r>c«a uxlay and Thur<«da> rucpt partly (My «aivtlm«‘*4 TJ.ur^Uy * Not c«i warm with h;i:h« today 70 1fi) and Thur*dny uppi-r fitK to upper 70s.    m th«- In*rr 30* to mnldh*

40*. Soulhap*! wind*. 15 lo 30 mph (In* uHrrw-on Summary:

Thr Nacion*) Wrathrr Krrtrtcr *ay* a wrak wrathrr ilMutlwncr pn*wd Ihrwi^h Matni mrly Turdty a ml mi>vcd ra*t

llijlh piAMHe d»»niin.it#*d Oh* rtt-tire (!rm Stiit«- Tiu-mI.i> with aunny dim nmJ *unn tcmpi-r* aturea. TU- h*i:b pn-tawre »mII la- rr* pbici-d pnor to tłu- tm-krnd hv o major trrtlhrr ny^lrm «»ff tłu* wt*4 coa»t uf Wudan^ton .md On^n.

Trmpi-ratur«-« rnneed frum 75 with MouuUtn Itunn* Air Fur»-»-ltii*c thc PtMtri hot spot at 77 d«*-UrrcH Nu ramfall w u* rv|*»ftrd TU* imllrii ro;mt tn Twu» K.iNs Tuceday w.i^ UCk purtirlfH p»*r <ttW meterof tur

The rJrtfwInl    f»*r Siuth

cm Idaho — A (wiIiih; Imał wHh acattrrrd *h»wrr* or llmidrranriłi> Fndas thr»\i^h Suralay SVm.lv Kri-day and Saturilni tln:li*» in tU* to tinuiud ^1 Fnd.iv. lir uji|- r



Accu-Weather^hyecasi for Wednesday Oaylime Coudilions a Od High Temporaiures

tnwl S.itur.1.1 y .md Suinl»y hut * ni tj\r IfK Knd.ty. lU- t»« t*»

U» Kilunl.iv .»ml SmLiy TU- w.inai-M ti-Mipffalurr in thr TivmI.iv u,u H7 •l* ,;nv, ;it lf:ijymt.it» lh\u- rcpMflcd ile «old-

r^t 4l

KJruln*rr »r» thi- ikitmu Tu»* •»bv, lU- hi^UM (rlflpcraior** w.i-» lit! *1* at ltvM*kt*vc. Ar*/ . .md (.««i^'h lin. NVv Tła- luwrM w.i, 1*1 ilr^m*. ••I Mar*|tvUi*, Muh

Suspects sóught in storę bombing

INDIANAPOLIS < AJłi — TWo men swn IcaWnc a K miirt storę after it pipc bomb hidden in a toothpastc cuntainrr esplodrd in the har.d of a 5-year-oM r*H u er* >ou£ht Ibcfday for qutilbnin|!.

Enn Bower lo.t her left hantl and may rtcovcr only p-irtial sirfit in her left cyc as a icmjIi of thc błasi M«mduy nij;ht. physictans nt Methodiftt HospiUil said

ller mother, Mnurinc, 31; was alifthtly wour.dcd by nyinc łwm.b fropnent* but no othem were hurt.

We re sery lucky/ said Frin s fnther. Kesin Bower.

Wr havc a dau^hu-r. Many pioplc hase por.e throu^h much worać than this.".

The men wanted for questioniftg, bolh bdłcyetl to be ahiKit 20 jrcars dd. drew poKcc attdntion with thcir n«*nchalan'i attitudc fuL'owia£ the ciploaicn.

Oil sweeps onto shores near Seward

VAI.DK/, Alnskn lAP) — TaflyKkc lar mixcd with seawced was senured o(T u bcach T\tcsdoy at thc end of spcdanibr Kcsurrcction Bay near Seward, the fmil town oj!sidc Princc* William Snund tn sufler oil on its


Ilioh tidi > and smitherly wind ofT thc (lulf of Alaska pushtti tlić crudr cni up the f}ord!ikc channel. wherc lwu Coast Guard oil-hkimmin^ ships were nut cf ac-ihhi lH<aił-uvtU ^ou Kumoid up thcir pump*. Dcpuly Seward City Manager Darryl Schnefermcyer *aid

We pul protectise boomin>; up around the cntical isalmotu spauninj: strenms in thc bay four weeks a^.' Schaefermcyrr stid. "But a* far ni thc rest of ihć bay there was no efTcctive way gf boomtnj it oil o(T"

The Gosi Guard reporttd fmh sij^itinisa of oil on remnte łicachc* on the Kenai Penin>ula A Vi|dcz center fnr clennmi: oil-fouled birds *aid ut Irast I.H50

birdi had died from the spili, alunj: with 328 sca et-teri. The center ho> clcaned and rrlrand 22 birds.

