Communication skills questions-

what is important about them?

Telephone Skills

Thlnklng through In advance what you want to say. Keeplng business calls to the point.


Employlng a loglcal order & structure. Uslng vlsual alds ef-feetlvely. Bulldlng rapport wlth your audlence.

Belng elear & conclse. Encouraglng guestions.

Giving & Accepting Criticism

Saylna sorry In an assertive. 1 not passlve way. Allowlng dlsa- greements to be brought Into the open. Uslng the pralse sandwfch when criticislno.

Motivating & supporting

Glvlno Pralse.


encouragement Givlng thanks for pralse or help. Worklng well In a team.



Biucc Woodcock, I>wakent a< tik Uniwcrtity ol Kent Caretrt

Persuading & Negotiating

Gettlng an agreement accepta-ble to both sldes: win: win. Backlng up polnts wlth logie. Showlng tact to those you dlsagree wlth.

Gathering Information


Body Language

Asking open & problng ques-tlons to understand views & feellngs of others. ClariMnn & sunmiailslna what they are saylng.

Accurately hearlng what people are saylng & expresslng interest.

Showlng empathy.

Uslng It yourself & belng sensl-tlve to Its use by others: eye contact, gestures, head nod-dlng, smlllng, open posturę.


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