Vrije Universiteit Brussel


innovatinq together


Differential Video Imaging of Corroding Surfaces

H. S. Isaacs

Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA

The Differential Video Imaging (DVIT) technique employs digital imaging to locate the changes in the surface brought about by corrosion processes. The method con-sists of recording a series of images and subtracting them in real time to assist in locating where changes are taking place and also the naturę of the corrosion. Gen-erally electrochemical methods are also studied during the experiments. The poten-tial and current are stored so the correlation with the surface changes are easily madę when corrosion initiates or stops following any additional environmental vari-able as for example the addition of an inhibitor. The technique also includes the software to monitor specific colors or the spectrum of the colors important in the growth of oxide films. In addition to the principles of the technique and the cells employed, the presentation will include investigations of localized corrosion, the use of indicators, and behavior of welds .


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