


2. You and your friend talk about the school envlronmenc. You ask him/her about iL You

Yourfriend You

Your friend You

iii    «!>>••••■* >>• »in»«»«nm m mm •#•«••»•••• »•» •«•••••«•• • •«•••••• •••••••»•*••««* » ••»••••»•»«

Your friend

3. Enggar and Rusma talk about the importance Engilsh Enggar asks Rusma about It.





................Ml..'    •••••'




4. Mr.Surya asks his wlfe, Mrs. Mumun, about where their son sbouW go afer graduated from junior high schooi to SMA or SMK.



Mrs Mumun Mr. Surya Mrs Mumun Mr. Surya Mrs Mumun

V/. .*'    .'.V    *.'•    .9    V .*•


•••!«••••••••••»•••««••••••••••■»••••••«•»•*••«•••••••••••«!•••••••••••••••!•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••■•••■•••••ta••••••<


ln. iU, on

Study these exampie ln

1.    There łs no one ln the room/in the bullding/in the garden

2.    What have you got In your hand?

3.    When we were In Italy, we spent a few days In Venice

4.    1 have a friend who lives in a smali village In the mountains

5.    Look at the people swlmming in the sea/ln the pool/in the river.


1.    Who Is that man standing at the bus stop/ at the door/ at the window

2.    Tbmleftatthetrafflclight/atthechurch

3.    Wrlte your name at the top/at the bottom of the page

4.    Agela's house Is the white one at the end of the Street

5.    When you leave the hotel, please leave your key at 'eception On

1.    I sat on the fioor/on the ground/on the chair/ on the grass

2.    There Is a dirty mark on the wall/on the ceUlng/on your nose/on your shlrt

3.    Have you seen the notice on the door/on the nodce board?

4.    You'll find the detali of TV programs on page seven (of the newspaper)

12_ BAHASA INGGR1S UntuK SMA/MA Ketos XiyGa»l/A-071 |


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