Cammumtx Editon Pat Mnminfonio - 7.15*3288


Patie K-6

SunduY. Occobcr 16. 2005

1‘hc Times-News


Students help those in distress

•    t

Stork Report

Wendell. Bliss pupils raise morę than S1.000 for Katrina victims

The Goodlng County Leader

Wri idoli and Rliv* Miulculs taisod nunir dian $1.001) orni-binetl Im virinus ot 1 Inrrii.mo Katrina.

Rctuirn vpi. ii to!». Wendell Middlc S« ImniI Mudml- urn* ch.illengcd lo bring nmney to doiiati* (o tlit* Aiiieriian Rod Cross Kamila reliel luml.

I iirh grade enmpeled ogailtM ilu* -illiiT grade-s lo sit włiuhoiie i ntiUl r.iiM* the nuist. In Inm days. ilu* Miideiu*. raisrd >573.

Ilu* M'vrnil> grade unii ilu* loiltprtmou. i.iiMiig almosi lialł ul llie lul.il anioi.nl.

As a icward Im llieii elluris. ilu* cl.iv. nrmi d i»c* rirain hars iJon.ifnl In M.icei ;rl.

Ilu* Iii-.hm.iil ela>s al |tli» lligli School also raisnl limds lorviclimvollhchiiiiic.ini*

“Ilu* sindiMiis u.inied llie nioucv iłu*, raisnl lo go in a cliarin uhere iłu* musi lunds go 'o .Minus, sani lemtier Krisiim* Kuhv. * limy c lmsr the diaril\ mgaiii/alion. I miłl l or ilu- liungry. and raisi-d im*. $r>IKi In < •iłlcfiiiig |H‘iniii-s and holding a i ai wadi."

Huby sald it was e.wiung to see liou |i.issi«iMtr ilu- mii-dnils ut re a!n *ut helping theii Guli Coasi "m*iglil»«»rs" m this

111111* til erisis.

" 1 lu*y t anu* up i\*iilt tlit* ido i on ilieu own and arrangetl the peuuy dmo and far wasli." sin* sitid. ' We leally want to lli.illk lin* si luiii| .md On* u holi* (oininnniK lor llieii MipjMijt."

Above. Wendell Mlddle School students challengcd cach other to brlng In monotary dcnatlons to be glven to the American Red Cross lor Katrina vletlms. The seventh-grade class ralsed the most funds.

Top. Nlnt/i-gradc students at Bliss High School ralsed lunds for Katrina ylctlms by hosting a penny drlve and car washes.


Magle Valley Reglonal Medlcal Center

Mason Adan Clayion Christophcrscn. son of KriMccn Margano and Insen Michael Cliristopliersen of Hulil. was bom łhursday. Scpt. 22.2005.

Elias Nnt bamiel Govea. son of Kelly lenn F.dwards and Filas (Iowa Kundnenl of leronic. was liom lUesday. Sept. 27.2005.

Cossandra RcacJ Anderson, daugliter of Harfcun Ann and Axcl Iłcad Anderson of IWin Falls. was bom Montlay, Oce. 32005.

Gaugc Dlru Bowtln, son of Mielicie Lee Dubinn and Zoc-f,iri Gicu Bowlin of IWin Falls. was bom Monday. 0CL 3.2005.

Erin Marie Cuymon. dmgłi-ter of laiuisc Marie Gtiymonof (luoding. was bom Tucsday, Oct. 4.2005.


son* of c.rystal Dec Ann and Scotty Bcau Vbtrouhck of I lanscn. was Imm lOesday. (>ci. •I. 2005.

Sierra Rosę Wilson, daugliter of Jamie lynn and Gregory Allen Wilson ollWin 1-aUs. was bom 'Ibesday. Oct. •!. 2tXH>.

Wyatt Ross Rower. son of Rachel Dawn and Daniel Ross Rower of ilnlil. was bom

Wcdnesday. Oct 5,2005.

Kyra lane Kcnyon. daugliter of Alcxb And Kcnyon of IWin Falls. was Iłom Weuncsday. Oct. 5.2005.

Kourtncy Lyn Wclgi. d.iugh-(cr of lentiifcr l.yn and l)avtd Utul Welgi of IWin Falls. was Ironi Wcdnesday. Oct. 5.2005.

Madison Marie Lambert, daugliter ofjill Mairć and Siewu McCabe l-milieri of T\vlił Falls. was bomTliurMby. Oct. n. 2005.

Dcvon Joseph Dcitch. .son of Siacy Lynn and Stephen Grcgo-ry Deitcli oflWin Falls. was liom Iliursday. (kL d 2005.

Dawson 1U1ł7 Martin, son of Daphne Lunlse and Stewn Riley Martin of Jerome. was bom I n-day. Oct. 7,2005.

Riley Allen Edward Koch. son of Blair Lynnette and Walter Allen Kodi of Buhl. wns bom Saturday. Oct U. 2005.

St. Luke’s Wood Rlver Medical Center

Stcphlne Marie Taylor, daugliter of Rehecca /\ntłradn and l-mce Taylor of Stanley, was bom l**rłday, Sejit. 30.2005.