Police disperse Peking protesters

BE1JING lAPi - Morę than 500 poIscc didodfttd husdrcds of dciaonstratiltf ttudent> from in front of the Corr.munis: Harty headqunrtev*« caHy Widnesday 'and movcd them bark townrd their unsvtrsititi.

Police usid no forte and no afrwti were rtported n.s the demonstrator* li ft peacrfuiły

The pohcc action at Ic.ist temporartly cfldcd morę than two days uf nuirchcs and dt*mon*lration.< by lhr.u5jn<is of studefiU sn Beijmj: and Słunfchai de-mandinK morę dcmocracy

Aboul 1.500 drmnnstriitoc* were millinc ouUide the ontslc j!łite of Zhonftnanhai, th«- headquartrri of thc Communist Party, when pulire amved m j4M-p4 at 4 20 om.

Stanford fusion test yields energy

STANFORD. Calif (Al'i - The fir>i contniUcd test of a Univemiy of Utah chemiit s daim to havc achieved nucloar fuc-.on :r. a pr of switcr prmrd thc energy pmduccd d:d not cocnc from a chcmind reac-lion. jdcntist* said 'l\ic.<d.iy

Hobert A. Huygin^. Stanford l?niverst> profi-^-arof miruHal scie:.. I m i \p» rir.u nl fl&ic^S jmBflldłOlll" eketrudr* in tubę* of heasy wat»*r and pl;un svju*r in o pienie ha>kct produA*d energy that may havc rmuilt-cd from fu-sion

llucpns said hc can t l>e >urc thc 50 percent |*am in energy ^meralcd in the Seaty water U from fu.<ion. but he* certuin it i* nul from a Chemical reaction. a* *omc other ttienti*** have *peculated.

Heart surgert/ for Lucille Bali

l>»> Anecie^ Time*

LOS ANOKLKS - Comedian Lucille Bali apparcntly sufTered a heart attack Ibesday and underwent tmer-procy surpers

I think her condition ha* to hc rc-Cardrtl .i' u*r> >«*rkius." *poki*>man Kon Wim* lold reporter* morc than ts\o huur? afler lin- ojieration bepan .u (Ydars Sinai Mrdical Center herc

Hall s hu^iand. Gary Morton. who dmve her in tlu* hospital. tołd reporter* tłut ki* wtfe expcrK*nced ternhle pain at thrir Beseriy IlilU hłime Shed Urn fedinp just preat ur.til thi* oinmiuj:. he <aid.

Mofinii saiil hi- was told that Ikill w;»n undrfpnin}! a hy pa*H operatxm

The 77-ytnir-old Bali. who with ihen-hu^unil l)e*i Anuiz pined u orli Ust dc f;in:e diinnp tlu* ItklO* a* ihr /any. rrd luired wife of a Caban Unidleatler in Irlcsisinns T I^ne l.ucy. arricrd at che ht^pital ahout nonn


• Cnntinuccl from Pnpe Al

Niicotutiuna hit >cveral iditchru ahoic the war llawkins *aiii an at-lorney at D.m Induftrie*. T\ippi-r-uiin-.* curporate patent, beki up phtfiw*. S» did a di>pute uver >e\en .nrr> once u*ed fur dumpini! water mfitainmj: hydraohr nil and organie wdienlS

*h w a* a complicalrd transaction with a ntimU*r **f attnrney* u\vidvcd ant) l*»n< dmance* to *pan." Kuj^lo said *lt tiNik a Im loftcer than sic cx-perted"

The *ale finalty went throupli mi-nu-* thr taintcd acrv>. Rugglrs said S|H*ars had no unmicliate plar.> to ac-Muirc- the List *cven acrea oncc Tup-perw atr ha/- fini^hed thc cleanup.

• "We are m»t esen yoini: to wurry aUiut thiwr sevcn acres." Ik* said. "WiurjMd nul happy to finally haw ihe łmildtn^'

HuuJe* said Spears, as a pn.ately »w:t«Hl c«irpir.itnm. preferred not to di>clo*e the parchah* pnee. Tbppcr-w are onpnally offered thc bui!dm^ and >urnrandi!»i: Lind ft»r sale for »ust under $4>nnllinn.

Wright fails to ease gloom

The Washington Post

WASHINGTON - llousc Speaker Jim Wright, D-Tt*x.. defended himsdf in n chisc-d meeting of his DcmocraUc cuHeagues T\iC5day hut hr failed to htem a rising sense of gloom amoug llou*e Democrats a^ thry assesscd thc impnet of thc charge- uf finannal imprupriety facing tlicir leader

Kmcrging from a moming merting of the • Democratic Cuucu*. Wright *:iid lic "told them I intend to fight and I intend to win an upcuming battlc over charge* by the llousc ethic* cocmniltcc that he łirokr Houm* rulrs on 59 occasions hy ar-ceptłng $145.000 in irifts from n Fort

Worth hu»inos a.^sociale with an in-terot in legidation and hy a wheme to esade out>idc incumc limit* thmigh the hulk salo «*f hi* book.

