Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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Scanning lon-selective Electrode Technique:

The Power and Pitfalls

S. Lamaka

ICEMS, Instituto Superior Tścnico, Technical University ofLisbon, Portugal

Identification and quantification of Chemical species participating in electrochemical processes sheds light on the Chemical aspects of electrochemical reactions, thus clarifying their mechanisms. lon-selective microelectrodes are unique tools that enable one to provide information about localized activity of specific ions in solu-tion (e.g. H+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Al3+, Na+ and Cl ). The micro-potentiometric measurements with ion-selective microelectrodes can be performed using SIET and SECM in poten-tiometric modę. The lecture will introduce the basics of micro-potentiometry, dis-close the limitations and pitfalls of SIET and gives an overview with various applica-tion examples essential for materiał science.


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P1030023 (3) inumą #
P1030023 (3) inumą #
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