The man cafcs in canteen eyesyday Hc setdom eafcs In a resłaurant (would prefer)

.4/tSłvsy ..•*»•»......*........................................

Susan Iikes musie

She iikes drama very much (prefer)

/taswer • »••,••••• ian !»'»•••• t ■<■>••••••••««••• iiłii MiitiiMii

She wants to be a stewardess Shedoesnt want to be a hairdresser (llke)

/toster.................................... ..........

My uncle llstens to a radio everyday He never watches teeviston (woutt preser)

Awer ................................................

Diana Iikes rockvery much She hates of dangdut (prefer)



Task 1; Wrfte sentences saying whkh of these jobs you would rather have and glve the reason

Example: artist or tócdrldan

I would rather be an aitlst than an etectrlrian because being an artist can make me famous

BA HASA INGGRIS UflttlkSHA/MA Kclas XI/Ga5a|/A-0?


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