Kyle Grlffln Miller, son of Kami and I^irry Miller of llai-ley. was boni Sunday. Oct. 22005.


Local resldent receives district ISSA award

Abbcy Uurgess of TVvin l-'al!s bas receieed the 2005*2006 International Sanitary Supply Association Inc. Itinfic Nonli-west District Award.

Uurgess is a dmiMc major in pte-veierinary science and wikiiife resourccs at the Univer-sity of Idaho in Moscow.

Sile Ls a member of liii Eta Sigma. Gamma Sigma Delta. National Society ol Collegiatc Scholons and tlie IJniwrsity of Idaho I lonars GoRege.

She is presklait of tlie rugliy team amt plays indoor socccr

and dodge IkiII.

Semng ller Miplimnme \var as tłlepresident ol (Ile college of Naiurni Resources. Uurgess will be residem assisiant ber Junior year. Iliis siunmer. she worked as a wildiife rcliabilitaiion intern at Snowdon Wildiife Sanctuary in McCalL

Idaho student earns Bachelor degree at WSU

Julie C. Johnston Wldtlock of I lallcy has earned a Bachelor of ł\rts degree in sncial Sciences froni Wasliington State thiiwr* sity in lltliniati follouing ihe suiiimer 2005 seniester.

Harrison Donation

Meals on Wheels ____

(MMI *    kM

Harrison Elemcntary School In Twln Falls presented a chtck to the American Red Cross for $2,300 to help the vlctlms of Hurrlcanes Katrina and Rita. They ralsed 'he money ulth a popcorn sale (thlrd grade). a car wash (flfth grade). a hot dog sale. a used book sale -ni' donatlons. Kaltlyn Hager and the llfth grade class present the check to Whltney Beem wlth tho Red Cross oHIce In Twln Falls.

ntAt neu h> rw ........

The Benevolent Patrlotlc Order of Does (BPO) donated money to the Meals on Wheels program that provldes home dellvered nutrltlous,

Iow cost meals to senlors age 60 and older and those convalesdng or wlth mental or physlcal dlsabllltles. From lott Is Norma Morrlson, Sharon Mills and Dick Meamber.

We want your news

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E-mall: pa,lm?magic\3!ley.cwn


T.F. City Parks, Recreatlon Office teaches flrst ald

TWIN FAI.t.s - Tlie 1\vtn Falls Gity Baiks and Ri-crcaiion ofTtcc «> teachinga Fum aid class from 3:.'tu to listo p.m. Oct. 21. and c.udiopiilmonary a*susci-intion from 3:30 to fl:30 p.m. Oct. 2H at the l^rk-s and Rccre-ation nlfice. 136 M;ixwell Aw.

Hic cost is S-12 per.person, "łlie clitss will be tauglit by a cer-Ufietl Red Cross instnictor.

For ttiore information or to register, cali 736-2265.

Wlshing Star holds beneflt for M.V. chlldren

TWIN FALLS — Tlie Wishing Siar Dnindation ls liolijinga Ha-diollion on the Zeb Bell radio (alk show wbere pledges will Ik* acccpted from 8 lo 10 ani. Oct. 27 on-air.

"We would likc lo challenge all of the Magie Volley to donate to our wonacrful cause." said Allic Vurgas, diopter presldent. "We are a wish-gmnUng foun-dation that grants wishes cxdusively tu Idaho and Eastcni Washington childrcn who are fighting a lifc-thrcatcning ill-ness."    »

To make donations or to voluntcer. cali Vargas at 733-2254. e-mall fo alflomh-Ingstar^msn.com or mail to

IWO I iler A\r IŁ. Iw in FalK. II) 83301.

Hospłtal association honors Rupert resldent

SUN VAIJJT - The Idaho llovjiit.il AssiKiaium bas lum-oreti Kunert revkk-ut Mae Rubel of Miniuoka Mrninrial I (ospilal willi tlie 2005 leader of Vohin-leer 1-juelleru e award timing openiug cereitUMiies ’of tlie or-gani/^ithms rcreni 72nd annual coiwcntion in Sun VnHey.

llie annual award tecogni/es a hospiial aiutiliary memlier or volunu-er who makes special coiitrilnitiotis ol limu and talent for tlie proiiioiion ol liospiials and llcullli ran? in Idaho in :ui ii(ivalaxk'tl tapaeity.

Rubel .shntes nul only ctmsitl-erable linie and talent, but leadersbip. couipassion. coumge and LmglUer. the hall-marks ol an outstanding eolunteer. organi/.cts say. She' also liokls a part-time jKisition at tlie (dalio Department of Agriculture, vohinieers for countless eommuniiy comniii-tees and organbations and wjik vrotcd as the (iithnlic Woitian «»f i UicYear.

Sun Valley Center elects myrlad members

SUN VALI-EY — llie Sun Vai-lev (k-nler lor Ilu- Ans has an-uóuuretl its uew Roartl ol Imsłees members.

llie new members will eaeh serce a iliree-year lenn.

