Thosc candidatcs that come from the political groupings comprising prescnt parliamcntary majority (like Marian Krzaklewski, Leszek Balcerowicz and Jerzy Buzek) would be able to count on (though not that substantial and noticeably less than is the case with Aleksander Kwaśniewski), in the presidential elections, a morę friendly disposition amongst individuals who look hopefully at the development of the situation in Poland and who positively evaluate the changes in the standard of living of their own families. Aleksander Kwaśniewski enjoys above avcrage support amongst individuals exprcssing misgivings as to the dcvelopments taking place in Poland as well as those claiming a worsening in the materiał circumstances of their own households. The currcnt president is therefore the represcntative of people unhappy with the situation in Poland, perceived as the rcpresentative of the opposition. (Author\s summary)
The magazines addresscd to young people in Poland have come in for severe criticism lately (most of all madę by right-wing groups). They are told to spread depraved content and to concentrate on evil values of modern Iife. Despite some drops in circulations, typical for almost all pcriodicals nowadays in Poland, the group of cheap popular magazines, often being Polish replications of Western editions, seem to be rclatively successful on the press market. On the other hand, magazines presenting morę traditional, ‘decent’, most often Christian point of vicw, suffer from shortages in sale.
However, such opinions on the content of popular magazines have rarely been corroborated by empirical rcsearch. In this publication the findings of an empirical study of selected magazines for Polish youth are discusscd. The authofs focus of attention is the system of values presented in the vocabulary of magazines. He describes and rcconstructs the most evident hierarchics of values, and then juxtapose them with the theorctical framework of Polish language values and with theory of semantic prototypes dcvelopcd by J. Puzynina.
Five popular (commercial) magazines and one Catholic weekly wcrc analyscd. Initial investi-gation showed that two types of valuation manifest most of all in the papers for youth: the core of the first type is marked by preference for instrumental value (readers are offered instruments for reaching values, and instruments themselves sometimes are treated as valucs). This is the case of all magazines except for the Catholic weekly. The latter magazine turned out to prefer another type of valuation — values are being subject to direct execution (readers are offered ‘elear’ valucs, which occur in groups, often creating hierarchical structurcs).
The magazine preferring the instrumental type of valuation avoid using words of dircct valuation (e.g. to evaluate, positive, negative) and concentrate on groups of aesthctic, musie, morał, vital and sensual values and anti-values. The Catholic magazine not only contains multile-vel structurcs of vital, morał, transcendental (both good and evil), epistemological, morał, religio-us, but also aims at meta-debates, in which values are discusscd.
Then, following the popular opinion that morał and transcendental values differentiatc the most the two types of magazines, author concentrate on linguistic constructions of sacrum and profanum in the magazines for youth. It turns out that the evil makes almost no threat in the first group of papers. Moreover, the cvil itself can bccome the good (nobody fears the evil, which can be played with and transformed). In the Catholic paper the evil is not only still prescnt, but it is continuously dangerous. Herc the good itself can become the cvil (e.g. in case of the incomplcte good, which is not absolute, so is susceptible to sin).
Generally, the analysis shows that Polish magazine-for-youth market is characteriscd by advanccd re!ativisation of values. Values which are most important for some audiences have at the same time almost no valuc for other people. Secondly, therc are two types of valuation in the papers, thus there are at least two types of audiences. Some editors instrumentalise values to reach their readers, at the price of offering only substitutes of values. The others absolutise values and defend traditional hierarchics of values at the price of losing readers-hip. (AuthoFs summary)