
WrtJntiSday. A^ftl 19. *003 Tif«i;*s*Na*% T«vn K*iBs. Jd.ifco A-3

Meridian teacher gets recognition

BOISE fAPI — A Meridian mother of six childrcn i* tfce winner of the 19£) US West OutMAndinf Teacher Award.

Gov. Cccii And rui and C.E. *Gcnc‘ Hill. US West Commuwcatiofu Idaho vice president nnd chief cxccutivc officor. prosented Jonct Kuwe. kindergarten teacher «t MeMillon ESemcntary School in Meridian, wuh the awnrd on Turaday. She receive* Só.OuÓ u> bc u*ed inhersrhcol progmm.    .

"Janel Ruwe represent# the «Xil*tarvding teacher* in Idaho vrho reach beyond dassroom wall^to make a diłTervncc in the commumty nnd the futurę.’ said Hill. 1

Mrs. Ruwe also will compcte for three onc-yoar sabbnticals ftponsored by the tclephone company. One teacher has been nominated from eachof the 13 sUtcs$erved by lTS West.

Mayor pleads guilty in driving case

LEWISTON (AP) — Goeur d'Alcnc Mayur Ruy Słone pUaded guilty Tucsday to u rcdueid charge of inattentne drning. was fincd nnd łosi hib drivcr's hcense for *ix month*.

Słone originally was chargcd with driving while ir.toucated after he was pulted ovcr for fniling to dim his lighls for oncoraing corii cnrly in the moming of April 2 on U S. Highway 9G nenr Lc wiston.

He was arrested for driv>ng while imoxicnted ofter refusing to tokc n breath test In court Tuesday, Nez Perce County Magistrale Darrel Perry agreed to the State s rccommcndalion of reducing the drunk drning charge to in/uiltcntiYc driving.

State settles 1986 welfare lawsuit—

BOISE < AP) — The oUMc of Idaho Kas agreed to pay $26.325 to >ettlc u lawsuit filed by welfare recipients lnie in 1966 w hen u ncw State Computer system couldnt proces* welfare checks.

Buc the scttlcrr.er.t was far lc*s.exponsive than ic could havt becn. The lawsuit originally was filed as n cln*s-action lawsuit. which means it couid havc becn ecrłified as a lawsuit on bchiilf of the 60,000 people rcccivmg wefnrc benefits at the time.

Instead. the State Department of Hcahh nnd Welfare agreed to pay the cight originsl plnintifls $2.000 to settlc all claims. The agency olso will pay the Idnho Legał Aid Socicty up to $10,000 for it* scroccs plus &C25 cost*.

Fundraiser to stump for mansion

MOSCOW IAP> — Former University of Idaho fundraiser Arnie Schaid. who trj* poić ocarly $2B.tO> by ihc tfhool afler be quj| last Seplembcr. ha* been hired u> raise money for constroction of a ncw siatc-owncd homc for the Idaho govemor.

But while Schaid was erJistcd by n group of Boise businessmen to help solicit donation* for the $1.7 milllion projcct. the stale rcjcctcd a proposal to let him liye in the former goermor * rrsidencc while hc nms the campaign. '•

The aging two*»tory homo west of the Capitol in Boise will bc sold ot nuction this summę r with the money going townfd the ncw residcnce.

Court overturns drug conviction

BOISE lAPi — The Idaho Court of Appeals ha* thrown out cl* drug conviction of a Canyon County man. niling that pohce improperly madę the conncctioo betwcen him ar.d a ncarby parked car which contained u conccnlcd weapon.

Juan Rodriguez plcndcd guilty to a charge of possession of cocaine. conditionnl upon his motion to >uppres$ two vml* with tracę* of cccainc found when he was scarchcd.

Arrcsting officcrs *nid they bclicYod Rodngucz drovc a vehicle to a convcnicncc storę and went insidc. Anofficer *aid he didnt sec who drove the car bul thougkt it was Rodnguez

Orofino inmate faces murder charge

BOISK tAPi — An inmate at the Idaho Correction.il Institutwnm Orofino ha* becn chnrgcd with first-degree murder in the Tebruary 1963 sloying of n Boise gift shop munager.