Duripg his defcftM*. according to a IX*m««cr.it who attended the mceting. Wright told hia colleaguo hc did not want to remain speaker "if I cannot bc an rfTictent speaker, sińce l don t Covrt the trapping* of ofUce."

But es en a> many uf his Dcmocrat-ic (uUeagiM** gaw Wnght good rc-siew* for a spihted and cohesise de-frnse apinst the charge*, somc pre-dkted that a steady drumbcut of crit-icjI news ucruunt* woukl erode thc chonrrs that the speaker will surnsT an cipccted flnor fight over thc charge*


MeM&ł %




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Maaic Vallcv.........






Mutual funds...




Dear Abby....


..A5 A7

Allen Wilson

— C6






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Circulation i? ,.«• .. •.*

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Circul.fti<*fi phnn** >««» cp» n*»t iw«*vr

■% aro* nutiiN* <) U i w* • n yt»ur pupo r 1*^ 7 * •»*

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Jrroiif • Wm4rl|-( Smitlificlbiyr m:iti    .VUU'.*5:r»

Bur !••> •Huprft;lkul< l.iklcy BuhhCaatUfi/fd    #

.Filer- ItfKrr-mllolli-trf    *    .1^0.5375

TWin Fali* and all nthrr nrra«    7:13 n*44

• hun ani ł .l*l.\rr> u ManauiUiia >1 .U.’.\ afi.t Suti

.1.1% }'»75 \*r m.Xlh i;-4 *y. !•*# I invr»lhv li" V» l. f 1.

irrjh*. f||7 Mlprr )i»ar, iLuh aUi. %- 35 \*t mafith.

OS *•'• lar » w *al,«. f.Ml tli Ur 1. m f lwi .‘O \rn». s-n.Uv ł«nJ*. $5 |0 1 rr rvH*ir. SIC Vfł l .» .1 a^ath . f.U in l r •• m*1K». fi.1 h) f%-r w Ar NU*ni mmJ v r ikr*un fair. |»? r,«il *.*0i S* V)j,» •* ««>iIt f.*r 4*il»

adil Skłfli)    ,

News Mrpftt* llctpi    *

Circulatiłin Ifyuo hovr u m*u» np or m h U. talk t.    tu

thc rdilohal tU p.iftnu nl. coli 7.1J <*.ł.«l h u.m •• nu .1 m and 5.30 p ni wrvkda>j To report Ute i**\%. :i*»i! .jH.rt^ r« -ult*. .itt-;r 5:JU and un vnxkir.d,». ratl

Aćivcrtising intH-Ar

|f ).»a wi*h tu płaci- an ahrftiwmcfU, cali T.UAłUj:. l l„.,| adt. cali 7.TI lH>2li 5!i»nd.i\ ihruu^h Fnd.i> ftum h .» m until 5 p in and S.)lurd»>4 Ihait Mam unii! noon lntnrm.ltvm r.n di.. pUy ad- u auiituhlc w«t kda>% onjy

Mail Information

rir Tiar. SntittTSłklUNhi* pul-lt,łi*-J .f.ltl* U. rtur.f St W, T*)ni IV.1». Iilih-. Ki'IOl h    Salin

hV**paprr« Ir.; SrłunJ^Iitt |v»ln;r |uij nl7*ii' Kalli l*j T>*r Jl»ft Sr»i OfT.o.l«ilt andc'vnlv nrujup*

|iui*U4nt I" Srrtwn    dlhr |4i>ni C Jr

i* l.rfrty Ć4aiicnatrd *4 thr da> uf ihr %»r»k un »hch Ir-id tw*tifł*» łfill h

|Wir«,łfr plrrtr mr+4    rf *.W*r*« f^rr^ł-* 1*11

M..« 5tr Tk»« Kolt), Idaho utuli


Tho SyyoMon s ad»ort[jom#nl that appoared In tha Tuosda-f. flpril 18(b


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Ib.) was adroitliod conoct cepf as provldod by tba adworUsor ibould bata raad Wosiem Family Supar 110 Ib.) $3.29. Wo aro sony lor any lnconvonlonco (his may kaso causod Sy.oir.on s and thslr ralood customorr.


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Tlcnos-Noirs cor.blr.od tko foltoulni orror: Tfao Wosiom Family Saga

at $1.29. Thi




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