Talk about what is important in the chokc and applkation of make-up
Ptcpare a set of instrucoons on what to do and what tó avoid whcn choosing and applytng makc-upi
ExpUin step by step how to work on:
1) evenir.g make-up;
2) officc make-up;
3) stage/fashion show make-up
Beautyis in the eye ofthe behoUer
Anita is a woman of success. And not only in hcr profcssional carccrf Also, in hcr appcarancc. Shc has Icamcd to nunagc hcr tiinc in a pcrfecr way and find dmc for ali hcr nccds, induding skin otrę,
Shc follows a daily skin*carc regimcn day in day out, no mattcr how bosy or tircd shc is. It docs not takc hcr much timc, just up to 10 minutes cvcry cvening Shc l\as consultcd hcr bcauty thcraptst and has sclcctcd qu:ility skin carc products appropriatc for hcr kind of skin. Shc has bccn following che rcgimcn for a few months now and the rcsults arc clcarly yisihlc.
Just bcforc gotng to bed shc deans hcr skin of ali makc-up and cn-rironmcntal rcsiduc. To do it shc uses a facia] steamer or just soaks a washdoth in steaming water. Shc steams hcr face for some two min-utes. The steam opens the cioggcd pores of hcr skin. Next, shc spbshes warm water on ha face and neck. Th en, shc pours a smali amount of skin ckansei into hcr hands* mixes it with some water and works u mto a acamy lathcr. After that, she massages the lathcr on to ha wet face with ha fingertips or a soft cocnplexK>n brush. Shc uses ddicatc drcular mooons. She docs noc ovcrdo things. The massage takes about 1 minutę. She ncver forgets to indude in it the neck area. Afta the nussage shc dnses the face gendy with warm wata and pats it gendy dry with a soft towcl. Anita ncvcr uses a generie kind of soap. Shc docs not sparc moncy to buy an approptiatc, high-cjuaJity deanset. Shc is also csucful to avoid the ddicatc skin around ha eyes. Ncxt, shc dampens a piece of cotton with a toner and gendy wipcs hcr enure face and neck area. Shc always buys an alcohol-frcc toner. Her bcauty dierapist has told hcr that alcohol-based toners have a damaging and drymg effcct on the
to mnnage tlme - urą&tAt aa*cm
to foliowa rcgimcn
- pszestorgać ustalonego sposobu postępowania
no mattcr how - bez względu tu to jak
to coosalt sb - zasięgn*ć czyjej! rady, skonsultować się zkimś
kind - rodzaj
ckaily ńsible - wyraźnie
cmironmcntil rcsiduc
- odpady fcodowlskowc facial steamer - aparat do robienia parówki
to soak - namoczyć washdoth - myjka generie soap - zwykle mydło steam - para
cioggcd pores - fciaopowanc pory
to splash - ochlapywać to pour - nalewać amount - i łoić to work Into a lathcr
- rozrabiać na pćanę