Znr.c Jack Field*. 30. i* scheduicd for arraignmon: Thursdsy in Ada County Magistrale Court. He is accu>cd in the nlaytng of Mary Cathcnnc Vandcrford. O. who was ftabbed in the neck. chest and back dunng a robbery ut the Wishing Weil Gift Shop on Fcb. II. 19SH. -

Idaho /]^§i

Gilbert continues attack on Andrus

BOISE tAPt — Rcpublicun stale Sen. Rachel Gilbert of Boise is pressing Her attack on*Dcrr.ocrotic Cov. Cccii Andrus — nn asjioult Andrus ha* shrugged ofT a* polaticol postunng from o potentiol challenger.

Mr x\ndrus has used his position . as govcrnor to cocrce and threaten uthcr> inCo agrceing with hin^and to pay retnbution to those people who honcstly disogree with him." Mi •Gilbert ^ud Tuo*day o* she rcrx her nccufotions of last week dat the goYcmor hos abused the power óf his office.

She again bascd her chnrges on the goYemor bnrring Idoho Cattlc Association    Executivc    Vicc

Prcsidcnl Gary Clenn from his office dunng loM wcck s mceting with association lenders. But the vctemn luwmnker.    considering the

possibility of chnllcnging Andrus in tfie 19TO clećlioTiTcłaimcd that Just highlightcd a pottern of abuse of power and intimidalion by Andrus

‘Andrus holds pcrsonal and politicnl grud ges nguifist our people nnd interes! groups nnd I bclieve

YWCA.    Inst montli during the signing of n

I m not going to gcl into n major redurtion in ur.cmployment drbating socicty with Mimconc who'.benefit tnxcM that IACI hnd running for Uighcr ufTiCO." Ar.druc cngincerrd

said Rat her than bascd in fuct, they ithe chnrgcs) ure bascd in politics."

Ms Gilbert idirugged the rcoction off. claiming what she collcd the goYcrnor s discourteous behavior was a senous mntter thnt "the people of this stale nctd to talk nbout it.'

'Therc is u group of Kcpubltcnn partisans, in business and out of business, that didnt suppoyt me last limę and won t support me ncxt .time,- the goecmor said. ‘But l‘ve ncvcr pul the gun to their hcads.'

The senator clnimed there werc cvcn moro cxnmplca of Andrus'

—-r —^huiiaicd a number of incidcnts yjndictiYcnem^ut those directly

SEN. RACHEL GILBERT Blasts Andrus for abuses

nllows his penonal vindietiveness to interfere with stule business, and I Ihfak" UuilV m* riofuś * MCnilbert' totil


T)b\TOusly, >bc doesn t think much of me.* Andrus iu\>d after tnaking a passing rcference to \)w senator * atticks dunng a noon speech to the

%he clainied reinforced her charge* against the governor.**pccificn!ly contending Andrus threulened to .veto bills hacked by the Cattlc Asjocialion bccause of‘Glcnn's involvemcnt and by the Idoho Association of Commorcc nnd Industry bccause former Republicnn congrcssional aide Greg Cascy is it* dirretor.

meolYcd in them dccllncd to lctTier use their nameH for fcar of retribution from thr govcmor.

‘The only people allowcd in this office arc his politicnl friends.- the Yctomn Inwmaker said. There is o paltem of abuse.

But just before the first fncc-off betwcen the governor ond Ms. Gilbert last Friday s in his outer

Andrus Miid those claims arefintly’ office, Andrus hnd met with “mrtrue; poinring-that-he-worked—inemberH-of-the Applo Commmion.

with IACI dunng the Ust lcgislntivc session for passage of u number of meaaurcs its business members supported. In fnct. Cascy nnd the goYcrnor exchungcd comptimcnls

including the brothor and tho cnmpnign manager of conservativc Republicnn U.S. Sen. Stevc Symms whom Andrus ha* rcpeokdly been ot politicnl odds with.

Lottery plans move State launch closer

BOISE (AP) - In 90 days, Idnhoans mighl he able to buy the firat "insunt winner* tickcts in the new ?4atc lottery.

