b. to schsduled c was scheduling d. to be scheduled '^e. was to scheduled { 5. jBambang looks very happy today,

^7wDon't you know he to General Manager?

^ a. has promoted

b.    to be promoted

c.    being promoted

d.    has to promoted —,e. has been promoted

6.    Howold is the mosque? IŁ.... before I was s bom

a.    bmlt

b.    tobebuilt

c.    wasbullt^-'

d.    hadbu.lt

~ s e    had been bulldmg

7.    -I want the red dress display - the window yesterday.

Tm sorry, it....."

a.    had been selling    t    MsscSd

b.    has to sełl    e.    has oeen sold

c    had to be soki

8.    Lastweek.1.... ajocata «a'&an< bet I didntaccept IL

a.    isofierac    d.    wasteofier

b.    wasespeceo    e.    wasemployed

c.    wasoffered

9.    Ailthemooey.....atthisbanklsguaranted

safe and fruftful

a.    Istodeposit    d.    deposit

b.    Isdepositlng    e.    Isdeposited

c    deposrted

10.    Which painbng will be exhibited tomorrow ?

"We don’t know yet, tney.....by the team.

a.    are stiśl being seiected

b.    are sbll selectjng

c.    still be selecting

d.    sbll seiected

e.    stiflseiects

11.    Donny.... to his walkman when I....

a.    were listening, arrived

b.    was listening, arrives

c.    was llstening. arrlved

d.    was listening, arriving a was listened, arrived

12.    What.... thls Ume yesterday?

a.    were you do

b.    was you doing

c.    were you dld

d.    was you done

e.    were you doing

13.    How fast... when theacddenŁ...

a.    were you driving, happened

b.    was you driving, happened

c.    you were drivlng, happened

d.    you was driving, happened

e.    were you drivlng, happens

14.1.... along the Street when suddenly I.... footsteps behind me.

a.    walked, was heańng

b.    walked, were heańng

c.    was walkJng, heard

d.    were walklng, heard a was walklng, hearded

15. When I was young, I.... to be an artlst.

a. wants    d. want to

b. wanting    e. wants to

c.    wanted

Task 5: Study the following sentences then decide what would you say to offer your help? (Discuss It wlth your friend)

1.    You see an old woman Is golng to cross the Street Answer

2.    On the way home, you see your teacher's car has a fiat tire Answer

3.    You see one of your neighbour trying to move a heavy cupboard Answer

4.    You see an o|dman is golng to and fro In front of you. He comes to look for something Answer

5.    You sit on a bus, a woman and her Irttle boy sit beside you. He Is erying because of thirsty and you have a drink


I I ^HASA INGCRIS UntuK 5MA/MA Kclas XI/Gagl/A-07 15


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