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Givc a miniprcscntaiion about thc nccd for body trcatment and mas-sages and about how thc Tip-Top Bcauty Studio is prcparcd for thcm.
Give a mmiprcscntation about types of massagcs offcrcd by a bcauty salon. ExpŁain why you ofFer thcm.
Ued beauty is simplidty and tranęrility
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Sandra, a bcauty therapist and thc owner of thc Tip-Top Studio, is very popular with her clicnts not onły duc to her nicc and professional looks but also duc to her professtonal ways.
Shc ałways wears a perfeedy dcan, perfeedy cut and perfeedy ironcd grcen uniform. Mer hair style is neat, elegant and fashionable. Her makc-up is dclicate and inconspicuous, just suitablc for thc job. Her fingernails are short, shapely and perfeedy manicurtd. The skin of her hands is always soft and nicc to touch. Shc puts a bit of hand cream on it each timc shc washes her hands. Thete is always somc debcate scent of per-fume around her.
Sandra is highly professtonal in her dealings with ebents- In her job she must ask a lot of qucsoons, give a lot of advice and make a lot of rccommendaoons. Asking qucstk>ns she cannot be suggesrive or vague. She cannot scem too personal or too inquiadve. It is a reaJ art to elicit all the nccessary ioformadon from dte client. Shc must creatc a friendly atmosphere in wliich thc dient opens up and pimndes her with the m-fotmadon shc needs to choose a treatmem. On thc othet hand, grnng advice or making tecommendadons she must be comńncing and per-suasivc but not insistent or imposing Oients should havc an impression that they make their own deasion. They should also have a feeling that a given trcatment is the best and thc most effccdve. Mortover, they should be convinccd that it is good value for moncy.
Like every good beauty therapist, Sandra asks her clicnts about all and any possible health, and especially skin-rclated probłems, about their durauon and severity. Shc tnes to find out if they are not associatcd with anything like the food eaten, eaposure to sunlight or wata. She asks how
owner - wlwciciel(b) popular with *b - popularny wiród..
due to slh - s powodu aegoi Professional looki/ways
- profesjonalny wygląd/
/sposób postępowania
to w car (a uniform) - nosić (uniform) neat - schludny fashionable - modny Inconspicuous - nie rzucający się w oczy suitablc for sth - odpowiedni do czegoś
(ingeroalls - paznokcie u rąk
shapely - kształtny
nice to toudi - miły
w dotyku
a bit - trochę
scent - zapach
dealings - relacje, kontakty
to girę advice - udzielać
to make rccommendations
- udzielać zaleceń suggesltte - sugerujący rague - mglisty, niejasny ti>quisi(ive - wicibski
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