Aceording to tlie nonprolil center, new memliers are:

Gemma DaggJlt, who sj»e-ciali/es in mersefing lonstnirlioii projecis. primarily for noiiptolit tugani/aiious: Kiilliy loues. \y|io bas sereed iii leadersbip eaparilics ai a sunęły    of local    nonproni

nrgani/atkms; L-irry llel/el. an investnieni manager willi morę dian 30 years of experu-nce and a direcior on sewral corpor.ue boanls; Adrian Norris: a local real estate profession.il; ileidi (Riley. a fliiiincuil consuitani willi Smilh Rarni7: landa Potter.    who has    extcnsive

experience willi urts. arts edu-cation and oiher acadeinic orgaiu/oitions: and leITWillinnis. mi eslablLslied arcłdteci in the cominunity.

llie center s‘ otlier hoard members incluile Wilhelm Northrop, lttifus Brown, (earine (aissell. IJnda Edwards, Mary Gers-Jtse. Gary limu. Marsh a In-gli.Vm. Robin Leavit(. Katbie Lcsison, Dana Monson. Mlcliacl Murpliy. Beatricc O*-Conncll. Linda Packer. lYlna Peters. Rob Podolsky, Clifton Jtippon. Carol i Schelfelc-1 Holmes. Gaił Ilioroton. liii.

Vogcl. Fretl Wagner, lrank Wliii-lelsey and Gaił Wilkie.

CSI offers PowerPoint presentatlon workshop

TWIN FALLS — The (killege ol Souillem (dalio is offering. "Microsoft l*o\vcrPoiilt — A One-Day Workslmp" from 10 jun. to -I p.m. Oct. 28 in the Aspen lluilding. Boom 1+1. on the (-SI Ciiinpus. 315 Falls Ave.

'llie cosi is $50. Students will learn to usc Microsoft PowerPoint to design presentauons. llie class will cover menu op-tions and tools. crcating and formatting slides from tern-plates. design prcscntaliuus and insert-piciures. sounds. uioeies. tłiagranis, cliarts and special effecls.

lor morę infomtation or to a-gisłer. cali 732-6288 or 732-62‘X).

Aglng offlee representative , speaks at AARP meeting

HUlUJiY—Sherry Cann willi llie Arca VI Office on Aging at the College of Sauiłtem Idaho in IWin Falls' will talk on Alzheimer1* dlseasc at the Mini-Cassia American Association of Retiied Persons (AARP) mcctlng at 1 p.m. łhursday at Goldcn Heritage Senior Center. 2421 Oserland Ave.

Cum aitcnded Boise schoots. 'Ireasure Vallcy College in Ontario. Ore.. nnu tlie Unieersity of lilałio. She has degrees in pno-togmphy. journalism and adult education.

All interested peoplcarc lnvit-eil. Dick Meamber ls president.

Rupert błood drive is called a success

RUPERT — Morę than 100 units were drawn at a rcccnt American Red Cross hołd a blood drive.

'rhe Lu the ran Dorcas Sodety women prepared and hosted tlie cantecn, local men un-loaded and reloaded the bloodmolillcs. Boy Scout lToop Vcntmer 152 _ ddivercd the posters. ihe Rupert City Bulki* ing provided the site and Minidokn Memoriał Hospital s-olunteers iielncd cxpediie tlie proceduro fof ihe donors.

Galion plns were owardcd to: Bart Koyle. Crnig Sewrson and Ddhcrt ThraU. two gaUons; Dick Galbraitli. Uirce gallons; Stan Zieliński, four gaUons; Don Chisholm. słx ćallons; Gertrudę Stuart, 11 gallons; and Mary Bellem. 16 gallons.

Lynn Sumncr won the rafUc for a glft donated byTunmy In-Kram-

The ncxt drawing will be held , from noon to C p.m. Dec. 12 at the Rupert Civie Uullding.

Chlll cook-off held to thank flreflghters

HAGEKMAN —- Tlie Hager-man Vailcy Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring an event to ihank and benefit Hagcrntans vpiunteer fircftghl-ers.

llie bciieCt will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. Siiturday at Ute American Legion Hall. Tlie cost ls $8 for adults. S4 for childrcn under age 12 and S25 for fami-Ues. Ali procccds will go to Uic eoluntccr fia*fighter's funili

Tlien* will be a cłiili-cook-off contest. bingo gumes. cake walk and dinner of chilł. com bn*ad. bakcd potato bar and saiad bar.

Fircflghtcr judges from the U.S. Bureau of Land Manage* mani and from Ute Bliss. Buhl. Goodlng and Wendell firc dc-panments ivill Judge ihe best chlll. Prizes will be awarded.

On Aug. 29 and 30. the Hagcrman Fire Protcction District fougłu a huge firc north of Uogerman Uiat bumed 4.000 aeres and came elose to liomcs. but akrng w1di scvcrul firefight-ing units, Uie Gro was itopped, the cłiambcr report ed.

For morc Information on how to enter Ule contest. cali Kris PoUilernt 837-6613.


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