The Idaho l-ottcry CommUsion on Tuesday udopted opemting rules and regiilatśon* and nwarded major contracl*. moYing clo>er to launching the stale lottery approvcd by votci> >ix months ago Lottery officinls have been prcdicting a startup ot least by Septrmber. but Director Waliacc Itcdnck >uid things have been going so well thnt the likely rtartup could be mid-luly to carly August The fivr-mcmber Lottery Cummission nw.irded major contracts on an administrativc system. adveltising nnd for thr fir^t b.itch uf lic ket* that will U( >old Anderson Consulting, a branch of the mitiunnl Arthur AnderM>n and Cu. firm. will providc the administratur Computer system. The cnntr.ict ran lie worth Sflfil.tni. oixl will be ftwiichrd fn»m n leane to purcluise n* giiickly as the lottery sy>ieni •t.irt'* gciwrratmg rvvenue.

Dittler Brothers. Allanln. won n bid to >u^ily the tickrti at a price of AJ6 cenu.pct Lckcl..Lottery.officials estimated the stale will spend $gkV4ft for tickets ihr fi W yenr Idaho plan*, to ofTer unl> "scralch and ‘instant winner tickets umil the lottery system can afiord to inves! in sophisticated Computer gamę*.

Klgin Syfcrd Drakę Inc.. Boise, wos owordcd an ndvcrtising contmct which could go a* high a* SsGa.OOU per yeor. Advrnising Director Bob Cooper said Uh* nmount to he spent on ads would depend un sale* and the lypc* of games includrd m tlw* td.iho


Antronic*. Inc.. Boise, will provide security system* for the lottery office* and worehouse. with a bid of $49.318.

Lottery officials eslimate first-ycar sale* at $25 million. which would genernte a stale profit of SC niillion. After thr first    l»elp>

go townrd pnymg for thr Victnam Veterans Memoriał at Idaho Fali*, half of tlir rest w ill go mto a siatę construction fund

The etlier half of thi* profil* will g<* into a fund to help public school construction.

Sale* Manager Bill Apple gale said as of .Munday. thr stale ho* receited 1.098 appliCHlions to *ell lottery tickets. with a goud grographic luinnce acm^H thr stale

Opposiiihtt to thr lottery m two clection* wa* strongrst in southenstrrn Idaho, but lottery ufficial* *ay there appeatr* lo be no shortage of Tt iallrr*"Tn.lliat aren willing to *cll kittrr> tickets.

‘It appears to bc a business deci^ion for ihem," *aid llcdnck.

Tht* nriginal estimnle was that l.Ort) retaikr* would sell tickets. lait

Hcdrick said it now uppeors that there will bc 1.200 to 1,300 outlel* for lottery tickets in the State.

Rctłiilcrs get 5 percent of the ticket proceeds and Hcdrick said he i* working on u sale* incentive program that will awnrd (op retatler* nn cxtrn I percent bonus. A p.tcket of Information going out to prospcctiYe retuilers estimotes the \eariy sale* commisrion ot $1.250.

It costs $2S to npply for a sales jH*rmit. with an cxtra $100 to pay for security and finnncinl background checks.

With Maff ndditkms opproved by

the Lottery Commission on Tuesday. tho stale lottery now has 36 employees. When .the ’ 1989 IsCgislaturo uppnyrd some mostly minor law changes, it docrccd that lottery employees should be covercd by the statc merit aystem cxccpt tor the Pale* nnd security sUfTs.

HowcYcr. Hcdrick said moa of hit employees fali into the cxcmpt całego rics.

‘We nced to havc the flcxibility of hiring the best people for the job without the timc and problem* it takc* to go through the stotc pcrsonncl system,’ hesaid.


Tho UnlwYtty oS Utah School ol Mod)ctno'fl Vosculur Conior u dolsrmlr.LTg tho talcty ol a now laser anglnplosty diMco tn cpcntng obstnidod artcr.ci U you havo curuhtgrf ptofclofna tn your legs whtch couso paln w hor. wulklng. nonhcallng uicore or bot pain at ntgh*.. you may bo o conćtdoie br this ftod and Drug AdmtnturoSsn app.-crt*d dimcal siudy PlfOfo coc suit your phyotdan or. b: tnfcrmotłoo. coli 1801) Sfll-8301 or 1 -830-4448S38. octoosłcn 8301

State merit pay program off to rocky start

COEUR J)'ALENE IAP) -Problem* have surfaced in the way nt Irast *omc stale ogcncies intend to implcmcnt the ncw merit poy raise program for .\tatc workor*. according to pcrsor.nel officuls nnd members of the lcgi*lntivc comreittce that drafted the plan. .

