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34 Tyrfo F#ll» Tlme>-Now> ^ur»doy# Oct. 27, 1960

• • \

Yoiir Family descrVes the

liAGNA-COp®. thc.yoara-ahoad- cąjpr TV;

• >oficrs you^^fthc aćlYańcęd fcatufe? ybu want' "^rittinrowl rAmtod^Ma^fcyo^bringflf you

ACTRO^ONIC iSM&ĄtB STEREO-,which :^«irpasse$* ąU-ptheę nchięvcmopta in • the rę-•'.crention ęffound. A^ro-Sonic givcs you .truły Btfpcrb high fidćlity eoiind on TV, Stereo FM

—pUi&-RM/AM-Rsdio-«nd~from-reoprd8r-We cordially invito you to como in for, tho most exciting derrionstration pf Color TV and Stereo you’ve ever scen or heard! Select from over thirly magnificen £Magnavox etyles in'authen-—iic fine filrniture.-    ——— --——•—

lVi*j<ini»V‘Q I    —brings you

btightcr,.mote v>vid pictures that ara far superior to other' color TV makcsl Colors aro far moro "natura!, too.    * ------ ——

tvv.u]i»;>vu;; v.h: t.*m.•• tmt: _8dds thrilling depth and dimension to color; eye-ploasing warmth and bcauty to black and whito pictures.

Afciqn;iv«*:: Ouitsfc •'»it —|©ts pictures flash to lifc in just soconds; no annoying waiting period during set warm-up.    _

Solid-state Storoo FM


nolso-froa Monaurat FM, and AM Redio

Four high fidelity speakors    I

ExcIusivo Micromatic


.. keeps all picturos purel Lots you move your , Magnavox—cven to oihei rooms—wRhoutKećeś^ \* ^ sity of cafling a san/iccman to re-adjust the picturoL

Player fots rocordś

ast a

Diamond Stylus ls guarantecd 10 yoars

return ii lp TpTZTrofrrrtcjłT dhtorlioncratTtr^ w tir Ufider' norma! uie. •dealer wffl tepiaca Diamond wnhóut charge.’Labor.it any. not mchrdtd.    •    *

•'RepUccd by dealer U d*fodivo undar norma! uso. Other aterco parta guaranraad l^yaar. Dealer also pmidaa tria rxovlco tor pjnety da fi. ^

Mognavox Astro-Sonic Stereo Theatres cost you-loss than comparablo Color TV and Stereo units-purebased separetely    wtjh 265 tertttrp\m\tMagnyr

Color TV features ai loft. lSAVoits urtd«;tOfte<J musie powor. So depcndablo-ib# śotid-siote jtereo compononu ore gueremocd &-ycm*\ In atlthemJcFtr Eostćrn Comemporaiy lino furmuirc. it i$ ono of thirtccn magnifceont Magnavox-stYte—irra wkJe vorłcty of finishes.

Only Magnavox brings youAperfectłcolor pictures

Big-Picturo-295-sq. In.'-RectnnfluliuiSgraon nim

TOTAL. Ramota Control

AUTOf/ATICALLY. Colors romain truo without any critical manuał fino tymng J which usually dogrades picturos I

Magnavox-tho "fineśt, arnt-your-boŁUauy-on-any bosis of comparisonl

Duo to eurront lndu*try-w1<JoViortao# of color tuboi. not ovory MopnoyÓK.model m«y~bo ovoiloblo for Immodl.to doilvory. -M.k»-yout-.»lacUoivnowl__



Tho Ornnftdft-mofleJ 4.T686 ln.p.’d-world Motll-l««r<ino.in l»no fufiyjufo. Gkillno T#n^bour Doou coikoaI TV Kipon wlion not ,ln i«»o. Conconlod •w(vnl cottffi parn^ii ooiy movlng. Four high fidelity ipeokora głvo you ihnlUng proflrfim reull^m. Ond ot 1Wo mnonH'ft#nt iiyfoi. Aho #vfill«Wo •* modo! 4.nT587 wlch TOTAL Hemoi# Cof\uof-S760.

Th# noc^olfo-motfol 2«T52G In limofoss fronch P/ovłncfat furnllur#. Hat Ola PłCluro 270 nj- In. rocian(M!ar icroon plu» iwo hlgli IkJotiy AIio tYAlfibl# ki M«dll#rrdnt#n# tarły Amorlctn and ConUcnporary furn(iur#.^Or>ce you'v# Aoon vłvict M#ona-Cok)f TV, you’lł r#v«r •otlto lor thyihlag loul

Tfi^ CosmopolUan—modni 3-T612 Wi\U 26S *<]. In. ACfien. 0* ova1 ćilonded-rango Aponker plut ton# control (In all mpdoli). In llo# Comomporniy luml-turo. II l« alio avs    < s model 3. f\TS18 wtth TOTAL

Rernot# Comrol—#660.

Tho Ccncofd-morfol 1-T50I. ono ol tho mnny ninonifteont Mnoonvmc    in ovn#.

populnriColoninl ily«ng. Wondo«1uty coinjucl end ipacn-Mvlrvfł. whh: 100 tq. in. toctunguOr Ktoen. Oriliimc Color. Chromotono. Oulck-On. Color Punflttf ondJoloACoiiny UIim.Io #m#nna. Sitowo on ofiUonal T.23U Mohllu C#«l,


Twln FallsVldaho 733-2233 • _ . , : ,

‘Don’t Buy It Until You Try It


Como in and view_:.. your favorito program in color. ‘


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