^h»hiMl'"*! > tapescript page 254

Follow-up activity: If students find the idea of 'smart dothes' interesting, you may ask them to work in groups to develop their own 'smart dothes' concepts and present them to the dass.


1c 2a 3b 2


The preparatory exercises should be done in dass and the

writing itself set as homework.

The aims of the exercises are:

1    to remind students that in the letter-writing task ("dłuższy tekst użytkowy") there are always eight items of information they should indude, and to practise identifying those items in the rubric;

2    to provide students with some natural-sounding phrases they can indude in their letters;

3    to remind students that a letter must have an introduction and a conclusion, and to revise phrases which can be used in

4    to revise opening and dosing phrases.

Encourage students to use Bank Słów on page 52 to choose

words and phrases to describe appearance and personality.


•    Podziel się nowiną i powiedz, gdzie para się poznała.

•    Podaj przynajmniej dwie cechy wyglądu opisywanej osoby.

•    Podaj przynajmniej jedną cechę jego charakteru opisywanej osoby popartą przykładem.

•    Wyraź swoją opinię na temat nowego związku i zapytaj kolegę/koleżankę o zdanie.


1 - 2- 3+ 4+ 5- 6+ 7+ 8-


1 letter 2hear 3 love/regards 4hear Swritten 6forward

Openings: Dear Kitty, Hi Ricky,

Student A

Student B

Rozmowa wstępna



Zadanie 1



Zadanie 2



Zadanie 3



Szybka powtórka

This section can be used to fili the last five minutes of the lesson, or can be set as homework.


1e 2d 3a 4f Sb 6c

6 intelligent, bright, clever 3

1c 2b 3a 4a 5 with 6of 7c 8a

Additional revision activity

Distribute blank slips of paper. Students write their names on the slips, fold them and put them in a hat or box. Everyone then draws a slip and has to describe the person they drew without mentioning the name. Write the following prompts on the board:

Appearance Clołhes today Personality Likes/ dislikes Feelings today

The descriptions are all placed on the board/ noticeboard or on a table, and everyone has to find the description of himself/ herself. Use your judgment to decide if there is any risk of nastiness towards anyone in the dass!

Below are three ways of using the section in dass. In all three

students work in pairs.

1    Students carry out a complete ‘orał exam' with one in the role of the examiner and the other as the candidate. When doing the corresponding section in the next unit, they should remember to take on different roles than in this unit.

2    Students carry out a complete ‘orał exam' with one in the role of the examiner and the other as the candidate. Then they switch roles and carry out the whole exam again.

3    Students switch roles after every task, as shown in the table below. When doing the corresponding section in the next unit, they should take on the roles in a different order.



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