This first ycar will be n little rocky." admitted Rep l. Ed Brown. R-Pocntclło. But we will get better ot it and we II sec employco* a bit rr.orr satisfied ’

State Per>onnel Director Richard Hutchison. who senes ns ar. adeisor lo agenci* on the new pay plan. >aid he had reciewed implemenling politics from f»ur agencie* >o far and found two fuilir.g tu mcci the Legislaturc'* iitlcnt. lic dedined tu

identify either.

"My role i* only. in this ca*c, an advisory one.“ Hutchison said. T can tell them it doc* not comply with IcgislatiYc intent. The Rersótinc) Committcc will undoubtcdly be '.ooking into the matter/

Under the ncw legi*lativr approach lo stale employee pa) hiken. agency super\iM»rs will a**e** tho performance of each worker nnd awnrd pay misę* bnsed on merit. Liwmnkcr* mlcnded all cmptóyec* performing udcquately.to rcceiYe ittcrcases of around S percent while those with exemplary performance would receive morę and tho«c not performing Mtlisf.ictorily would recetYc nu raise.

The program. effective July I.

mark^ the first time the I^gi*lature h.i> bascd the annual >tatc employee pay mile on merit aluoc.

One Panhandle llousc member. Marv Vnndenhcrg uf Goeur d Alcne. said the Land* Department impltmcntnlion plan is bascd soldy on job classification. not performance, and fai!s to mect the lcgi*lative >tai:dard

Sen. Kod Beck. R-Boise. who headed the joint committcc thnt drew up the merit plan. agreed the Land* Department proposal wa? ofT the mark. but he ako concedcd the new policy could rcnult in misinterpretnlion* that lawmokcr* wili have t« oddre** nett winter.

Dcspite thr glitchc*. howecer, Beck sald. We urc ullowing

manager* to manage — a novel npprnitch to sute guicmment/

Rep Pam Beng\on. R-llmse. who hcads the joint Committcc on Persowie! Miller*, said the panel will focus on how agencie* handle the pay hike.

There arc going to be *omc thnt will go off on their own nnd g»ve raises acros* the board.* Bengson *aid.

State, Nez Perce to renew wildlife talks

I.EWISTON' <AP> - Idnho stale ar.d Nez Perci- tribal ofTicial* may bc ready to renew ncgotialions towurd u xyv.cn of cnforcinc fish and wildlife tawu on ond nfT the .Nez Perce Indian Rttomtion.

Attorncy General Jim Jones cxiended nn offer lo Nez Perce ofTiciaLs on-Monday to renew talks. which slnrtcd nbout iwo ycars ago but haee stalicd over disapreement on a draft memorandum of

Mining companies • ordered to pay fines

MOSCOW <A?> — Two Las Vegas-kiscd mming companie* nnd* their operator* havc becn ordered to pay fines for vio!ui»on of Idaho sccuritics bw*.

Sceogd District Judgc John llcngston included tłse fines of $5,000 per violntion in hi* judgmcr.t against Ogon Mining Co. Inc. nnd Smith Mining (lo. Inc. and operator* Peter Kurii* and A.W. Martin, all of Lis Vega*

The sute Department of Financc went to court agninst tl^ dufcndantk J8 months ago.


In the^neantimc. cnforcement hn* contmued to be spoiły and led to argument* ov*er jurisdiction.

"We've done iome and they ee done some But thl*re’t really no procedurę." Jones said nfter at a Clarkston. Wi*h.9 conference spoasored by the Nez Perce Tribc on Columbia Rieer fishing righu.

Allen V. Pinkham. chairman of the Ner Perce Tribal Exccutivc

Committcc, praised the attorncy generał'* cfTortto renew the talks.

Tm glnd Mr. Jones ho* brought this issue up again," Pinkham soid. "Muybe we can como lo on igfrcmcM: maybew^cant."

Jones said the stale is proposing that the tribc bnr/Jle fish and wildlife YKłlatmnj by tribal members on the rcM?rvation atd the stole handle violHtion> by non lndians both on and off the re*crvnt:on.

. -b

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