Imnginc you are a batuty theraptst Talk about youi tcenage clicnts and your beauty ialon's policy in rclabon to this group of ebenes.
lmagine you are Sandra. Talk about the tccnagc dient you had yester-day.
lmagine you ha/e bcen asked to give a mimlectutc to tcenagets at somc school to cdi them about ptopa skin cart. What would you talk about5
it*» aboat tiroc -
om •
Ktuilly - faktycznie.
' »I • mpnyrdę .
blackhcad - węgicr ' •i outbnrak - wyprysk period - tu: mieszaka -rciation - zwózek j‘-! to chcck - apcawdrid io dimmiah - zmniejszyć i fi . to set to work - ubrać ńę óó
i pney
A bunt) tbtinput (5) and a Ittnagt cSal (Q
S: 1 sce you haven’t had a facial for a long uroe.
C: Weil... l've nevet had a fadal ytt.
S: Itls about timc to change it.
C: Absoluiely. My face is giving me problem*.
S: When did it actuaUy begin?
C You mcan the blackheads and all that Staff?
S: Yes. And all these outbreaks and the likc.
C: About a yeat ago but its bcengetring worse all the timc.
S: What about your petiods? When did you begin to metuttuate? Ate your petiods rcgular?
C 1 had my fiest period in spnng fctst ycar. They were faidy regular, I think, but not recendy.
S: Have you nodeed any telation between the appeatance of the outbreaks and your penods? ■
O Now dut I think of it... yes. My Skin gets worse before each period.
S: I bdiorc wc can help you ease some of yout skin pioblems. But I would also advisc you to sec a gynaccologisr to chcck your hor-mones. You may lic ptesaibed something to diminish your probierni.
C Perhaps I should, rcally.
S: Now, kt mc set to work and sec what I can do
Talk about the clicnt Sandra had and her advice givcn to the girl.
Act out the dialogue.
Crtat - wydarzenie witness - świadek w cif (ling - ślub Irłal - próbny
to cnjoy onesetf - dobrze się bawić
fabric - materiał
to look desperate - wyglądać
to coitceal - okryć bulgc - zgrubóenic, wybrzuszenie to seratek-drapać (o tinker - majstrować the woni thing - najgorsza rzecz
day in day oot - dzień w dzień gratcful - wdzięczny debtor - dłużnik we are about to begin - zaraz zaczynimy
A Uautj tberufusf (5) atu! a ttatage cktnt (Q
S: So... when is the grat evcm?
O In two weeks’ timc on Saturday. Tm going co be a witness at my sistert wedding,
S: And you’vc comc to havc a ttial makc-up for the cvemng.
C: Yes, you understand mc, don“t you? Pvc got only one sistcr. I musi look grat to fecl grat and cnjoy myself.
S: May 1 nsk you what you’rc going to wcar?
C I cipceted the quesuon. Tve brought a piece of the fabric my dress is madę of. Herc it is.
S: I sec. Itll be vciy hclpful. Now let mc have a good look at you.
C: I look desperate, don’t I? And this pimple on my forehead. \V31 you be ablc to conccal it?
S: 1 can do almost anythtng, if neccssaty. But you can also help your-self.
C 1 try to squcczc out al) these bumps but thejr kcep coming upi And then my skin gets jo uchy! I just can*t stop myself from sccatching.
S: Tinkering with your complcxion in this way is in fact the woisc thing co da 111 tell you what cosmctics to buy and how to carc for your skia